Installing the products


The Rational® PurifyPlus product family includes Rational PurifyPlus, Rational Purify®, Rational PureCoverage®, and Rational Quantify®.

A PurifyPlus license allows you to use Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify, and provides a unified procedure for installing all three applications on your system at the same time. Individual product licenses are also available.

Installing each product includes three steps, though depending on your situation you may be able to skip one or more of them:

  1. Obtaining a license for the product.
  2. Install the product on your system using the rs_install program.
  3. Performing any necessary post-installation configuration procedures.
This chapter tells you how to gather the information you need to perform these steps, as well as basic instructions to get you started with each one. It also contains information about related tasks (such as uninstalling) and administering the GLOBEtrotter FLEXlm® Software License Manager that is included with your Rational Software product.

Step 1: Obtaining a license for your Rational product

Refer to the following table to determine whether you need to perform Step 1, based on the type of license you are setting up.

License Type


Allows the use of the product without time limits.

If you do not yet have a valid permanent or TLA license set up, gather the information specified in Information you need to obtain a license and then request a license from AccountLink, Rational Software's license management web tool. This applies if you are a first-time purchaser of the Rational PurifyPlus products.

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the product and still have a valid permanent or TLA license, go right to Step 2: Installing your Rational product. When you run the installation script, be sure to choose the option USE AN EXISTING RATIONAL LICENSE ; you must then enter the location of your existing license.

To enter a permanent or TLA license key after you've been using a startup or evaluation license, see Entering a permanent or TLA license key after initial installation.

Term License Agreement (TLA)

Allows the use of the product for a specific period of time.


Gets you up and running as soon as you receive your Rational product. Note that you will have to enter a permanent or TLA key later to continue using the product.

Go right to Step 2: Installing your Rational product.

When you receive your permanent or TLA license, see Entering a permanent or TLA license key after initial installation.


Allows you to try out the product for a limited time. Note that you will have to enter a permanent or TLA key later to continue using the product.

Information you need to obtain a license

In addition to contact information, you will need to provide the following information to AccountLink, Rational Software's license management web tool, in order to obtain a .upd import file with licensing information:
Data for AccountLink
Your Entry
Your Rational account number
Source: your Rational license key certificate.
License Type
Source: your Rational license key certificate.

Permanent and TLA licenses for PurifyPlus can be either Floating licenses or Named User licenses.

Permanent and TLA licenses for Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify are always Named User licenses.
Rational Product Line
Source: your Rational license key certificate.
Product Name
Source: your Rational license key certificate.
PurifyPlus for UNIX, Purify for UNIX, PureCoverage for UNIX, or Quantify for UNIX
Source: your Rational license key certificate.

This is the number of Floating licenses or Named User licenses that you intend to install. This cannot be greater than the number of licenses you purchased.

Host Name and hostid
This is the name and hostid of the machine that you intend to use as your license server host during installation.

If the license server host is different from the installation machine, you must have remote shell access from the installation machine to the license server host. 

In addition, the installation directory must be accessible from the license server host.

If you do not know the hostid of your license server host, you can download and run the tool after you have begun your license request on AccountLink. Go to Obtaining a .upd import file using AccountLink.


Obtaining a .upd import file using AccountLink

Access AccountLink at The AccountLink website provides instructions for requesting licenses.

When you supply the required information to AccountLink, you will receive by return email a file named license_for_<server name>.upd. Save this file in a location that is accessible from the installation machine.

Go on to Step 2: Installing your Rational product.

Step 2: Installing your Rational product

Install your product using the script rs_install.


Information you need for rs_install

The information you need to supply to the rs_install script depends on what type of license you have, and on how you are setting it up:

If you are installing a new permanent or TLA license and are importing a .upd file

Data for rs_install


Your Entry

The full pathname to the installation location (referred to in this chapter as Rational).

This is the directory for installing all Rational Software products.

You must have 20 megabytes of free disk space for each installation of Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage. You must have 60 megabytes for a complete installation of PurifyPlus. Note that these are per-platform figures.

The directory must be accessible from every machine on which you plan to run the Rational products--both the machines on which users instrument their applications, and the machines on which users run their applications. The directory must be the same for each machine, so you cannot use a local automount path like /tmp_mnt/Rational.

If Rational does not already exist, the installation program will create it when you enter the full pathname.

If you are installing on a read-only file system, or want to create this directory manually, see Supplemental notes. This section also shows the structure of the directory after installation.


Note: If you are installing a Named User license, you must supply user names for each individual who will be using the product. You must include your user name in order to perform the post-installation selt-test successfully. User names are recorded in the FLEXlm options file, rational.opt. For information about the options file, see Maintaining the rational.opt options file.

You do not need this information if you are installing a Floating license for PurifyPlus.

To input User names, you need the data in A or B below, or the data in A supplemented with the data in B.

A. Path of the PureLA directory containing the file users.purela (available only if you licensed an earlier version of the product using PureLA License Advisor).
If you are currently running the product under a PureLA license, you have the option of importing the user names from the PureLA database instead of entering them manually. The PureLA directory is located in the same parent directory as the previous product installation, which you can find with the command <product> -printhomedir, where <product> is purify, purecov, or quantify.

You can modify the list of imported user names, either while you're running  rs_install or afterwards. If the number of user names is not the same as the number of licenses you bought, rs_install will help you correct the list.

B. user names (all names; or some or none, in combination with an option to generate dummy names).
You can enter all user names. The number of names you enter must match the number of licenses you purchased.

You can enter some user names, and then enter -n to populate the rest of the options file with dummy names as placeholders that you can replace later.

Or you can just enter -n to enter nothing but dummy names, and update the options file later.


Name for the Rational license file ( <server name>.dat), including full pathname.

The rs_install program, which creates this file when it runs, will suggest <server name>.dat as a default.

See The Rational license file for information about the file.


Note: If you have installed Rational ClearQuest, Rational Software's change request management system, it is possible for Purify and PureCoverage users to file change requests from within the Purify and PureCoverage graphical interface. To configure this integration between the products:

  • You as the installer can provide rs_install with site-wide default values. Note that individual users can override the default values if they have different requirements, following the instructions in the Purify and PureCoverage online help systems. (See "ClearQuest" in the online help index.)
  • Alternatively, you can choose not to enter default values. In this case, users must enter their own values in order to use the integration.

The source for the following configuration values is your ClearQuest system administrator.

ClearQuest client interface.

If you are installing on a Solaris or HP-UX platform, you can specify the default ClearQuest client for your users:

  • X for the ClearQuest native X client
  • web for the ClearQuest web client

All other platforms support only the web client.

Users must have ClearQuest on their path in order to use the native X client.


Name of the default ClearQuest database.

Enter the name of a site-wide default ClearQuest database for your users who access ClearQuest through the native X client.

Even if you have chosen web as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the ClearQuest native X client.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


URL for the ClearQuest web client.

Specify the URL if you selected web as your default ClearQuest client interface.

Even if you have chosen X as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the web interface.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


When you have gathered the information you need, go on to Installing the products using rs_install.

If you are installing a new permanent or TLA license without importing a .upd file

Data for rs_install


Your Entry

The full pathname to the installation location (referred to in this chapter as Rational).

This is the directory for installing all Rational Software products.

You must have 20 megabytes of free disk space for each installation of Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage. You must have 60 megabytes for a complete installation of PurifyPlus. Note that these are per-platform figures.

The directory must be accessible from every machine on which you plan to run the Rational products--both the machines on which users instrument their applications, and the machines on which users run their applications. It must be the same for each machine, so you cannot use a local automount path like /tmp_mnt/Rational.

If Rational does not already exist, the installation program will create it when you enter the full pathname.

If you are installing on a read-only file system, or if you want to create this directory manually, see Supplemental notes. This section also shows you the structure of the directory after installation.


Host name or IP address of the host machine on which the license server is to run (the "license server host").

If the license server host is different from the installation machine, you should have remote shell access from the installation machine to the license server host. If you do you have remote shell access, the rs_install program provides instructions for how to proceed.

In addition, the installation directory must be accessible from the license server host.


License server port number.

This is the port at which the license server listens for license requests. Default is 27000. You can use any port number that is not already in use. The /etc/services file on the license host lists all ports in use by most commonly used services, but other ports may be in use on your system as well. FLEXlm reserves ports 27000-27009 for its use; these ports are ordinarily available unless a different FLEXlm server on the license host is using them.

The rs_install program checks to make sure that the license server port number does not conflict with entries in the /etc/services file on the license server host, or with NIS services.


License quantity.

Source: your Rational license key certificate.


Note: If you are installing a Named User license, you must supply user names for each individual who will be using the product. You must include your user name in order to perform the post-installation selt-test successfully. User names are recorded in the FLEXlm options file, rational.opt. For information about the options file, see Maintaining the rational.opt options file.

You do not need this information if you are installing a Floating license for PurifyPlus.

To input User names, you need the data in A or B below, or the data in A supplemented with the data in B.

A. Path of the PureLA directory containing the file users.purela (available only if you licensed an earlier version of the product using PureLA License Advisor).
If you are currently running the product under a PureLA license, you have the option of importing the user names from the PureLA database instead of entering them manually. The PureLA directory is located in the same parent directory as the previous product installation, which you can find with the command <product> -printhomedir, where <product> is purify, purecov, or quantify.

You can modify the list of imported user names, either while you're running  rs_install or afterwards. If the number of user names is not the same as the number of licenses you bought, rs_install will help you correct the list.

B. user names (all names; or some or none, in combination with an option to generate dummy names).
You can enter all user names. The number of names you enter must match the number of licenses you purchased.

You can enter some user names, and then enter -n to populate the rest of the options file with dummy names as placeholders that you can replace later.

Or you can just enter -n to enter nothing but dummy names, and update the options file later.


Name for the Rational license file ( <server name>.dat), including full pathname.

The rs_install program, which creates this file when it runs, will suggest <server name>.dat as a default.

If you want to use an existing Rational license .dat file, enter its name, including full pathname, instead of the default. The rs_install program makes a backup of the existing license file before it processes the file with the new data. For information, see The Rational license file.


Note: If you have installed Rational ClearQuest, Rational Software's change request management system, it is possible for Purify and PureCoverage users to file change requests from within the Purify and PureCoverage graphical interface. To configure this integration between the products:

  • You as the installer can provide rs_install with site-wide default values. Note that individual users can override the default values if they have different requirements, following the instructions in the Purify and PureCoverage online help systems. (See "ClearQuest" in the online help index.)
  • Alternatively, you can choose not to enter default values. In this case, users must enter their own values in order to use the integration.

The source for the following configuration values is your ClearQuest system administrator.

ClearQuest client interface.

If you are installing on a Solaris or HP-UX platform, you can specify the default ClearQuest client for your users:

  • X for the ClearQuest native X client
  • web for the ClearQuest web client

All other platforms support only the web client.

Users must have ClearQuest on their path in order to use the native X client.


Name of the default ClearQuest database.

Enter the name of a site-wide default ClearQuest database for your users who access ClearQuest through the native X client.

Even if you have chosen web as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the ClearQuest native X client.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


URL for the ClearQuest web client.

Specify the URL if you selected web as your default ClearQuest client interface.

Even if you have chosen X as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the web interface.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


When you have gathered the information you need, go on to Installing the products using rs_install.

If you already have a permanent or TLA license set up

If you are upgrading from an earlier version of the product and still have a valid permanent license, most of the information you need is already available in your system. When you run the rs_install program, be sure to choose the option USE AN EXISTING RATIONAL LICENSE.

Gather the information specified in the following table:

Data for rs_install


Your Entry

Full pathname of your license file, <server name>.dat.

Alternatively, you can supply the host name or IP address of the host machine on which the license server is running (the "license server host") and the license server port number.


The full pathname to the current installation location, or to the new installation location (referred to in this chapter as Rational).

This is the directory for installing all Rational Software products. You can use your existing installation; but if you use a new directory, it must meet the following requirements:

  • You must have 20 megabytes of free disk space for each installation of Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage. You must have 60 megabytes for a complete installation of PurifyPlus. Note that these are per-platform figures.
  • The directory must be accessible from every machine on which you plan to run the Rational products--both the machines on which users instrument their applications, and the machines on which users run their applications. It must be the same for each machine, so you cannot use a local automount path like /tmp_mnt/Rational.

If the directory you specify does not already exist, the installation program will create it when you enter the full pathname.

If you are installing on a read-only file system, or if you want to create this directory manually, see Supplemental notes. This section also shows you the structure of the directory after installation.


Note: If you have installed Rational ClearQuest, Rational Software's change request management system, it is possible for Purify and PureCoverage users to file change requests from within the Purify and PureCoverage graphical interface. To configure this integration between the products:

  • You as the installer can provide rs_install with site-wide default values. Note that individual users can override the default values if they have different requirements, following the instructions in the Purify and PureCoverage online help systems. (See "ClearQuest" in the online help index.)
  • Alternatively, you can choose not to enter default values. In this case, users must enter their own values in order to use the integration.

The source for the following configuration values is your ClearQuest system administrator.

ClearQuest client interface.

If you are installing on a Solaris or HP-UX platform, you can specify the default ClearQuest client for your users:

  • X for the ClearQuest native X client
  • web for the ClearQuest web client

All other platforms support only the web client.

Users must have ClearQuest on their path in order to use the native X client.


Name of the default ClearQuest database.

Enter the name of a site-wide default ClearQuest database for your users who access ClearQuest through the native X client.

Even if you have chosen web as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the ClearQuest native X client.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


URL for the ClearQuest web client.

Specify the URL if you selected web as your default ClearQuest client interface.

Even if you have chosen X as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the web interface.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


When you have gathered the information you need, go on to Installing the products using rs_install .

If you are installing a temporary or evaluation license

Data for rs_install


Your Entry

The full pathname to the installation location (referred to in this chapter as Rational).

This is the directory for installing all Rational Software products.

You must have 20 megabytes of free disk space for each installation of Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage. You must have 60 megabytes for a complete installation of PurifyPlus. Note that these are per-platform figures.

The directory must be accessible from every machine on which you plan to run the Rational products--both the machines on which users instrument their applications, and the machines on which users run their applications. It must be the same for each machine, so you cannot use a local automount path like /tmp_mnt/Rational.

If Rational does not already exist, the installation program will create it when you enter the full pathname.

If you are installing on a read-only file system, or if you want to create this directory manually, see Supplemental notes. This section also shows you the structure of the directory after installation.


License key type.

Source: your Rational license key certificate or email from Rational Software.

startup or evaluation

Expiration date.

Source: your Rational license key certificate or email from Rational Software.

If you have a startup or evaluation license, enter the date in the dd-mmm-yyyy format. The field is not case sensitive.


Note: If you have installed Rational ClearQuest, Rational Software's change request management system, it is possible for Purify and PureCoverage users to file change requests from within the Purify and PureCoverage graphical interface. To configure this integration between the products:

  • You as the installer can provide rs_install with site-wide default values. Note that individual users can override the default values if they have different requirements, following the instructions in the Purify and PureCoverage online help systems. (See "ClearQuest" in the online help index.)
  • Alternatively, you can choose not to enter default values. In this case, users must enter their own values in order to use the integration.

The source for the following configuration values is your ClearQuest system administrator.

ClearQuest client interface.

If you are installing on a Solaris or HP-UX platform, you can specify the default ClearQuest client for your users:

  • X for the ClearQuest native X client
  • web for the ClearQuest web client

All other platforms support only the web client.

Users must have ClearQuest on their path in order to use the native X client.


Name of the default ClearQuest database.

Enter the name of a site-wide default ClearQuest database for your users who access ClearQuest through the native X client.

Even if you have chosen web as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the ClearQuest native X client.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


URL for the ClearQuest web client.

Specify the URL if you selected web as your default ClearQuest client interface.

Even if you have chosen X as your default interface, you may want to enter a value here for users who prefer to use the web interface.

Source: ClearQuest system administrator.


When you have gathered the information you need, go on to Installing the products using rs_install.

Installing the products using rs_install

For information about specific product and operating system versions, see the README file on your CD-ROM or in the directory that results when you unpack the tar file from Rational Software.

To install the products:

  1. Make the product available for installation.

    If you are installing the product from the Rational Software product CD-ROM and need instructions for mounting a CD-DOM, click

    If you have obtained the products from a web or FTP download, unpack the compressed tar file. The directory that is created is equivalent to the top level of the CD-ROM.

  1. Run the rs_install program.

    The rs_install program is a complete installer that guides you through the following processes:

    • Setting up the license server.

    • Installing product licenses.

    • Installing the selected product and documentation.

      Note: Your users can get online help only if you install the html documentation.

    • Performing the post-installation tasks.

    To run the rs_install program, go to the directory where you mounted the CD-ROM or unpacked your tar file. (You should not be root when you run rs_install.) For example:

    # exit
    % cd /cdrom
    % ./rs_install
    The rs_install program prompts you through the installation, providing detailed instructions along with default settings. The defaults appear in brackets, for example [2]. To accept the default, press Enter.

    Note: After you install your license key, the rs_install program reminds you that you must configure your server to automatically restart the license server when it reboots. The rs_install program gives you instructions for doing this.

  1. When installation is complete, go to Step 3: Post-installation configuration tasks and perform any necessary post-installation procedures.

Answers to questions about rs_install

Below are the answers to some common questions about the rs_install program.

Step 3: Post-installation configuration tasks

Configuration tasks include tasks that the rs_install program performs (or helps you perform) and tasks that you must complete manually.

The rs_install program performs its configuration tasks by callling the <product>.configure command for the product your are installing; <product> is purify, purecov, or quantify. You can also rerun the <product>.configure command at any time to check or to adjust your configuration; refer to Checking and adjusting your configuration.

The tasks that <product>.configure performs include:

The tasks that you must perform manually include:

Note that the <producthome> directory is the home directory of Purify, PureCoverage, or Quantify.

Installing on a read-only file system

Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify work by creating and monitoring special instrumented versions of object files and libraries. They must be able to write these instrumented files to a cache directory, which by default is Rational/releases/<producthome>/cache.

For this reason, if you install any of the products on a file system that is mounted read-only by client machines, you must create symbolic links to a writable file system. The rs_install program guides you through the process of selecting a shared directory that is mounted read/write on client machines and linking the cache directory to this publicly writable directory.

If there is no writable shared directory mounted on client machines, have all users make a cache subdirectory in their home directory and set the product's -cache-dir option to this directory. For example:

% mkdir $HOME/cache

If the PUREOPTIONS environment variable is already set, have users specify the -cache-dir option:

csh % setenv PUREOPTIONS "-cache-dir=$HOME/cache \

sh, ksh $ PUREOPTIONS="-cache-dir=$HOME/cache \

If the PUREOPTIONS environment variable is not set, have users specify:

csh % setenv PUREOPTIONS "-cache-dir=$HOME/cache"

sh, ksh $ PUREOPTIONS="-cache-dir=$HOME/cache"; export \

Have all users add this same specification to their local or central .cshrc file, or its equivalent.

Making the manual pages available

The rs_install program installs the product manual pages in Rational/releases/<producthome>/man/. To make them available, do one of the following:

Making the products available to all users

Note: If you are using Named User licensing, users must be listed in the rational.opt file in order to use Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify; to add users to the options file, see Maintaining the rational.opt options file.

To make the products available to all users listed in rational.opt, add the full Rational/releases/<producthome> pathname to each user's PATH environment variable, or specify the full pathname in makefiles.

As an alternative to modifying your PATH environment variable, you can create a symbolic link to <producthome>/<product> from a directory such as /usr/local/bin. Make sure this is a symbolic link, not a copy or a hard link. Create symbolic links for each product you install, as in the following examples:

The installation is now complete. To add names to the options file, see Maintaining the rational.opt options file. To remove previous versions of the products, see Removing a previous product release.

Checking and adjusting your configuration

You can run the script <product>.configure (where <product> is purify, purecov, or quantify) at any time to check that your configuration is correct and to make adjustments. To use the script go to the product home directory. For example, for Purify, type:

% cd `purify -printhomedir`

To check your configuration and licensing, type:

% ./purify.configure -check

To run the script in interactive mode, type:

% ./purify.configure

You can also run the script in batch mode, specifying the parameters you want changed as arguments to options. For a list and description of batch mode options, type:

% ./purify.configure -help

Maintaining the rational.opt options file

Named User licensing is always used with Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify, and is available for use with PurifyPlus. Under Named User licensing, the user names of all users who are authorized to run Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify must be listed in the rational.opt options file. The number of user names in the file must match the number of licenses you have installed.

Users who are identified in the file can use all features of the product, including instrumenting applications, running instrumented applications, and viewing saved data files in the product's user interface. A user can run as many concurrent sessions as desired on a single host machine; this consumes a single license. The same user can run the product on additional host machines, but consumes another license for each additional machine.

The options file is created when you run the rs_install program. By default, this file is Rational/config/rational.opt. You can relocate the file yourself after installation, provided that you edit the license file DAEMON line to specify the new path:

DAEMON rational /etc/rational /mydir/rational.opt

During installation, rs_install asks you to supply user names, one for each license you purchased. You don't have to enter all user names during installation; rs_install will generate dummy names to bring the total up to the number of licenses you purchased. Your entries-real names, automatically generated dummy names, or both-are recorded in the options file.

The user names are recorded in the options file in GROUP directives. An INCLUDE directive follows each GROUP directive, specifying one product that the users in the group are authorized to use:

GROUP <group name> <user1> <user2> . . . <usern>
INCLUDE <product>:KEY=<license key> GROUP <group name>

For example, in the following, alice, tom, and harry can use Purify, but only alice and harry can use Quantify:

GROUP DevTools1 alice tom harry
INCLUDE purify:KEY=456778982 GROUP DevTools1
GROUP DevTools2 alice harry
INCLUDE quantify:KEY=12345778654 GROUP DevTools2

The KEY is the license key in your .dat license file.

Modifying the list of user names

Note: If you modify the options file while the license vendor daemon is running, you must restart the license server.

You can add, change, or delete user names by running the options_setup script. You can also add, change, or delete user names in the options file using any text editor.

The number of users listed for each product must always match the number of licenses that you purchased. The license server must be restarted before the changes can take effect; the options_setup script restarts the license server for you.

For additional information about the options file, refer to your FLEXlm user's manual.

Removing a previous product release

Note: Only the installer of the product can uninstall it.

After you install the latest version of Purify, PureCoverage, or Quantify, and after all users have switched to the new version, you can remove the old release to reclaim disk space.

To remove a previous release of Purify, PureCoverage, or Quantify, go to the Rational directory and run the uninstall script:

% cd Rational
% config/uninstall

Running the uninstall script with no command-line arguments causes it to display the list of products in the releases directory. The script prompts you for the product you want to remove.

Requesting and installing the permanent or TLA license key

When you purchase Purify, PureCoverage, or Quantify, you purchase a specific number of licenses for each product. Rational Software issues you a license key for the product that corresponds to the type and number of licenses you purchased. You need this license key to use the software.

Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify come with a startup license that you can use to get started using the product. You then request a permanent or TLA license key from Rational Software at and install it to ensure continued use of the product. The startup license key and other licensing information is available from the License Key Certificate included in the product packaging.

Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify use the FLEXlm Software License Manager from GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. to manage product licenses. For more information on FLEXlm, see Using the FLEXlm Software License Manager.

Requesting your permanent or TLA license key

To request a permanent or TLA license key, go to and follow the instructions provided there.

Entering a permanent or TLA license key after initial installation

To enter your permanent or TLA license key after you have installed your Rational Software product and exited the rs_install program:

  1. Go to the Rational/releases/PurifyPlusFamily.<version> directory and run the license_setup program. For instructions, see Using rs_install commands.

  2. For the licensing option, select the option for setting up a permanent license.

    Note: The program tells you how to update your license server machine so that it restarts the license server when it reboots. You need root permission to perform the update.

Supplemental notes

Creating an installation directory manually

You need a publicly readable directory for the installation of Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify. If one does not already exist, you can create it when you run rs_install. You can also create it manually before you start rs_install.

  1. Log into a UNIX workstation that provides access to the product files to be installed and that mounts the file system(s) into which you want to load the product.
  2. Create a Rational directory. For example:
    % mkdir /opt/Rational
The Rational directory must be visible on all machines that are to run this product. The NFS name for Rational must be the same on all machines. (If you are installing the product for your use only, you can install it in your home directory.)

After the installation, the Rational directory is structured like this:

Note: Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify must be able to write instrumented files to a cache subdirectory of the <producthome> directory. If you install on a read-only file system, you must create symbolic links to a writable file system. See Installing on a read-only file system.

Mounting the CD-ROM

The following instructions refer to specific operating systems.

To determine your operating system, type:

% uname -a

Before you begin, make sure you know the device name of your CD-ROM drive. Ask your system administrator for this information.

On Solaris and IRIX systems with Volume Management, load the CD-ROM and then go to Step 5. (On these systems, the CD-ROM automatically mounts on the /cdrom directory. To determine whether you have Volume Management, check to see if the Solaris vold daemon or the IRIX mediad daemon is running on your system.)

To mount the CD-ROM:

  1. Load the CD-ROM into the drive.
  2. Log in as root:
    % su root
  3. If you do not already have one, create a cdrom directory to be the mount point for the CD-ROM drive:
    # mkdir /cdrom
  4. Mount the CD-ROM: On Solaris systems without Volume Management:
    # /etc/mount -r -F hsfs <cdrom-device-name> /cdrom
    If your HP-UX system is configured to mount the CD-ROM at /cdrom :
    # /etc/mount /cdrom
    If your HP-UX system is not configured to mount the CD-ROM at /cdrom , use the following command:
    # /etc/mount -r -F cdfs <cdrom-device-name> /cdrom
    On IRIX 6.x:
    # /etc/mount -r -t iso9660 <cdrom-device-name> /CDROM
    On Tru64 UNIX:
    # mount -r -t cdfs -o rrip <device_name> /cdrom
    Note: The following error can occur after an attempt to read the CD-ROM on your Tru64 UNIX Alpha machine:
    /dev/rz4c on /cdrom: No such device
    If this error occurs, verify that /dev/rz4c is the correct device name. If the name is correct, have your system administrator include option CDFS in the system configuration file. Then rebuild the kernel. Refer to man cdfs(4) for additional information.
  5. To verify that the CD-ROM is mounted, use the ls command to list the files:
    # ls -R /cdrom

Ejecting the CD-ROM

After you complete the installation, eject the CD-ROM.

On Solaris with Volume Management, type:

% eject cdrom

On Solaris without Volume Management, type:

% su root
# umount /cdrom
# eject cdrom
# exit

On HP-UX and Tru64 UNIX, type:

% su root
# umount /cdrom
# exit

Press the eject button on the CD-ROM drive.

On IRIX, type:

% eject /CDROM

Using rs_install commands

The rs_install program includes four commands that you can use to rerun specific sections of the rs_install program without actually reinstalling any products: license_setup, license_check, post_install, and options_setup.

To use these commands, go to the PurifyPlusFamily.<version> directory. For example:

% cd Rational/releases/PurifyPlusFamily.<version>
% ./license_setup

Using the FLEXlm Software License Manager

The FLEXlm Software License Manager monitors license access, simultaneous usage, idle time, and so on. It includes the following components:

The Rational license file

The Rational .dat license file is a text file that is automatically created when you run the rs_install or license_setup programs. The .dat license file is based on data from the .upd file that you receive from AccountLink.

The file for startup and evaluation licenses is:


The default file for permanent or TLA licenses is:

Rational/config/<server name>.dat

Note: For best results, use the Rational license file only for Rational Software product licenses.

The rs_install program saves the license path to <producthome>/.lm_license_file. This is the path that Purify, PureCoverage, and Quantify use to locate the license file. You can override the location in .lm_license_file by setting the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable. The full path searched is equivalent to $LM_LICENSE_FILE: `cat.lm_license_file`.

Verifying that FLEXlm is working

To verify that your FLEXlm License Manager is operational and that the daemons are running, type the following commands on your license server:

% /bin/ps -e | egrep "lmgrd|rational"

The output should include lines similar to the following:

/bin/ps -e | egrep "lmgrd|rational"
    351 ? 0:00 rational
    345 ? 0:01 lmgrd
Using FLEXlm commands

The FLEXlm License Manager supports the following commands for system administration:

Use this command
Diagnose problems when you cannot check out a license
Shut down the license and vendor daemons
Report the license manager host ID of a workstation 
Reread the license file and start new vendor daemons
Report status on daemons and feature usage
Report on licenses in the license file you specify on the command line
Learning more about FLEXlm

For more information about the FLEXlm Software License Manager, see the FLEXlm End User Manual that is included on your Rational Software CD-ROM.

The FLEXlm End User Manual, along with answers to frequently asked questions about FLEXlm, is also available at

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