Rational RequisiteWeb Service Release 2002.05.20 Release Notes

APRIL 2002

Copyright © 2002 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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This document provides information about the 2002.05.20 release of Rational RequisiteWeb, including information on fixed defects and changed files. For more general information on this release, including supported platforms, installation instructions, and known issues, refer to the Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb document.

Table of Contents

Hardware/Software Information

Installation Information

Defects Fixed in this Release

Files Changed by this Release

Hardware/Software Information

No changes from RequisiteWeb Version 2002.05.00

Installation Information


For information on RequisiteWeb, including installation, configuration, upgrades, and known issues, refer to the RequisiteWeb Installation and Configuration document that is included with this release at:


Defects Fixed in this Release


Defect 17826: Text fields for requirement attributes in RequisiteWeb had a character limit.

Defect 17145 & 17714: RequisiteWeb licenses were not released after logging out.

Defect 16687: RequisiteWeb allowed views that had not been saved to be deleted.

Defect 09746: RequisiteWeb included a version of JIntegra incompatible with Rational XDE.

Defect 16513: RequisiteWeb views of external requirement types did not retain traceability and links to requirements in external projects.


Defect 16595: RequisiteWeb "Viewing Requirements Documents" Help page information was incorrect.

Defect 16515: The installation instructions for RequisiteWeb needed additional information.

Defect 16451: The description of document filtering in RequisiteWeb online Help was incorrect. RequisiteWeb does not provide document filtering functions.

Defect 16217: RequisiteWeb online Help did not describe the Synchronize and Refresh buttons.

Defect 16621: The RequisiteWeb installation instructions contained an incorrect domain entry for the config.txt file.

Defect 26098: The Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide (RequisitePro_Installing.pdf) contained an incorrect path to the RequisiteWebInstall.html document.

Defect 16674: The RequisiteWeb installation instructions set a path for a plugin that conflicted with ProjectConsole.

Defect 16752: The Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide (RequisitePro_Installing.pdf) contained an incorrect URL for RequisiteWeb to download an XML parser for IE4.

Defect 17297: RequisiteWeb online Help was not consistant with the user interface.

Defect 17283: The RequisiteWeb installation instructions need to contain all upgrade scenarios.

Files Changed by this Release

The following RequisiteWeb files are changed by this release:

The following files are added by this release:

The following file has been updated on Rational Software's web site:

You can download these files free of charge or purchase printed copies from www.rational.com/documentation.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

Telephone: 1-800-433-5444 or 408-863-5000 (outside the U.S. and Canada)

Fax: 408-863-4300

E-mail: support@rational.com

Web site: http://www.rational.com/support/