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- B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Index Symbols
- $CURDIR 71
- $UNNAMED$ 83
- @petal property 83
- access violations 13, 72, 73
- import 73
- activating a Version Control Add-In 115
- adding
- controlled units to a model 60
- adornments on diagrams 61
- Architect 7
- architect role 43
- architecture, model 5
- artifacts, and virtual path maps 71
- Auto Advance 97
- automatic merging 80
- automating model validation 30
- AutoMerge 92
- base model 80
- baseline 113
- basic objects 82
- browser view (Model Integrator) 78
- cat files 56
- Check Merge 84, 102
- Check Model 72
- checking in controlled units 122
- checking out controlled units 123
- ClearCase
- about 116
- add-in 115
- and Model Integrator 86, 118
- config spec 118
- configuring 118
- views 117
- command line
- access to Model Integrator 107
- starting Model Integrator 87
- compare mode 77
- comparing 80
- comparing models
- about 77, 80
- conflicts 81
- differences 81
- loading controlled units 89
- using Model Integrator 80
- component instances 18
- config spec 118
- configuration manager role 10
- configuring
- ClearCase for Rational Rose 118
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafefor Rational Rose 119
- workspaces 26
- conflicts 81
- Auto Advance 97
- viewing 96
- contacting Rational technical support xvii
- context field (Model Integrator) 92
- contributors 77, 92
- about 80
- accepting changes from 99
- disabled by semantic checking 102
- file types 80
- selecting 88
- controlled units 55
- access violations 72
- adding to a model 60, 66
- adornments 61
- cat files 56
- checking into version control 122
- checking out of version control 123
- contents 57
- creating 59
- getting latest from version control 124
- hierarchy 57
- icons 60
- importing 66
- loading 59, 89
- loading manually 60
- logical packages 56
- manually loading 60
- merging 66
- model workspaces 60
- moving 48
- opening a model 59
- organizing 74
- partitioning
- strategies 74
- partitioning a model 27
- prc files 56
- protecting 64
- read only 64
- reloading 60
- removing from version control 125
- sharing 57
- splitting 65
- sub files 56
- uncontrolling 66
- undoing check out 124
- unloading 61, 89
- unresolved references 72
- use-cases 49
- version control of 55
- virtual path maps 67
- write-enabling 65
- write-protect 65
- write-protecting 64
- correcting merge errors 103
- creating
- controlled units 59
- labels and lineups 28
- model workspace 63
- processors and component instances 17
- virtual path maps 69
- defining subsystem interfaces 15
- deployment view 56
- developing
- current projects 1
- for reuse 2
- strategy 1
- diagram objects 82
- differences 81
- Auto Advance 97
- changing nodes 100
- viewing 96
- element type 118
- export control 73
- file types
- cat 56
- for contributors 80
- mdl 107
- petal 58, 83
- prc 56
- prp 56
- ptl 58
- sub 56
- wsp 64
- file-based version control 110
- getting latest version of controlled units 124
- icons, controlled units 60
- import relationship 73
- importing controlled units 66
- integrating change 30
- integration 110
- Integrator 8
- interfaces, and subsystems 15
- labels 28
- lineups 28, 29
- about 111
- loading a model workspace 64
- loading controlled units 59, 89
- manually 60
- model workspaces 60
- opening a model 59
- reloading 60
- manually loading controlled units 60
- mechanism 82
- merge mode 77
- merging
- controlled units 66
- file types 80
- merging models
- about 77, 80
- accepting changes from contributors 99
- automatic merge 80
- AutoMerge 92
- Check Merge 102
- Check Merge function 84
- conflicts 81
- correcting merge errors 103
- differences 81
- loading controlled units 89
- partial merge 105
- preparing for 88
- selective merge 80
- semantic checking 84
- using subtree mode 101
- whole models 87
- without a base model 106
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 119
- model
- unresolved references 72
- Model Architect 7
- model architecture
- about 5
- Model Integrator 51
- about 77
- accepting changes from contributors 99
- and ClearCase 86, 118
- Auto Advance 97
- automatic merge 80
- AutoMerge 92
- base model 80
- basic objects 82
- browser view 78
- changing nodes with differences 100
- Check Merge 102
- Check Merge function 84
- comparing models 80
- conflicts 81
- contributors 80
- correcting merge errors 103
- diagram objects 82
- differences 81
- mechanism 82
- merging models 80
- merging models without a base model 106
- partial merges 105
- property view 79
- quids 83
- references 83
- resolving subunit loading errors 91
- searching for nodes 95
- selecting contributors 88
- selective merge 80
- semantic checking 83, 84, 102
- setting new context for subunits 92
- starting 87
- subtree mode 101
- text views 79
- unnamed objects 83
- user interface 78
- using from a command line 107
- view objects 82
- viewing a parent node 97
- viewing a single model 107
- viewing conflicts 96
- viewing differences 96
- viewing references to nodes 98
- virtual path maps 91
- Model Manager 7
- model properties
- controlled units 56
- using virtual path maps 71
- model validation 30
- model workspaces
- about 61
- creating 63
- loading 64
- loading controlled units 60
- saving 64
- Modeler/Developer 8
- modelint file.mdl 87, 107
- models 80
- base 80
- contributors 80
- merging 80
- selective merging 80
- moving controlled units 48
- moving the contents of a controlled unit 65
- nodes
- about 81
- changing, with differences 100
- searching for 95
- viewing a parent 97
- viewing references to 98
- objects
- basic 82
- diagram 82
- view 82
- opening a model 59
- organizing controlled units 74
- packages
- access violations 13
- as subsystems 10
- component 56
- logical 56
- partitioning a model 27
- sharing 57
- parallel development 50
- parallel stream versioning 112
- partial merges 105
- partitioning
- model 27
- partitioning a model 5, 58, 74
- path maps
- artifacts 71
- defining 70
- wildcards 70
- path maps, See virtual path maps
- petal file format 58
- planning
- developing a strategy 1
- team development 1
- prc files 56
- project level processors 17
- property view (Model Integrator) 79
- protecting controlled units 64
- prp files 56
- ptl files 58
- quids 83
- quidu 83
- Rational ClearCase Multi-Site 52
- Rational technical support
- contacting xvii
- read only controlled units 64
- reference a controlled unit 57
- references
- checking 72
- in Model Integrator 83
- unresolved 61, 66
- releasing subsystems 19
- reloading controlled units 60
- removing controlled units from version control 125
- resolving subunit loading errors 91
- resources xvi
- reusing artifacts 2
- roles 6
- architect 43
- configuration manager 10
- source control administrator 9
- team size 6
- saving a model workspace 61, 64
- SCC version control systems 114
- searching for nodes 95
- selective merge 80
- semantic checking 83, 84, 85
- limitations 85
- performing 102
- setting
- new context for subunits 92
- Show Access Violations 13, 73
- single stream versioning 112
- source control administrator role 9
- splitting
- controlled unit 65
- model into subsystems 20
- starting Model Integrator 87
- strategies for partitioning a model 74
- sub files 56
- subsystem level processors 18
- subsystems
- components in 15
- defining interfaces 15
- releasing 19
- splitting a model 20
- Subtree Mode 101
- subunits 59
- tasks
- source control administrator role 9
- team development
- architect role 43
- configuration manager role 10
- developing for reuse 2
- developing strategies 1
- heuristics 52
- parallel development 50
- planning 1
- roles 6
- source control administrator role 9
- support using Rational Rose 2
- team size 6
- typical roles 6
- text views (Model Integrator) 79
- uncontrolling controlled units 66
- undoing check out 124
- unit testing 17
- unloading controlled units 61, 89
- unnamed objects 83
- unresolved references 61, 66
- checking for 72
- URLs 71
- use-cases
- controlled units 49
- using Model Integrator form a command line 107
- validating a model 30
- version control
- about 109
- activating 115
- adding controlled units 121
- baseline 113
- checking in controlled units 122
- checking out controlled units 123
- development activity 110
- development concepts 110
- file-based 110
- getting latest controlled units 124
- integration 110
- lineups 111
- removing controlled units 125
- setting up 27
- single stream 112
- types 110
- uncontrolling controlled units 67
- undoing check out 124
- view-based 110
- working in isolation 111
- write-protecting controlled units 64
- Version Control Add-In 114
- versioned object base 116
- versioned object base, see VOB
- view
- version control system 110
- view objects 82
- view-based version control 110
- viewing
- conflicts 96
- differences 96
- moved model elements 97
- parent node 97
- references to nodes 98
- single model file (Model Integrator) 107
- views
- ClearCase 117
- views (Model Integrator) 78
- virtual path maps
- about 67
- creating 69
- for artifacts 71
- for model properties 71
- how stored 72
- in Model Integrator 91
- using another path map 70
- using wildcards 70
- wildcards 70
- VOB 116
- VSS 119
- working in isolation 111
- workspaces
- configuring 26
- model 61
- write enabling a controlled unit 65
- write protecting controlled units 64
- write-protect a controlled unit 65
- wsp files 64
Rational Software Corporation
http://www.rational.com support@rational.com techpubs@rational.com Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved. |
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