SUN Solaris SUN Solaris
If the following message appears in the xterm used to run Rose:
*** Rose Crashed! please run rreport and provide the log file /var/tmp/roseC* when requested
The log file will either be placed in:
- $TMPDIR (if defined)
- /var/tmp (if $TMPDIR not defined)
If Rose hangs, you may also produce a traceback log by entering the following pstack command:
/usr/proc/bin/pstack [hung_process_id] > & pstack_output
Submit the traceback log to Rational Technical Support, as described below:
- 1 . cd rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/install
- 2 . ./rreport
- 3 . Choose 1: PROBLEM for report type:
- 4 . When asked if you have a additional data files, indicate "y".
"Do you have additional data files (i.e. traceback log, model, etc.) to include with this report [no]? y"
- 5 . Enter the full path/name of traceback log, when prompted:
"Enter traceback log file path/name: [] /path/name_of_file"
rreport will include as many files as you like. Once you enter the path and file name, then press Enter, you will again be prompted if there are additional files to include. rreport will bundle this information with additional information in relation to your server and client, while offering an option to automatically forward this information to Rational Technical Support.
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