Rational Software Corp.


Licensing Problems

Licensing Problems

If you see a message like this:

or this:

If you see a message like:

1 . The license server was never started.

2 . The license server failed to start. This happens when the license codes are inconsistent.

3 . There is already a license server running but it is not using the Rose 2002 for UNIX license file

    Check the license server log file which is kept in /rational_dir/config/server-name.log.

If you see a message like:

1 . Another copy of lmgrd running.

2 . A prior lmgrd was killed with "kill -9" which would leave the vendor daemon running.

    To correct this, kill the lmgrd and rational processes and remove the Rational lock file:

a . Use this ps command or equivalent to find the process IDs:

    ps -ax | egrep "lmgrd|rational"

b . Kill those processes:

    kill Process-ID-of-lmgrd Process-ID-of-rational

c . Remove the lockrational file which can be found at either:




    You may need to reboot the license server computer if this fails to correct the problem.

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

Automatic Traceback if Rose should Crash or Hang on SUN Solaris or HP-UX

An automatic traceback mechanism is available for Rose for SUN Solaris and HP-UX. If Rose (rose_exe) should crash, provide the automatically produced traceback data to Rational Technical Support as described below:

Rational Software Corporation  http://www.rational.com
Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.