Rational Software Corp.



This chapter contains information to be used if you run into problems installing or running Rational Rose for UNIX/Linux. The following areas are covered in this chapter:

Troubleshooting the Installation of Rose

This section covers installation troubleshooting.

General Problems

If you have problems running the install commands and see a message like this:

Check that you have correctly mounted the CDROM. Refer to Mount the CD-ROM Drive . Make sure that you are running the install commands from the CDROM directory. There must be an extras directory in the same location. The command looks for the install data in there. If you have mounted the /cdrom directory from another system, make sure the directory has been properly exported - it needs to be listed in the filesystem table for exported file systems. This file is operating system dependent.

If you are having problems with the display showing strange characters on your screen and your screen does not clear for each new menu, you may have your TERM environment variable set incorrectly. Try setting it to something else like xterm, vt100 or ansi. To prevent the program from using fancy escape sequences to clear the screen or do underlining, run the programs with the -no_clear (alias -nc) option. This will prevent the commands from using these escape sequences. If underlining is the only problem, use the -no_underlining (alias -nu) option.

If uninstalling something fails, it may be that you are not the original installer. Log in as the person who installed the product and rerun the uninstall as that person.

If you have problems creating directories, it may be that you do not have the correct permissions. Check your login name and the groups you belong to using the UNIX id command. Check the directory permissions of the directory where you are trying to create a directory. You must have read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions for you or the groups you are in.

If you have permission problems with the tar command, it may be that you are trying to install on top of an already existing product. In most cases, this type of error can be ignored.

If you run out of disk space while installing products, you cannot ignore this type of problem. The best thing to do is uninstall Rose and reinstall it in a place where you have sufficient space to do the install. The approximate amount of space you need to install Rose is listed in the Customization Menu of the rs_install command.

If you see a message like this:

If you see a message like:

Licensing Problems

If you see a message like this:

or this:

If you see a message like:

1 . The license server was never started.

2 . The license server failed to start. This happens when the license codes are inconsistent.

3 . There is already a license server running but it is not using the Rose 2002 for UNIX license file

    Check the license server log file which is kept in /rational_dir/config/server-name.log.

If you see a message like:

1 . Another copy of lmgrd running.

2 . A prior lmgrd was killed with "kill -9" which would leave the vendor daemon running.

    To correct this, kill the lmgrd and rational processes and remove the Rational lock file:

a . Use this ps command or equivalent to find the process IDs:

    ps -ax | egrep "lmgrd|rational"

b . Kill those processes:

    kill Process-ID-of-lmgrd Process-ID-of-rational

c . Remove the lockrational file which can be found at either:




    You may need to reboot the license server computer if this fails to correct the problem.

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

If you see a message like:

Automatic Traceback if Rose should Crash or Hang on SUN Solaris or HP-UX

An automatic traceback mechanism is available for Rose for SUN Solaris and HP-UX. If Rose (rose_exe) should crash, provide the automatically produced traceback data to Rational Technical Support as described below:

SUN Solaris

If the following message appears in the xterm used to run Rose:

*** Rose Crashed! please run rreport and provide the log file /var/tmp/roseC* when requested

The log file will either be placed in:

If Rose hangs, you may also produce a traceback log by entering the following pstack command:

/usr/proc/bin/pstack [hung_process_id] > & pstack_output

Submit the traceback log to Rational Technical Support, as described below:

1 . cd rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/install

2 . ./rreport

3 . Choose 1: PROBLEM for report type:

    Select a report type.

    >>>> 1: PROBLEM


    Enter TYPE # (1-2) [1]

4 . When asked if you have a additional data files, indicate "y".

    "Do you have additional data files (i.e. traceback log, model, etc.) to include with this report [no]? y"

5 . Enter the full path/name of traceback log, when prompted:

    "Enter traceback log file path/name: [] /path/name_of_file"

    rreport will include as many files as you like. Once you enter the path and file name, then press Enter, you will again be prompted if there are additional files to include. rreport will bundle this information with additional information in relation to your server and client, while offering an option to automatically forward this information to Rational Technical Support.


If Rose should crash on HP-UX, the traceback data will display in the xterm which was used to run Rose (i.e.):

% Caught SIGILL -- traceback follows:

Stack_Trace: error while unwinding stack

( 0) 0x00579e2c segv_handler__Fi + 0x100


.. ..

Capture the traceback data and forward to Rational Technical Support, along with a description of the Rose features which were being utilized when the crash occurred. See Preface for more information.

If Rose hangs, you may also produce a traceback data by entering the following command:

kill -ILL [process id of rose_exe]

Contacting Rational Customer Support

Contact Rational Support if you are unable to resolve your problems or if you have questions regarding the installation, use, or maintenance of this Rational Software product. For Rational Support contact information, see Contacting Rational Technical Support .

Rational Software Corporation  http://www.rational.com
Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.