Rational Suite® Release Notes

Copyright ©2001, Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
Version 2002.05.00
Part No. 800-025083-000
Legal Notices

Thank you for choosing a Rational Suite® product!

Please read this document to learn about important tips, other Rational Suite product information, and known product issues. Release Notes for each product are located on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM in the \doc folder and are installed by default in C:\Program Files\Rational\doc\.


About This Release
Supported Hardware and Software Platforms
New and Changed Features
Getting Started
Compatibility Issues
Late Changes to Documentation
Known Defects and Change Requests
Third-Party Components Used in Common Install
Rational Technical Support for Licensing
Contacting Rational Technical Support


These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational products, including the list of supported platforms and known issues with this release.


These release notes are for the following Rational Suite products:

For detailed information about individual products, see the product-specific release notes.


All Rational Suite documentation is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM and on the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.rational.com/documentation/.

Additional product information is available at the Rational Suite Web site: http://www.rational.com/products/rs/.

About This Release

This release contains new features for the products in Rational Suite. The release notes for the products in each Rational Suite edition describe the new features for each product. See <Install Path>\doc\rs-release-notes.htm for a link to release notes for each Rational Suite product. Note that if you customized the documentation installation for your Rational Suite product, this link will not work. The file is also available by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Suite > Readme for all products.

Supported Hardware and Software Platforms

The following sections outline the supported platforms and installation requirements for this version of Rational Suite on client and server systems. In addition, the release notes for each point product lists specific requirements for the product. For Rational TestManager and Agent requirements, see the Rational Testing Products Installation Guide.

Table 1 Desktop Requirements and Recommendations 
Minimum Requirements and Recommendations
Supported Operating Systems
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 1 or 2
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Workstation Service Pack 6a
  • Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition
  • Microsoft Windows ME
  • Microsoft Windows XP Professional
The following Rational Suite products either do not support, or provide limited support for Windows 98 and Windows ME. See the product documentation for more information.
  • Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition
  • Rational PureCoverage
  • Rational Purify
  • Rational Quantify
  • Rational Robot
  • Rational Test Agent
  • Rational TestManager
Hardware Recommendations
  • 500 MHz or higher
  • 128 MB RAM or higher;
    more memory generally improves responsiveness
  • 3 GB or more free disk space on a single drive to accommodate the Suite software and data.
Disk Space to Install (all components in each Rational Suite edition)
  • Rational Enterprise Suite - 1.6 GB
  • Rational AnalystStudio - 1.2 GB
  • Rational ContentStudio (Base Features) - 1.2 GB
  • Rational DevelopmentStudio - 1.5 GB
  • Rational DevelopmentStudio for UNIX (Windows Components only) -
    809 MB
  • Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition - 1.4 GB
  • Rational DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition for UNIX (Windows Components only) - 809 MB
  • Rational Team Unifying Platform - 1.2 GB
  • Rational TestStudio - 1.3 GB
  • Network installation: 2.6 GB space on network, 584 MB space on systems
Rational ClearCase LT Client File Storage Space Requirements
Rational ClearCase LT needs enough disk space on the desktop to contain all files loaded into snapshot views and all view-private files added to the views. The amount of space required depends on the number and sizes of the files in the views.
Microsoft Visual Basic
  • Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 4 or 5
  • VS.NET Beta
Note: Rational QualityArchitect does not support VS.NET Beta.
Microsoft Visual C++
  • Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 4 or 5
  • VS.NET Beta
Note: Rational QualityArchitect does not support VS.NET Beta.
Microsoft Excel
  • Office 97 Service Release 2
  • Office 2000 Service Release 1 or 2
  • Office XP
Microsoft Word
  • Office 97 Service Release 2
  • Office 2000 Service Release 1 or 2
  • Office XP
Web Browsers on Windows
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2, 5.5 (no Service Pack), 5.5 Service Pack 1, or 6.0.
  • Netscape Navigator 4.72 to 4.78
  • Rational ProjectConsole does not support Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2.
  • Rational RequisitePro also supports Netscape 6.01.
Web Clients on Non-Windows Platforms
Rational ClearCase, Rational ClearQuest, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Unified Process, Rational Rose Web Publisher
Netscape Navigator 4.72 or higher, 6.01 (RequisitePro only)
  • Solaris 2.6, 2.7, 2. 8
  • HP-UX 10.2, 11, 11.11
Rational Rose Add-Ins
  • Rose Visual Basic
  • Rose Visual C++
  • Rose J

Microsoft Visual Basic (Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 4 or 5)
Microsoft Visual C++ (Visual Studio 6.0 Service Pack 4 or 5)
JDK 1.3 or any of the major Java IDEs
Java IDE
Rational Rose J supports the following Java IDEs. Use the JDK (IBM version 1.3 or Sun Microsystems version 1.3) appropriate for your IDE.
  • VisualCafe in Studio 4 Professional Edition
  • VisualCafe 4 Enterprise Edition
  • VisualCafe 4 Expert Edition
  • IBM VisualAge for Java Professional Edition
  • IBM VisualAge for Java Enterprise Edition
  • Forte for Java Internet Edition 2.0
  • Forte for Java Community Edition 2.0
  • JBuilder 4.0 Enterprise Edition
  • JBuilder 4.0 Professional Edition
  • JBuilder 4.0 Foundation Edition
Dual Boot Systems
Rational Suite does not support dual boot systems where both operating systems are on the same partition.
Rational Documentation
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for installation on the Rational Solutions for Windows - Online Documentation CD-ROM.
Language Support
You can install Rational Suite on these international operating systems:
  • Simplified or Traditional Chinese
  • Dutch, French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Swedish
All displays, menus, controls, wizards, reports, and user documentation are in U.S. English.
  • If you have a Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, or Korean operating system, enter data (such as path names) in U.S. English or the ASCII character set.
  • If you have a Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Swedish operating system, enter data in U.S. English or the native language character set. Regional date, time, currency, and numbering conventions are also supported for both input and output.

Table 2 Server Requirements and Recommendations 
Minimum Requirements and Recommendations
Supported Operating Systems
  • Whistler (also known as Microsoft Windows 2002 or Microsoft Windows.NET) Advanced Server Beta RC2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Service Pack 1 or 2
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 1 or 2
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server Service Pack 6a
Hardware Recommendations
  • 500 MHz or higher
  • 256 MB RAM or higher;
    more memory generally improves responsiveness
  • 2 x physical memory is the recommended swap space
  • 2 GB or more free disk space on a single drive to accommodate the Suite software and data.
Rational ClearCase LT Server File Storage Space Requirements
  • Rational ClearCase LT needs enough disk space on the server to contain the files and databases under source control. The amount of space required depends on the characteristics and use of the VOBs and views.
  • In addition to enough free disk space to load the Rational ClearCase LT server, the server needs 0.5 to 1.0 MB for each user who will use the ClearCase Web interface through the ClearCase LT server.
Application Servers
  • IBM WebSphere 3.5 Fix Pack 3.
  • IBM WebLogic 6.0 (WebLogic client software also required).
Notes: Rational Quality Architect also supports:
  • IBM WebSphere 4.x, Advanced Edition
  • IBM WebLogic 5.1 or higher
  • Sun J2EE Reference Server
Hosted Development Systems (remote sessions)
Rational ClearQuest, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Robot, Rational Rose, Rational SoDA, and Rational Test Manager support hosted development on these platforms:
  • Citrix MetaFrame.
  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Service Pack 6a. Rational ClearQuest does not support Windows Terminal Server on Windows NT.
  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Service Pack 1 or 2.
Note: Rational ClearCase supports hosted development on the above platforms except on Citrix MetaFrame.
Web Servers
  • Microsoft IIS 4 on Windows NT.
  • Microsoft IIS 5 on Windows 2000.
  • Rational ClearCase also supports Apache and Netscape.
  • Rational Manual Test Web Execution: We recommend that you use Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Advanced Server, or Windows NT 4.0 Server as the Web Server platform. However, if you use Windows 9x, or Windows NT 4.0, install Microsoft Personal Web Server (PWS) from the Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack.
Web Servers on Non-Windows Platforms
Rational ClearCase supports:
Apache on Solaris 2.9 or higher, HP-UX 11.11 or higher, Red Hat Linux 7.
Sybase SQL Anywhere Server
Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.05 is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows installation discs. It is configured to work only with Rational products.
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database 7.1 Service Pack 2 or 3
    IBM DB2 OS390 7.1 Service Pack 2 or 3
  • Microsoft Access 2000, 2002
  • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 3 or 2000 Service Pack 1
  • Oracle server 8.1.6, 8.1.7
    Oracle client 8.1.6, 8.1.7
  • Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.05
  • Rational ClearQuest also supports Oracle 8.0.5.
  • Rational ProjectConsole does not support Sybase SQL Anywhere.
  • Rational RequisitePro does not support IBM DB2 or Sybase SQL Anywhere.
Dual Boot Systems
Rational Suite does not support dual boot systems where both operating systems are on the same partition.
Rational Documentation
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for installation on the Rational Solutions for Windows - Online Documentation CD-ROM.
Language Support
You can install Rational Suite on these international operating systems:
  • Simplified or Traditional Chinese
  • Dutch, French
  • German
  • Hebrew
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Swedish
All displays, menus, controls, wizards, reports, and user documentation are in U.S. English.
  • If you have a Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, or Korean operating system, enter data (such as path names) in U.S. English or the ASCII character set.
  • If you have a Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, or Swedish operating system, enter data in U.S. English or the native language character set. Regional date, time, currency, and numbering conventions are also supported for both input and output.

Upgrading Rational Suite Products

For information about upgrading, see the chapter "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide.

New and Changed Features

This sections contains information about new and updated features included in this release.

Rational Developer Network

New Rational Developer Network Menu Option

The Rational Developer Network provides guidance to implement and deepen your knowledge of Rational tools and best practices. It provides access to white papers, artifacts, code, discussions, training, and documentation. For more information, see http://www.rational.net.

Rational Developer Network is also available from Let's Go RequisitePro.
Rational Rose
Rational RequisitePro

Rational Suite

Synchronizer Final Release as Part of Default Install

Rational Suite 2001A was the last release that contained the Rational Synchronizer in its default installation path. Most functionality provided by the Rational Synchronizer has been included in the Rational Suite Extensibility (RSE) APIs. The Rational Synchronizer is now an RSE client application. In this and future releases, the Rational Synchronizer is available to existing customers upon request.


You can access the Rational Suite Tutorial by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Suite > Rational Suite Tutorial Download, or by going directly to http://www.rational.com/documentation.


When you import named-user license keys on a Windows Rational license server, the License Key Administrator lets you configure the file needed to specify users for those keys.

Rational Administrator

Rational Administrator changes include:

Rational ClearCase LT

Rational ClearCase LT supports enhanced UCM capabilities and usability improvements.

Unified Change Management changes include:

Usability improvements include:

Rational ProjectConsole

Rational ProjectConsole is a new product in Rational Suite. The main product features are:

Rational QualityArchitect

See the Rational QualityArchitect Release Notes.

Rational TestManager

See the Rational TestManager Release Notes.

Rational Robot, Rational SiteCheck, Rational TeamTest, and Rational TestFactory

See the Rational Testing Product Release Notes.

Rational PurifyPlus Family

The products in the Rational PurifyPlus Family are: Rational Purify, Rational Quantify, and Rational PureCoverage.

Rational Purify

Rational Purify now supports:

Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.

Rational Quantify

Rational Quantify now supports:

Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.

Rational PureCoverage

Rational PureCoverage now supports:

Sun JDK1.3.1 includes support for the Hotspot version of the Virtual Machine.

Rational Rose

Rational Rose now supports:

See the Rational Rose Release Notes for information about Rational Rose Add-Ins.

Rational Rose RealTime Edition

Rational Rose RealTime Edition now includes:

Rational ClearQuest

Rational ClearQuest now includes:

Rational ClearQuest Web

There are no significant changes to Rational ClearQuest Web in this release.

Rational ClearQuest MultiSite

Rational ClearQuest MultiSite now includes:

Rational SoDA for Word

Rational SoDA for Word now supports Word XP.

Rational Rational RequisitePro and Rational RequisiteWeb

Enhanced Rational RequisitePro Environment

After you start Rational RequisitePro, the Open Project dialog box appears, which enables you to select a project to work with or to create a new project. To select an existing project, click the Existing tab. To create a new project, click the New tab.

The Explorer is the primary navigation window for Rational RequisitePro. In this window, project artifacts (documents, requirements, views, and packages) are displayed hierarchically in a tree browser. Project information is organized in packages, which are units of related artifacts. When you select an artifact, a description of it appears in the window below the Explorer.

You can use the Explorer to access, view, and edit your project artifacts. For example, you can double-click or right-click a view or a document to open it; you can select requirements and edit them; and you can drag and drop artifacts between packages. The Explorer reflects saved changes made to an open document, view, or requirement.

You can use the Explorer in both Rational RequisitePro and Rational RequisiteWeb.

Open Existing Projects

The Open Project dialog box lists all projects; those most recently opened are listed first.

New Project Template Structure

This release of Rational RequisitePro provides a new project template structure, which is designed to accelerate your organization's requirements management strategy. The Use-Case, Traditional, and Composite templates provide new organizational structure, queries, and documents in accordance with the principles of the Rational Unified Process. Each template contains a Glossary document and a Requirements Management Plan document. These documents save time for project managers by providing base content common to most requirements management needs, including descriptions of project artifacts, common terms, and roles. These templates can be modified, manipulated, customized, and enhanced as the project evolves.

Querying by Document Position

As you create queries on the Location attribute, you can select the Sort by document position check box to sort the requirements in the same order as they are sorted in the document that contains them.

New Quick Tour

Quick Tour provides a quick introduction to Rational RequisitePro. It walks you through the basic tasks that you perform in a requirements project, such as how to create projects, documents, and requirements, and how to set requirement attributes and establish traceability. You can open Quick Tour from the Let's Go RequisitePro Help screen or from the Help menu.

Rational RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Changes

The following new features have been added to the Rational RequisitePro Extensibility Interface:

In addition, the following constants have been added to support the methods and properties of the new and existing classes:

Rational Unified Process

Rational Unified Process now supports:

Getting Started

Compatible Products

Rational produces synchronized releases of all its products. If you install multiple Rational products on a single system, or on multiple systems on the same networked environment, they must all be at the same version number. This is necessary because of the tight integration between products.

Note: Currently, the Rational ClearQuest Web server cannot coexist on the same system with Microsoft Windows Terminal Server. When installing Rational ClearQuest Web on a Microsoft Windows 2000 system, if the system is also a host for Windows Terminal Server (regardless of whether ClearQuest is being used under Terminal Server), then the ClearQuest Web interface fails to check out a license and the user interface always displays in "Restricted" mode. The workaround is to use a system that is not a Windows Terminal Server host as the ClearQuest Web server.

Caution - Before You Install

In most cases, when you upgrade to Rational Suite Version 2002 from Version 20001A or Version 2001, it is not necessary to uninstall your Rational Suite software. For more information, read the chapter "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide. For administrator and network installations, you must uninstall your Rational Suite software.

Warning: If you plan to install a Rational Suite product over an earlier version of that product, you must back up your data before you install.

In some instances, the Rational installation program displays information regarding possible conflicts between files that are being installed and existing files on the system that have the same name. Messages referencing files that exist within a Rational directory are generally benign. However, if any file in question resides in the Windows system directory, we recommend that you investigate that file. One version of the file may be more compatible with existing software on the system. For more information, contact Rational Technical Support.

If, in addition to a Rational Suite product, you have Rational point products (as opposed to a Suite) installed on your system, you must remove those point products. To remove a standalone Rational product, use the Add/Remove Software function in your Control Panel.

It is possible to install a Rational product inadvertently in more than one location through the Silent Install. This can happen if your administrator creates a new response.ini file that directs the installation to a location other than the one in which a Rational product is currently installed. Continuing with such an installation causes two Rational products to be installed in different locations, leading to unstable or unusable products. This corrupts your existing and new installations, and prevents the Rational uninstall from working correctly. You and the system administrator should ensure that the installation path specified in the response.ini file matches any pre-existing installation path on the local system.

Before removing any Rational product with the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove Software function, make sure that you:

If you do not close all applications and return your licenses, the setup procedure may not remove all files associated with your installation.

Installation and licensing information is available in the License Key Administrator Help and in the Rational Suite Installation Guide included on the Rational Solutions for Windows - Online Documentation CD.

After installing a Rational product on a system with Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000, you may need to restart your system. After restarting, log in using the same username as the one you used when you started the installation.

A common scenario for Rational ClearCase installers is that the system administrator performs the installation and the end user subsequently logs on and completes the installation. If you install Rational Suite and include Rational ClearCase LT, you are prevented from logging on as another user to complete the installation. A significant part of the Rational ClearCase installation work occurs after the restart, so a failure to complete the installation as the same user can cause severe problems.

For Windows 9x, double-byte characters are not supported in the installation pathname. Therefore, your install directory name must not contain double-byte characters.

If You Are Setting Up a Silent Install

If you have earlier Rational products installed on your system, you will see a warning page during your installation. If you are setting up a silent installation, pay particular attention to this message and take steps to ensure that users upgrade all Rational products. Users who install silently will not see this warning message. The message will appear in the user's installation log file, but the user may not remember to look at the log file after completing the installation.

Upgrading from Version 2000 or Earlier

This section outlines special information regarding installation and upgrade of your Rational Suite product.

If you have Rational software installed on your computer from Version 2000 or earlier, read this note carefully before you install Version 2002. If you install Version 2002 directly over Version 2000, you can damage the software or Rational repositories that you use with Rational products.

To protect your Rational Suite environment, and Rational point-product environments, first upgrade your software and repositories to Version 2001A, then upgrade software and repositories to the current version. For more information, see "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide.

If you are not installing Rational Suite, it may be safe to proceed with the installation. Before installing, however, verify that your administrator has spoken to Rational Technical Support about error number 200201.

Network Installations

If you are installing a Rational product from a network location, make sure the installation image directory has read-only permissions.

When you select a Network installation option, use a UNC pathname such as \\server\share\directory, rather than a mapped drive letter. This ensures that the network location remains constant, even if drive letter mappings change.

To ensure that your network installation works correctly, check to make sure that your network drive mapping reconnects at logon.

Message About Required Internet Explorer (IE) Upgrade (TestManager)

You may see a message that indicates you must upgrade to IE 5.0 Service Pack 2 before you can install Rational testing products. This message is incorrect. Testing products support IE versions 5.0 and 4.0. Click Ignore, and you will not be prevented from installing.

Upgrading from the Previous Release of TestManager
If you are upgrading to this release (2002.05) from the previous release of TestManager, you must remove the Nutcracker executable and restart your computer before installing the current version.
To remove the Nutcracker executable:

Licensing Information

If you are using floating licenses, make sure that the license server system is running before you start the Rational License Key Administrator on your desktop. Otherwise, if the License Key Administrator is directed to get a license, it will return an error.

Web Components

The following table lists each Rational Suite product that includes a Web component and points to the documentation for that component.

Web Components
ClearCase LT Web
"Configuring a Web Server for the ClearCase Web Interface" in Rational ClearCase LT Administrator's Guide
ClearQuest Web
"Setting Up ClearQuest Web" in Rational ClearQuest Installation Guide
  • "Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb" in Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide
  • Help file, RequisiteWebInstall.html, "Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb"
"Installing Web Server Components" in Rational Testing Products Installation Guide

Creating the Rational Test Data Store

After installation, when creating the Rational test data store from Rational Administrator, do not specify a path containing non-ASCII characters. Also, do not use non-ASCII characters when naming any projects or log folders. If your test data store path contains non-ASCII characters, you will experience problems of varying severity, including abnormal test script termination, datapool access anomalies, and problems with verification points.

This is a particular issue when installing and using Rational products in non-English environments. This problem will be fixed in a patch.

For More Information

For more information about interactions between specific products, visit http://www.rational.com/support/. Click Upgrades and Patches and select a product to upgrade.

Compatibility Issues

The following sections outline known compatibility issues with Rational products and between Rational and third-party software products. See also the "Compatible Products" in this document.

Important Installation Notice Regarding PowerBuilder Incompatibility with Microsoft MDAC 2.6

MDAC 2.6 is not supported on systems running Microsoft SQL Server in a clustered environment.

Installing Rational Software in a Windows Terminal Server Environment

You can install and run Rational software (except ClearQuest Web) on a Windows Terminal Server console system as you would on any other supported Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server system.

To use Rational products on a Terminal Server client, you must configure your console system to use floating licenses.

Conflict Between Some Rational Products and Some Anti-Virus Software

Some virus scanners check each file as software is installed or launched. The scanners check all .dll and .ini files as they are being read and loaded. This activity can significantly increase the time it takes for software to load.

Until another solution is found, we recommend that you turn off your anti-virus software when installing Rational Rose or other Rational software. After the software is loaded and running, restart your anti-virus software.

Installing Rational Suite Enterprise on a System with Rational Test RealTime

If you have installed an earlier version of Rational Test RealTime on the same system with Rational Suite, upgrade Rational Test RealTime to version 2002.05. Earlier versions of Rational Test RealTime will fail after installation of Rational Suite version 2002.05. Upgrades are free to all Rational customers with a current maintenance contract. Please contact your Rational Sales representative for additional information.

Rational Suite Extensibility

Performance Issues for Source Control Operations for Medium to Large Projects

When you add test and requirements assets to source control or perform a checkin-all operation, system performance can be very slow for medium to large requirements and test projects.

Rational Suite 2002 lets you place requirements and test assets under version control in a Rational ClearCase VOB. This support uses two operations from the Rational Administrator: Add to CM and Checkin All. Add to CM adds the assets to source control and Checkin All captures a snapshot of the assets at a point in time. In both cases, if you have a large number of requirements or test assets, these operations may take a long time and could make these features unusable, depending on how often you perform these operations.

The time it takes to perform these operations directly depends on the number of files needed to store the requirements and test assets. For requirements assets, the number of files needed depends on the number of saved views, requirement types, and documents. The number of files is not dependent on the number of requirements. For test assets, the number of files needed mostly depends on the number of scripts and the number of verification points in each script being managed.

Use the following information to estimate the time it will take for the Add to CM and Checkin All operations for existing requirements and test projects. Because there is a strong relationship between the performance of these operations and the number of file elements placed under source control, start by determining the number of file elements that will be involved in the operation.

Requirements Assets

Estimate the number of files added to source control or checkpointed for a Rational RequisitePro project by using the following formula:

Number of Files = 10 + 3 * (Number of Documents) + (Number of Saved Views) + (Number of Requirement Types)

Estimated Operation Time in Minutes:

(10 * Number of Files) / 60 seconds

Here is an example:

Number of Documents = 165
Number of Saved Views = 37
Number of Requirement Types = 12

The time required to add a RequisitePro project to source control is proportional to the number of requirement types, documents, and saved views in the project. Adding the above example (554 files) to source control initially took:

Additional Tips for Rational RequisitePro

If you use Rational ClearCase LT to baseline your Rational RequisitePro project, here are some tips to improve performance of the Check in All operation.

Test Assets

Estimate the number of files added to source control or checkpointed for a Test project using the following formula:

Number of GUI Script Files = (Number of GUI Scripts) * (2 + OP + (2 * OD))


OP = Average Number of Object Property Verification Points + Average Number of Low Level Scripts + Average Number of Alphanumeric Verification Points

OD = Average Number of Object Data Verification Points

Number of Files = 200 + Number of GUI Script Files + Number of Manual Scripts

Estimated Operation Time in Minutes:

(10 * Number of Files) / 60 seconds

Here is an example:

Number of GUI Scripts = 200
Estimated 3 Object or AlphaNumeric verification point and/or low level scripts
Estimated 1 Data verification point
Number of Manual Scripts = 100
Number of GUI Script Files = 200 * (2 + 3 + (2 * 1)) = 1400

The 10x factor in computing the time is based on an estimated 5 seconds for two ClearCase operations that must be performed on each file in this implementation. You may be able to improve the time it takes for these operations by having a high-powered and correctly configured ClearCase server.

Using Rational ClearQuest with Rational RequisitePro

Rational ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues

UCM on Windows NT with ClearCase 5.0

A possible problem has been identified on Windows NT 4.0 when ClearCase 5.0 is installed. After performing a UCM datastore operation from the Rational Administrator (such as create a datastore, check-in all, add to or remove from source control), we suggest you shut down and restart Rational Administrator before attempting another such operation.

Rational ClearCase LT Issues

Using Rational Rose with Rational RequisitePro

Using Rational Rose RealTime with Rational RequisitePro

The Rational Rose RealTime/Rational RequisitePro integration does not support the association of a Rational Rose RealTime package with a Rational RequisitePro project. Use case and model association is supported.

Rational RequisitePro/Rational ClearQuest Integrations

For information on upgrading Rational Suite or the RequisitePro/ClearQuest integration, refer to the Rational Suite Installation Guide. For information on configuring the integration, refer to the Rational Suite Administrator's Guide.

The following are issues when using Rational ClearQuest with Rational RequisitePro:

Late Changes to Documentation

Manual Titles

Many manuals in this release have new or changed titles, so the unrevised documentation may contain discrepancies and inconsistencies in the references to those titles.

Manual Versions

Some manuals were not revised for this release, therefore, the manuals in your documentation set may have different version numbers.

Rational Suite Installation Guide

In the Rational Suite Installation Guide, in the chapter, "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite," in the section, "Applying Package Upgrades," the instructions tell you to validate your work in the ClearQuest Designer by clicking File > Test Work. The correct menu item is File > Validate.

Legal Notices

The products in this release use some or all of the following copyrighted information:

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Copyright ©1995 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.
This software product contains part of the GNU C Library, and those portions are copyrighted as follows:
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper, <drepper@gnu.org>.
Copyright (c) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 , 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper, <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Copyright (c) 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
The GNU C Library and its use are covered under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_LGPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes a copy of rtcpp.exe, an executable program based on GNU cpp.
Portions of this executable are copyrighted as follows:
Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1988,89,90,91,92,93,94,96,97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1986, 87, 89, 92-96, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Paul Rubin, June 1986
Adapted to ANSI C, Richard Stallman, Jan 1987
rtcpp.exe and its use is covered under the terms of the GNU General Public License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_GPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information,
including disclaimer of warranty.
This software product includes a copy of executables which use:
pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32.
Copyright (C) 1998
The pthreads-win32 library and its use are covered under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License,
a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_LGPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes a copy of executables which use the W3C libwww library.
Copyright (c) 1994-2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/
The W3C libwww library and its use are covered under the terms of the
W3C Software Notice and License, a copy of which may be found in
<INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\W3C_IPR_SOFTWARE_NOTICE.htm.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes libiiop.dll, which is based on an implementation of the Object Management Group's "Internet Inter-ORB Protocol" of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Printed in the United State of America.
All rights reserved.
The libiiop.dll library and its use are covered under the terms of the Sun Microsystem Inc.'s Copyright and License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\InterOrbEngine_License.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.

Known Defects and Change Requests

The following table identifies known bugs and limitations in this release. In addition, review the release notes for the products included in your Rational Suite edition. See the release note Readme for All Products. You can use this link if you have specified the default installation path; if you have customized that path, this link will not work.

Doc CD
The integrations with ClearQuest, including descriptions of packages, contents, dependencies and prerequisites, the instructions for applying them to a schema, and the runtime requirements of the integrations, are documented in TechNote #22314 on the Rational Support web site:

Doc CD
The manual "Using Rational TestFactory" (testfactug.pdf) on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD is listed as version 2001A.04.00. This is the most current version of this document.
Doc CD
The manual "Using UCM with Rational Suite" on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD is listed as version 2001A.04.00. This is the most current version of this document.
Users should not install their software to a network location under Windows 9.x. The reason for this is the following: Sometimes the installation needs to reboot in order to install files that have been locked by the OS during installation. The reboot frees these files so that they can be replaced before they become locked again. Installing to a network location causes problems because the network connections are not ready when this replacement happens. The result is that the OS can't replace the files and the old files remain. This will cause problems with the installed image.
If you have difficulty using a Microsoft Access database with products in Rational Suite on a Japanese system, make certain that you have installed most recent MDAC components for use on a Japanese system.
Your installation of Rational software products may fail unexpected if you have virus protection enabled on your system. Virus detection software must be disabled during a server installation.
If you have installed an older version of Rational Test RealTime on the same machine with Rational Suite, please upgrade Test RealTime to version 2002.05. Older versions of Rational Test RealTime will fail after installation of Rational Suite version 2002.05. Upgrades are free to all Rational customers with a current maintenance contract. Please contact your Rational Sales representative for additional information.
Do not use Sybase Central, included with the Sybase SQL Anywhere Database Server installation, to create a SQL Anywhere database. Doing so may cause a crash in SCVIEW.EXE. Instead, follow the instructions provided in the Rational Test Installation guide for creating a SQL Anywhere Database Server.
Rational Administrator
- SQL Anywhere install may set up service with the wrong connection information.
Install sets .\Administrator as logon. This will not work on Win2K/WinNT/WinXP systems. Set logon as the Local System Account in order to properly start service.

- In the Control Panel, go to the Services applet.
- Scroll down to SQL Anywhere Server and then double-click on it.
- On the Properties Dialog, go to the Logon tab.
- For the field: Set logon as - choose Local System Account.
- Click Apply.

Rational Administrator
- The Defect Tracking Schema cannot be associated in a Rational Administrator Project. It is also not an available option in an Analyst Studio installation.
The following selector has been added to the TestCase artifact:
The following renamings in the TestCase artifact have been done for clarity:

ImplementingScript -> ImplementingAutomatedScript
ImplementingSuite -> ImplementingAutomatedSuite
Script -> AutomatedScript
The ExternalProjects relationship of the RequisitePro Project does not function correctly. It is not supported in the current release.

Third-Party Components Used in Common Install

Third-Party Product
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Simplified Chinese stays at Version 4.0
ComponentOne True DBGrid Pro
Apex is now called ComponentOne
Bennet-Tec TLIST

eHelp RoboHELP
Blue Sky is now called eHelp
Test products install own version.
Globetrotter FLEXlm

Javasoft JavaHelp

Javasoft JRE

Lead Technologies, Lead Tool

Microsoft IE Components
Indirectly installed with Microsoft XML Parser.
Microsoft IE Components
4.01 SP1
Indirectly installed with Microsoft JVM, and Microsoft HTML Help.
Microsoft Script

Microsoft ActiveX SDK

Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
Indirectly installed with OpenLink components.
Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO)
Indirectly installed with MDAC.
Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO)

Microsoft Java Virtual Machine

Microsoft MMC

Microsoft XML Parser

Installed on Windows 95 when MDAC is installed.
Microsoft MTS Components

Microsoft WinSock
Installed as part of FLEXlm.
Microsoft HTML Help

Microsoft Office Object Library
8.0 (97)

Microsoft Office Object Library
9.0 (2000)

Visual Basic Components

Visual Basic Components

Visual C++ Components

Visual C++ Components

Olectra Chart

ScanSoft TextBridge API

Seagate Crystal Reports & Runtime

Stingray Objective Grid

Stingray Objective Toolkit

Sybase SQL Anywhere

Videosoft VS-OCX
Now called SizerOne (by ComponentOne)

Rational Technical Support for Licensing

If you have questions regarding the licensing of your Rational Software products, contact Rational Licensing Support in your area: http://www.rational.com/support/contact. Worldwide Rational Licensing Support contact information can also be found in the Rational installation and licensing guides, and in the online Help of the License Key Administrator on Windows systems.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support as follows:

Your Location
North America
(800) 433-5444
(toll free)
(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA
(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA
Europe, Middle East, Africa
+31 (0) 20-4546-200
+31 (0) 20-4546-201
Asia Pacific

Note: When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information: