Rational Software Corp.


Appendix A

Rational Rose - Operating System Runtime and/or Patch Requirements

The requirements below are in relation to the following platforms (operating system versions):

Note: If you are currently using Rose and your installed operating system patches are currently meeting your needs, we strongly recommend that you not change your installed patches. The following patches are recommended for new customers and customers experiencing problems. If you upgrade your patches, we recommend that you use the following patch versions. While we encourage you to contact the appropriate vendor to determine if a patch has been superseded, we cannot guarantee release compatibility with a patch version we have not yet tested. For information regarding the latest patch versions tested or required with this release, visit the Rational web site at http://www.rational.com/support.

Contact Rational Technical Support if you encounter any compatibility difficulties after installing a patch which supersedes the following patches.

HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00 Patch Requirements and Descriptions

Table 12 summarizes the patch requirements for HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00.

Table 12 HP-UX 10.20 and 11.00 Patch Requirements for Rose
Runtime Patches


Reason for Patch

Operating System Versions and Notes


S700_800 10.20 csh(1) cumulative patch

Fixes crash of csh exit of MainWin

HP-UX 10.20 (ACE)


S700_800 10.20 Xserver cumulative patch

Fixes Xserver crash with multiple rectangle

HP-UX 10.20 (ACE)


HP aC++ runtime libraries (aCC A.01.21)

Runtime for compiler A.01.21

HP-UX 10.20 (ACE)


S700_800 10.20 HP DCE 9000 1.5 cumulative patch

Problem with threads

HP-UX 10.20 (ACE)


S700-800 10X dld.sl(5) cumulative patch

Runtime requirement

HP-UX 10.20 (ACE)

PHSS_17327 1

X/Motif 2.1 Dev Kit Mar99 Periodic Patch

Runtime requirement

HP-UX 11.00


ld(1) and linker tools cumulative patch

Resolve dld.sl error when using CORBA & Java Operation Specification Window:
/usr/lib/dld.sl: Unresolved symbol: (libot.sl (unknown))

HP-UX 11.00


s700_800 11.X
HP aC++ (aCC A.03.13) runtime libraries

Runtime requirement

HP-UX 11.00

1 Rose requires HP-UX OS Patch PHSS_17327 (X/Motif 2.1 Dev Kit Mar99 Periodic Patch). This Patch requires PHSS_17326 (X/Motif 2.1 Runtime Mar99 Periodic Patch). PHSS_17326 has been superseded by HP-UX OS Patch PHSS_23823

It is important to use PHSS_23823 as Rose for UNIX will not start (display) if an earlier version of this patch is installed (that is, PHSS_21493).

If it is necessary to have a Motif Xlib runtime patch prior to PHSS_23823 and you encounter this issue, refer to the following instructions to workaround this problem:

1 Make sure your Rose process is no longer running. (Use ps to determine if the process is running, and "kill -TERM [pid]" if it is necessary to kill the process.)

2 As the owner of these files, enter the following commands:

    cd rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/install/patches/hppa_hpux/hp11

    cp libX11.3 rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/hppa_hpux/hp11/lib/.

    chmod 555 rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/hppa_hpux/hp11/lib/libX11.3.

3 Run rose_cleanup.

4 Run rose.

The HP-UX patches are available at:

Solaris Patch Requirements and Descriptions

Note: Some patches are required on the server (the computer from which Rose is launched) and the client (the computer that is used to display Rose), and some are required only on the client. In some cases, the server and client are the same computer, but often several users login to one server (to run the application) and have their own displays which serve as their client. The following Sun Solaris patch recommendations are specific to Sun Solaris servers and clients. Table 13 summarizes the server and client patches. Table 14 summarizes the client patches.

Table 13 Solaris Server and Client Patches for Rose 
Server and Client Runtime Patches


Reason for Patch

Operating System Version


Kernel update patch

Fixes kernel thread problems

Solaris 2.6


Shared library patch for C++

Shared library fix

Solaris 2.6


Xsun patch

To fix defects in XinitThreads and _XflushInt, that is, defect fixes for multi-threaded applications under X.

Solaris 2.6


X input and output method patch

Fixes input/output problem

Solaris 2.6


Shared library patch for C++

Shared library fix

Solaris 7


Xsun patch

To fix defects in XinitThreads and _XflushInt, that is, defect fixes for multi-threaded applications under X.

Solaris 7


Shared library patch for C++

Shared library fix

Solaris 8

Table 14 Solaris Client Patches for Rose 
Client (Display) Patches


Reason for Patch

Operating System Version & Graphic Card


VIS/XIL Graphics Patch

Provides the imaging and video foundation for Solaris

Supplemental for Creator or Elite graphics card on Solaris 2.6


VIS/XIL Graphics Patch

Provides the imaging and video foundation for Solaris

For Creator or Elite graphics card on Solaris 7


M64 Graphics Patch

Required for PGX (M64 Graphics card) PCI-based Ultra 5, 10, and 60:

For PGX (M64 Graphics card) on Solaris 2.6


M64 Graphics Patch

See "Reason for Patch" under patch 105362-20

For PGX (M64 Graphics card) on Solaris 7


FFB Graphics Patch

Supplemental patch for VIS/XIL graphics patch:

For Creator Graphics Card on Solaris 2.6


FFB Graphics Patch

See "Reason for Patch" under patch 105360-28

For Creator Graphics Card on Solaris 7


AFB Graphics Patch

Supplemental patch for VIS/XIL graphics patch for Elite 3D frame buffer:

For Elite3D Graphics Card Solaris 2.6


AFB Graphics Patch

See "Reason for Patch" under patch 105363-24

For Elite3D Graphics Card Solaris 7


TCX Graphics Patch

To fix GUI hanging, and to fix paint problems (black/white regions appear in menus, dialog boxes, toolbars, and so on)

For TCX Graphics Card on Solaris 2.6


PGX32 2.1 Graphics Patch

Recommended for GFX graphics card

For GFX Graphics Card on Solaris 2.6, and 7 if "VERSION" line from pkginfo -l TSIgfxOW indicates 2.1, otherwise refer to following patches


PGX32 Graphics Patch

Recommended for GFX graphics card

For GFX Graphics card on Solaris 2.6 if 107851-01 does not apply


PGX32 Graphics Patch

Recommended for GFX graphics card

For GFX Graphics card on Solaris 7 if 107851-03 does not apply


cgsix driver patch

For issue related to GX frame buffer

For cgsix Graphics Card on Solaris 2.6

The Solaris patches are available at:

The Sun Solaris patches may not be available publicly.

The following may be necessary to obtain some of the Solaris patches listed above:

Detecting a Graphics Card

How to detect a graphics card on a Sun Solaris computer:

Errors Encountered if Correct Sun Solaris Runtime Not Installed

A user will encounter the following error if the appropriate Sun Solaris runtime patches are not installed:

ld.so.1: exe_name: fatal: libCrun.so.1: open failed: No such file or 

Displaying on Ultrabook, Using PGX Graphics Card

A CDE crash may occur when displaying Rose for UNIX/Linux on a Ultrabook using a PGX Graphics Card, if Sun Solaris patch 105362-26 is installed.

If using a PGX Graphics Card, we recommend that Sun Solaris patch 105362-20 be installed as this is the latest version tested and determined to be compatible with this release.

If you encounter the CDE crash, uninstall patch 105362-26 and if possible install 105362-20. If Sun Solaris patch 105362-20 is not installed, the following may occur:

If you uninstall patch 105362-26 and encounter any of the issues described above, or if patch 105362-20 is not available, contact Rational Technical Support .

Support for the PGX32 Add-on Board

If your client computer has the PGX32 add-on board (based on the Permedia 2 chip), you need to install the drivers and patches for this card. You cannot see the device in the /dev/fbs directory unless the drivers are installed.

Contact Rational Technical Support if you require information in relation to the Sun Solaris drivers or patches for the PGX32 add-on board.

Rational Software Corporation  http://www.rational.com
Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.