Using Rational PureCoverage with Purify

Rational Purify is designed to work closely with Rational PureCoverage, Rational Software's run-time test coverage tool. PureCoverage identifies the parts of your code you have not checked for errors so that you can improve your test cases.

To use PureCoverage with Purify, add both product names to the beginning of your link line. Include all options with the programs to which they refer. For example:

% purify <purifyoptions> purecov <purecovoptions> \
 cc -g hello_world.c -o hello_world

In this case, both <purifyoptions> and <purecovoptions> are used, as well as the values of the environment variables PURIFYOPTIONS, PURECOVOPTIONS, and PUREOPTIONS, in that order of precedence. Where there are conflicting values, the first value seen is used. A value in <purifyoptions> overrides a value in <purecovoptions>. These options override environment variables.

When you run your program, you see both the Purify banner and the PureCoverage banner. Purify reports memory access errors and memory leaks as the program runs.

PureCoverage test-coverage data is available after the program terminates. You can open the PureCoverage Viewer from the Purify Viewer by clicking the PureCoverage icon image\purecovbutton.gif in the toolbar.
