PureCoverage is most useful when you collect coverage data regularly throughout the development cycle.
Rerun your program under PureCoverage:
whenever PureCoverage data shows that you have not exercised your code sufficiently
whenever you modify your code
By default, PureCoverage merges the results of multiple runs of the same program to provide cumulative information about program coverage. (You don't need to recompile if you haven't changed your code.)
You can, however, keep the results of each run separate. To do this, use the -counts-file option in the command line. PureCoverage writes data to a separate .pcv data file whenever you modify the code. If you have written data to separate coverage files, you can:
Merge the results of selected runs manually using the -merge option
Monitor changes in coverage between runs using the PureCoverage pc_diff report script. Select File > Run Script in the Viewer.
To rerun a program after modifying it, you must again compile and link with PureCoverage to collect coverage data.
By default, PureCoverage writes the new coverage data in a new .pcv file that you can merge (-merge option) or compare (pc_diff report script) with previous runs.
Alternatively, you can use the -force-merge option to merge the data automatically with an older .pcv file.
What else can you do?