This report is useful for analyzing changes in coverage, typically because some change to the program or test suite was made between the time the old data was collected and the time the new data was collected. The syntax is:
% pc_diff [-apply-adjustments=no] old.pcv new.pcv
You must specify two filenames when you use the pc_diff script. One of the filenames, however, can be "-"; this designates stdin as the source of exported information:
% purecov -export new.pcv | pc_diff old.pcv -
% purecov -export old.pcv | pc_diff - new.pcv
When you run the script from the PureCoverage Viewer, you must enter "-" as one of the filenames.
The old and new files are the two PureCoverage data files to be compared. The resulting report shows the files for which coverage got worse or improved, and files which were added or deleted.
pc_diff old.pcv new.pcv
Files which got worse:
Files which improved:
hash.c 71% changed to 96%
testHash.c 52% changed to 70%
Files which are new to new.pcv.
view.c 100%
menu.c 100%
dialog.c 100%
Files from old.pcv which no longer exist:
utils.c 56%
shifty.c 100%
utils.c 60%
xmit.c 100%