
Generates and sends update packets


Product Command type


MultiSite command





sync_export_list [ -c·ompress ] [ -lo·gdir log-directory ]

[ -f·ship | -sh·ip ] [ -lockwait minutes ] [ -q·uiet mode ]
[ -wo·rkdir directory ] [ -m·axsize max-packet-size ]
[ -sc·lass storage-class ] [ -u·pdate ] [ -li·mit num-packets ]
[ -t·race ] [ -p·oll ] [ -i·terate num-tries [ -wa·it num-seconds ] ]
{ -a·ll | -r·eplicas replica-list [ script-file ] | script-file }
sync_export_list -p·oll [ -sc·lass storage-class ]
sync_export_list -h·elp

On UNIX, sync_export_list is located in ccase-home-dir/config/scheduler/tasks. On Windows, sync_export_list is located in ccase-home-dir\config\scheduler\tasks.


sync_export_list generates update packets for one or more VOB replicas. You can specify options for packet generation and transport on the command line, in a script file, or by using a combination of the command line and a script file.

You can run sync_export_list manually, or run it automatically with the schedule command. For more information, see the schedule reference page in the Command Reference.


By default, synchronization exports fail if the VOB is locked. To allow sync_export_list to retry an export when it encounters a lock, use the -lockwait option, which specifies the amount of time (in minutes) for sync_export_list to keep trying to write to the VOB. During that time, sync_export_list retries the write operation every minute. If the time elapses and the VOB is still locked, sync_export_list exits with an error.

The -lockwait option sets the CLEARCASE_VOBLOCKWAIT environment variable in the script's environment. If -lockwait is not used, sync_export_list ignores CLEARCASE_VOBLOCKWAIT if it is set outside the script's environment.

NOTE: sync_export_list waits only if it detects the lock before it starts processing oplogs. If an administrator locks the VOB during oplog processing, sync_export_list exits with an error.


You can modify the behavior of the sync_export_list script by creating a file named MSimport_export.conf and setting values in it. On UNIX, create the file in the directory /var/adm/atria/config. On Windows, create the file in the directory ccase-home-dir\var\config.

The file can include the following export setting:

disable_export_locking = 1

Disables use of the export lockfile, allowing multiple exports from a single replica to run simultaneously. Setting the value to 0 (default) enables use of the lockfile.
This setting and the -lockwait option are not related. This setting configures use of the lock created by the sync_export_list process to prevent interference among export processes, and the -lockwait option handles ClearCase VOB locks.


sync_export_list fails if there is another sync_export_list process exporting data from the same replica, unless export locking is disabled (see CONFIGURATION FILE). This failure prevents interference among export processes. To allow an invocation of sync_export_list to retry an export, use the -iterate and -wait options.

To display informational messages, specify the -trace option on the command line.

To display all debugging print statements, set the TRACE_SUBSYS environment variable to the value sync_export_list.

sync_export_list creates a log file during execution. This log file is deleted unless sync_export_list fails or you use -trace or set TRACE_SUBSYS.

By default, the log files are stored in the /var/adm/atria/log/sync_logs directory on UNIX and the ccase-home-dir\var\log directory on Windows. The name of a log file includes the process ID of the sync_export_list command and the time (in UTC format) at which you ran the command.

On UNIX, the Weekly Log Scrubbing job installed with ClearCase deletes send* and recv* log files in /var/adm/atria/log/sync_logs that are more than 14 days old.


Identities: You must have one of the following identities:

With -poll, you must have write and execute permissions on the directory containing the shipping orders, and on UNIX, you must own the shipping order files or be root.

Locks: An error occurs if one or more of these objects are locked: VOB.

Mastership: No mastership restrictions.



Prints help on command options.

Compresses update packets using Gzip compression.
-lo·gdir log-directory

Writes log file to log-directory. You must have write access to log-directory.
-f·ship | -sh·ip

By default, sync_export_list ships packets immediately (-fship). To store packets in the shipping bay, specify -ship.
-lockwait minutes

Number of minutes for the script to keep retrying to write to the VOB, if the VOB is locked.
-q·uiet mode

Suppresses messages sent to STDOUT. mode can have the following values:


(default) Prints errors, warnings, and informational messages


Prints errors and warnings


Suppresses all messages

-wo·rkdir directory

Writes temporary files to directory. directory must exist and be writable by the user who enters the sync_export_list command.
-m·axsize max-packet-size

Maximum size for a physical packet, expressed as a number followed by a single letter. For example:


500 kilobytes


20 megabytes


1.5 gigabytes

If you do not specify -maxsize, sync_export_list uses the value specified in the shipping.conf file (UNIX) or MultiSite Control Panel (Windows). To specify no size limit, use -maxsize 0.
-sc·lass storage-class

Uses the shipping parameters associated with storage-class. If you do not specify -sclass, sync_export_list uses the parameters for the default storage class. You can create or modify storage classes in the shipping.conf file on UNIX or the MultiSite Control Panel on Windows.

For each current replica, queries the sibling replicas for their actual states and updates the current replica's epoch table accordingly, then generates update packets. The sites must have IP connections.
-li·mit num-packets

Limits the number of packets syncreplica generates. If you also specify -maxsize, each packet is no larger than max-packet-size; otherwise, each packet is no larger than the value specified in the shipping.conf file (UNIX) or MultiSite Control Panel (Windows). Use this option when the disk space for your shipping bay or staging area is limited, or when you are creating packets to be placed on magnetic tape (UNIX) or diskettes.

Lists command-line options you specified, displays commands as they are executed, displays a success or failure message, and forces sync_export_list to keep its log file.

Executes shipping_server -poll before exporting any data. If you also specify -sclass, shipping_server -poll processes only the shipping orders for the specified storage class.
-i·terate num-tries -wa·it num-seconds

Maximum number of tries to make all exports complete successfully, and the number of seconds to wait between tries. By default, sync_export_list does not retry failed exports (-iterate 1). If you specify -iterate without -wait, sync_export_list waits 30 seconds between tries.

Generates update packets from all replicas on the current host to all sibling replicas in their respective VOB families.
-r·eplicas replica-list

Generates update packets for the replicas you specify in replica-list. You can specify replica-list in any of the following forms:


Generates a packet for a replica


Generates packets for two or more replicas in a VOB family


Generates update packets for all sibling replicas in a VOB family



(generate an update packet for a single replica)


(generate update packets for multiple replicas in a VOB family)


(generate update packets for all replicas in a family)

You can specify only one VOB family with -replicas. To specify multiple VOB families, use multiple replicas: lines in a script-file. You must specify at least one replica, either on the command line, or in a script-file.

Path to file containing directives for sync_export_list. You must specify this argument last on the command line. You can include the following directives in script-file:


Compresses or does not compress packet.


Ships packets immediately.


Stores packets in shipping bay.


Sets maximum packet size.


Sets a different storage class. To unset the storage class, do not specify a storage-class value.


Controls whether epoch table is updated before export.


Sets maximum number of packets to generate per replica.


Number of minutes to wait for VOB locks.


Exports packets from specified replicas. Specify replica-list as described in the -replicas option.

sync_export_list processes all directives in the order listed in script-file. Rules for directives:

  • You can include multiple replicas directives in script-file.
  • Each replicas directive can have different shipping directives (a shipping directive is any directive except replicas).
  • Shipping directives must precede the replicas directive to which they apply.
  • A shipping directive remains in effect for all subsequent replicas directives unless you override it.
  • sync_export_list creates and exports packets for replicas specified on the command line, and then creates and exports packets for replicas specified in the script file.

For example, in the following script file the directives sclass:daily and limit:10 apply to both replicas directives.








mkorder, MultiSite Control Panel, shipping.conf, shipping_server, sync_receive, syncreplica