Chapter 8 Managing Mastership

This chapter describes how to manage the mastership of ClearCase objects in a VOB replica, using the following commands:

The mkelem command is a cleartool subcommand. The other commands listed above are cleartool and multitool subcommands. For more information on the commands, see their reference pages in this manual or in the Command Reference.

On Windows, you can use the describe and chmaster commands or the Properties Browser to display and change mastership.

The reqmaster command requests mastership of branches and branch types and sets controls for mastership requests. On Windows, you can use the Request Mastership graphical interface and the Properties Browser to request mastership and set controls. Use of these interfaces is described in Chapter 9, Implementing Requests for Mastership.

NOTE: Before reading this chapter, you should read the information in Enabling Independent VOB Development: Mastership.