12.2 Taking a VOB Out of Service

Suppose that the VOB to be taken out of service has storage directory /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs and has VOB-tag /libpub. To make the VOB inaccessible:

  1. Remove the VOB from the object registry. Removal prevents anyone from reactivating the VOB. Use the ClearCase Administration Console or the cleartool unregister command:

  2. cleartool unregister -vob /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs

  3. (Optional) Remove the VOB from the tag registry. Use the VOB Tags node of the ClearCase Administration Console to remove the VOB's VOB-tag.

  4. Terminate the VOB's server processes. If the ClearCase LT server is a UNIX computer, search the server's process table for the vob_server and vobrpc_server processes that manage that VOB. Use ps -ax or ps -ef, and search for /vobstore/libpub.vbs; use kill(1) to terminate any such processes. (On UNIX, only the root user can kill a vobrpc_server process.)

Restoring the VOB to Service

To restore a VOB to service:

  1. Restore the VOB to the object registry. Use this command:

  2. cleartool register -vob /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs

    NOTE: If you are registering a UCM project VOB, you must use the -ucmproject option with the register command.

  3. (If necessary) Restore the VOB to the tag registry. This is necessary only if you removed the VOB-tag in Step #3 of Taking a VOB Out of Service. Use the VOB-Tags node of the ClearCase Administration Console. Or use this command:

  4. cleartool mktag -vob -tag /libpub /net/sol/vobstore/libpub.vbs