11.3 Moving a VOB on UNIX

This section describes procedures for the following types of VOB moves involving UNIX platforms:

For clarity, the procedures in this section use an example:

Moving a VOB Between UNIX Hosts (Same Architecture)

Use the following procedure to move a VOB from one disk partition to another on a UNIX VOB server host, or between one UNIX VOB server host and another one with the same architecture.

  1. Log on to the VOB server host as root.

  2. Lock the VOB.

  3. Stop ClearCase on the VOB server host:

  4. Copy the VOB storage directory. The procedure you use depends on whether you're moving the VOB within the same disk partition or to another disk partition.

    1. If you are moving the VOB to another disk partition, use tar or a similar command to copy the entire VOB storage directory tree, but not any remote storage pools, to the new location.

    NOTE: The -B option to the tar command may not be supported on all architectures. Also, the rsh command may have a different name, such as remsh, on some platforms. Refer to the reference pages for your operating system.

    1. If you are moving the VOB storage directory within the same disk partition, use a simple mv command to relocate the VOB storage directory to the new location.

  5. Restart ClearCase if you have copied the VOB storage directory to a new location on the same VOB server host.

  6. Replace the VOB object and tag with new ones that reference the new VOB storage directory. Use the ClearCase Administration Console or the following commands (this example applies to the destination on server sol):

  7. cleartool register -vob -replace /net/sol/vobstore2/libpub.vbs
    cleartool mktag -vob -replace -tag /vobs/libpub /net/sol/vobstore2/libpub.vbs

    NOTE: If you are registering a UCM project VOB, you must supply the -ucmproject option to the register command.

  8. Unlock the VOB.

  9. Verify that all clients can access the VOB at the new location.

Moving a VOB Between UNIX Hosts (Different Architectures)

Use the following procedure to move a VOB from one UNIX VOB server host to another UNIX VOB server host that has a different architecture. The procedure is similar to the one described in Moving a VOB Between UNIX Hosts (Same Architecture), but includes the additional steps required to dump the VOB database before it is moved and reformat it on the target host.

  1. Log on to the VOB server host as the VOB owner or root.

  2. Dump the VOB's database to ASCII dump files using the cleartool reformatvob command. You do not need to lock the VOB beforehand; the reformatvob command does this automatically.

  3. # cleartool reformatvob -dump /vobstore/libpub.vbs

    reformatvob -dump marks the VOB database as invalid. It will be unusable by clients until it is processed by a reformatvob -load command.

  4. Copy the VOB storage directory. First, make sure that the parent directory of the target location exists and is writable. Then, copy the VOB storage directory to the new host.

  5. # cd /vobstore
    # tar -cf - libpub.vbs | rsh ccsvr04 'cd /src/vobstore ; tar -xBpf -'

    NOTE: The -B option to the tar commands may not be supported on all architectures. Also, the rsh command may have a different name, such as remsh, on some platforms. Refer to the Platform-Specific Guide in online help for more information or check the reference pages for your operating system.

  6. Terminate the old VOB's server processes. You may either stop and re-start ClearCase on the VOB server host, or search the process table for the vob_server and vobrpc_server processes that service the old VOB. Use ps -ax or ps -ef, and search for the VOB storage directory name (libpub.vbs in our example); then use kill to terminate any such processes.

  7. Log on to the new VOB server host as the VOB owner or root.

  8. Re-create the VOB database from the dump files:

  9. # cleartool reformatvob -load /src/vobstore/libpub.vbs

  10. Replace the VOB object and tag with new ones that reference the new VOB storage directory. Use the ClearCase Administration Console, or the following commands (this example applies to the destination on server sol):

  11. cleartool register -vob -replace /net/sol/vobstore2/libpub.vbs
    cleartool mktag -vob -replace -tag /vobs/libpub /net/sol/vobstore2/libpub.vbs

    NOTE: If you are registering a UCM project VOB, you must supply the -ucmproject option to the register command.

  12. Unlock the VOB.

  13. Verify that all clients can access the VOB at the new location.