15.5 Restoring a View from Backup

Use the following procedure to restore a backup view storage directory. The view is the same one discussed in Backing Up a View.

If you are restoring a view, you must restore both the view directory tree and the view storage directory. If the view storage directory is located outside the view's directory tree, you must be sure to restore both.

NOTE: If you are restoring the view storage directory to a new location, you must re-register the view at its new location (Step #5). If you are restoring a view's directory tree to a new location, but the location of the view storage directory (outside the view directory tree) remains unchanged, you do not need to re-register the view.

  1. Log on to the ClearCase LT server.

  2. Check available disk space. Make sure that there is enough free space in the storage location to hold the restored copy. If necessary, create a new view storage location to hold the restored copy.

  3. Move the original view aside. Rename or delete the view directory and the view storage directory:

  4. C:\home\akp\views> ren akp.vws akp.vws.OLD

  5. Load the backup. Restore the view directory and the view storage directory from the backup medium.

  6. NOTE: For ClearCase LT servers on UNIX, each view storage directory includes a directory named .identity, which stores files with special permissions: the setUID bit is set on file uid; the setGID bit is set on file gid. You must preserve these special permissions when you restore a view backup:

  7. Run cleartool recoverview. Use the following command to update the view database:

  8. %C:\> cleartool recoverview -tag akp_vu

The view is now ready for use.