15.1 ClearCase LT Views

A ClearCase LT development environment can include any number of views. A typical view is created and used by a single user, or perhaps by a small group of users tackling a particular task as a team. A view provides a workspace where users access versions of ClearCase LT elements and use other file-system objects that are outside ClearCase LT control. The workspace is populated with versions of file and directory elements based on the contents of the view's configuration specification, or config spec.

Config specs can be created in many ways. They can be written by a developer or project leader and referenced by all views used in a project; they can also be created automatically by the Unified Change Management (UCM) tools. A default config spec is used if no other is specified.

File and directory elements can be loaded into the view from any VOB on the ClearCase LT server. A VOB namespace browser allows you to select the initial set of VOBs and subdirectories that will be loaded into a newly created view. A load rule editor allows you to modify these selections later to include new VOBs or subdirectories or to exclude VOBs and subdirectories that the view no longer needs.

The mkview reference page provides detailed information on views.