
Changes the list of promotion levels in a project VOB



Command Type


cleartool subcommand

ClearCase LT

cleartool subcommand





setplevel [ -c·omment comment | -cfi·le comment-file-pname |-cq·uery | -nc·omment ]

[ -inv·ob vob-selector ] -def·ault default-promotion-level promotion-level ...


The setplevel command allows you to redefine the list of baseline promotion levels for a project VOB and to designate one of these levels as the default promotion level for new baselines.

Each project VOB includes an ordered set of promotion levels. Promotion levels are ordered from lowest to highest and can be assigned to baselines to indicate the quality or degree of completeness of the activities and versions represented by the baseline. When a project VOB is created, it includes the following ordered set of promotion levels: REJECTED, INITIAL, BUILT, TESTED, RELEASED. The default promotion level is INITIAL. This is the level that is assigned to newly created baselines.

A baseline's promotion level is used in computing a project's list of recommended baselines. The recommended baseline for a component is the latest baseline of that component in the project's integration stream that has a promotion level greater than or equal to the project's recommended promotion level (see the chproject reference page).

Ordered promotion levels can be used to filter lists of baselines. Promotion level is also used to populate the default list of baselines during a rebase operation on a stream. Each project defines a default rebase level. When a project is created, the default rebase level is set to the project VOB's default promotion level. For more information, see chproject.

When you delete a level that is in use, it is not completely removed from the project VOB. Instead, its place in order is changed so that it is considered to be lower than the lowest defined level. You can list information for baselines labeled with such a promotion level lsbl -level command.

The promotion levels available in a VOB can be listed by running the describe command on the project VOB object. Promotion levels can be used to filter lsbl output (see the lsbl reference page).


Identities: No special identity required.

Locks: An error occurs if there are locks on any of the following objects: the project VOB.

Mastership: (Replicated VOBs only) Your current replica must master the PromotionLevel attribute type.


EVENT RECORDS AND COMMENTS. Default: Creates one or more event records, with commenting controlled by your .clearcase_profile file (default: -nc). See the comments reference page. Comments can be edited with chevent.

-c·omment comment | -cfi·le comment-file-pname |-cq·uery | -cqe·ach | -nc·omment

Overrides the default with the option you specify. See the comments reference page.
SPECIFYING THE PROJECT VOB. Default: The project VOB that contains the current working directory.
-invo·b vob-selector

Specifies the project VOB for the project whose promotion levels are being modified.
-def·ault default-promotion-level

Specifies the new default promotion level. Project baselines are given the default promotion level INITIAL when they are created. default-promotion-level must be one of the specified promotion levels.
promotion-level ...

An ordered list of promotion levels that defines the promotion level set for a project VOB. List elements are ordered from lowest to highest. All elements of the set must be given.


The UNIX examples in this section are written for use in csh. If you use another shell, you may need to use different quoting and escaping conventions.

The Windows examples that include wildcards or quoting are written for use in cleartool interactive mode. If you use cleartool single-command mode, you may need to change the wildcards and quoting to make your command interpreter process the command appropriately.

In cleartool single-command mode, cmd-context represents the UNIX shell or Windows command interpreter prompt, followed by the cleartool command. In cleartool interactive mode, cmd-context represents the interactive cleartool prompt. In Attache, cmd-context represents the workspace prompt.


chbl, chproject, describe, lsbl, mkproject