Implementation - Data Structures
VOB Structure - four VOB types
- 11 Source VOBs
- One per subsystem (8 total) + 2 for shared code + 1 for miscellaneous tools
- Writeable by developers and SCM
- SCM writes limited to labeling and shared library check-in during system builds
- 1 Release VOB
- Writeable only by SCM (enforced via triggers)
- Contains
- Deliverable binary files (those that are shipped as product)
- User release documentation
- Miscellaneous files related to release process (Install Shield files, etc.)
- Deliverable binary files loaded into two directory trees with different structures
- First tree structure is same as Source VOBs - the directory structure in which the product is developed. Files spread out across subsystems in many different leaf directories (2 for each of 50+ deliverables)
- Second tree structure is same as that in which the product is installed. This is a more compact directory structure - 3 leaf directories