Ensure that you have the required hardware and software before proceeding with the Apex or Summit installation.
The following table lists the requirements you must satisfy to successfully install and use the release of Apex or Summit. More details about each item are provided in the rest of this chapter.
N = Number of users running Apex/Summit simultaneously on a given workstation
2 I = Installing Apex/Summit, R = Running Apex/Summit
Note: You can get the disk space requirements by running the install command in the install directory with these options:
Note: This will check the current install status and report the amount of disk space needed to install any of the available product configurations. It will take into account any components that you have already installed from a previous release.
You do not need to log in as root to verify that most of these requirements are satisfied. If all are satisfied, you can proceed with the installation. If any are not satisfied, your system administrator will need to make the changes as most of these items require knowledge of your network and workstation configurations as well as root permissions.
Note that a script named check_reqs is included in the apex./install directory that is loaded from the Apex/Summit release tape. This script is provided to assist in the verification of the required configurations and the minimum recommended resource settings.
While you are installing Apex or Summit, the installation scripts automatically use check_reqs -install to verify TCP/IP, the portmap daemon, and host names. These are requirements for the workstation(s) on which you install Apex or Summit.
The check_reqs script is run by the install and apexinit scripts to verify TCP/IP, the portmap daemon, host names, memory, page or swap space, pseudo terminals, resource limits, the X Window System, and the Motif window manager. These are requirements and recommendations for the workstation(s) on which you run Apex or Summit.
The check_reqs script is not able to check: