Rational Suite® Release Notes
Copyright ©2001, Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
Version 2001A.04.00
Part No. 800-024445-000
Updated May 24, 2001 6:09 pm
Legal Notices

Thank you for choosing a Rational Suite® product!

Please read this document to learn about known product issues, important tips, and other Suite product information. Release Notes for each individual product are located on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM (Disc 1 or Disc 2) in the \doc folder and are installed by default in C:\Program Files\Rational\doc\ when you install the product.

The release notes for all products in Rational Suite are available in <Install Path>\doc\rs-release-notes.htm. Note that this link (and all links contained in these Release Notes) is designed to work with the default installation path of the release notes file. If you customized this path during installation, this link will not work.

Updated release notes and other product information is available on http://www.rational.com/documentation/.


These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational products, including supported platforms and known issues with this release.


These release notes are for the following Rational Suite products:


All Rational Suite documentation is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.

Additional support information is available at the Rational Suite web site: http://www.rational.com/products/rs/.

About This Release

This release contains new functionality for the products in Rational Suite. The release notes for the products in each Rational Suite edition describe the new features for each product. See <Install Path>\doc\rs-release-notes.htm for a link to each Rational Suite product's release notes. Note that if you customized your documentation installation for your Rational Suite product, this link will not work, but the file is available by clicking on Start > Programs > Rational Suite > Readme for all products.

Supported Hardware and Software Platforms

Table 1 outlines the supported platforms and installation requirements for this version of Rational Suite. Each component product in the Suite lists specific requirements in its own release notes.

Table 1 Rational Suite Requirements  
Minimum Requirements
Operating Systems
  • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a
  • Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 1, including Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server
  • Windows 98 Second Edition
  • Windows ME
Note: Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition, ClearCase LT server, Purify, Quantify, and PureCoverage do not support Windows 98 and Windows ME.
Windows XP is not supported at this time.
Hardware Requirements
  • 500 MHz or higher is recommended
  • 256 MB RAM or higher is recommended;
    more memory generally improves responsiveness
  • 2 GB free disk space on a single drive
  • Network installation: 2.6 GB space on network, 584 MB space on systems
  • ClearCase LT server - 128 MB RAM required minimum
  • Rational Rose memory requirements increase with the size of the model
Disk Space:
  • Enterprise Suite (no tutorial) - 1.3 GB
  • AnalystStudio - 650 MB
  • DevelopmentStudio - 775 MB
  • DevelopmentStudio- RealTime Edition - 775 MB
  • TestStudio - 675 MB
  • DevelopmentStudio on UNIX - 1.0 GB
  • Developer Kit - 175 MB
  • Web Components - 350 MB
  • ClearCase LT server - 70 MB
    The ClearCase LT server also needs enough disk space to contain the files and databases under source control. The amount of space required depends on the characteristics and use of the VOBs and views.
Windows Terminal Server
  • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or higher
  • Windows 2000 Server
ClearQuest does not support Windows Terminal Server on Windows NT.
Hosted Development Systems (remote sessions)
RequisitePro, Rose, SoDA, ClearCase, and ClearQuest support hosted development on these platforms:
  • Citrix
  • Windows Terminal Server (Windows NT 4). ClearQuest does not support Windows Terminal Server on Windows NT.
  • Windows 2000 Server
Microsoft Visual Basic
6.0 Service Pack 3 or higher (Visual Studio 6.0)
Rational Test products support V5.0.
Microsoft Visual C++
6.0 (Visual Studio 6.0)
Rational Test products support V5.0.
Microsoft Word
97 Service Release 2 or 2000 Service Release 1
Microsoft Excel
97 Service Release 2 or 2000 Service Release 1
Web Browsers on Windows
  • Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or higher
Certain Rational products require Internet Explorer 4.01 components to run correctly. However, you are not required to use Internet Explorer for your browser.

If you do not have Internet Explorer, you can download it from the Microsoft Web site: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie. If the Rational installer does not detect that Internet Explorer 4.01 is already installed on your system, it does not allow the installation to proceed.
  • Netscape Navigator 4.6 or 4.7 (Windows 98/NT, UNIX)
Note: Rose Add-ins that use a Web browser (for example, Rose Web Publisher) support most common Web browsers.
Web Servers
  • ClearCase - IIS 5, 4, Apache, Netscape
    Note: In addition to enough free disk space to load ClearCase LT server, the server needs 0.5 to 1.0 MB for each user who will use the ClearCase Web interface through the ClearCase LT server.
  • ClearQuest - IIS 5, 4
  • RequisitePro - IIS 5, 4, Apache
  • TestManager - IIS 5, Microsoft Personal Web Server from Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
Web Servers on Non-Windows Platforms
  • ClearCase
    Apache on Solaris 2.51 or higher, or on HP-UX 10.20 or higher
Web Clients on Non-Windows Platforms
ClearCase, ClearQuest, RequisitePro, Rational Unified Process, Rose Web Publisher
Netscape 4.7 on Solaris 2.5.1, 2.6, 7, 8 or on HP-UX 10.20
Sybase SQL Anywhere Server
Sybase SQL Anywhere is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROM Disc 1 or 2, but it is configured to work only with Rational products.
Operating system: Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 Server, or Workstation 4.0
  • Processor: Pentium
  • Memory: 64 MB
  • Disk space: 100 MB (minimum)
  • Network protocol: TCP/IP
Note: Novell NetWare is no longer supported for network servers.
ClearQuest Databases
  • IBM DB2 6.1, 7.1
  • Microsoft Access 2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Service Pack 5, 7.0 Service Pack 2, or 2000
  • Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.05
  • Oracle 7.3.4, 8.0.5, 8.1.5, 8.1.6, 8.1.7
RequisitePro Databases
  • Microsoft Access 2000
  • Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 2 or 2000
  • Oracle server 7.3.4, 8.1.6, or 8.1.7
    Oracle client 7.3.4, 8.1.6, or 8.1.7
    Note: If you are using a version 7.3.4 server, we recommend that you use a version 7.3.4 client.
  • 96 MB disk space
  • 128 MB minimum memory; for projects with approximately 50,000 requirements, 256 MB memory is recommended.
    Memory requirements vary depending on the number of concurrent users, the amount of data being requested, and the size of the database.
Rose Data Modeler Databases
  • IBM DB2 Universal Database 5.x, 6.x, or 7.x
  • IBM DB2 OS390 5.x or 6.x
  • Microsoft SQL Server 6.x or 7.x
  • Oracle 7.x or 8.x
  • Sybase System 12
  • You must install an RDMS client to reverse engineer Oracle and IBM DB2 databases using Rose Data Modeler.
Microsoft JVM
Rose supports MS JVM Build 3802
Rose J supports the following Java IDEs. Use the JDK appropriate to your IDE.
  • VisualCafe in Studio 4 Professional Edition
  • VisualCafe 4 Enterprise Edition
  • VisualCafe 4 Expert Edition
  • IBM VisualAge for Java Professional Edition
  • IBM VisualAge for Java Enterprise Edition
  • Forte for Java Internet Edition 2.0
  • Forte for Java Community Edition 2.0
  • JBuilder 4.0 Enterprise Edition
  • JBuilder 4.0 Professional Edition
  • JBuilder 4.0 Foundation Edition
SVGA-compatible display with 256 or more colors
Minimum resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels
Recommended resolution: 1280 x 1024 pixels
Mouse/Pointing Device
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device with at least 2 buttons
Dual Boot Systems
Installation of Rational Suite on dual-boot systems is not supported
Archive Utility
WinZip or equivalent
Rational Documentation
Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher to read online PDF files. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for installation on the Rational Solutions for Windows - Online Documentation CD.

Installing Rational Suite Products on Windows 95 Systems

Rational does not provide support for most products on the Windows 95 platform. The Installer will issue an error message if you attempt to install a product other than Rational Robot, TestManager, or Test Agents on Windows 95. You will not be able to proceed with your installation if you try to install any other product on a Windows 95 system.

For more information about installing the software, refer to the manual entitled Installing Rational Suite.

Upgrading Rational Suite Products

For information about upgrading, refer to the chapter entitled "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the manual entitled Installing Rational Suite.

New and Changed Features

The following new and updated features are included in this release.

Rational Suite
Synchronizer Final Release as Part of Default Install

Rational Suites 2001A is the last release that will contain the Rational Synchronizer in its default installation path. Functionality provided by the Rational Synchronizer has been largely included in the Rational Suite Extensibility (RSE) APIs, to the extent that the Rational Synchronizer is now an RSE client application. In future releases, the Rational Synchronizer will be available to existing customers, but will be packaged as an example of using the RSE function to extend and customize Rational Suite.


The Rational Suite Tutorial is available online at http://www.rational.com/documentation.

Rational ClearCase LT
When creating a snapshot view, users can now specify a storage location in any local directory. Previously, users were required to accept a default view storage location under the view root directory.
A new utility, clearfsimport, allows you to place source files under ClearCase LT version control. You can use this utility in Unified Change Management (UCM) or base ClearCase LT.
UCM improvements permit greater process flexibility, security and usability
For information about these new command options, see the manual, What's New in Rational Suite V2001A.04.00.
Rational QualityArchitect
This release of Rational QualityArchitect includes the following J2EE enhancements :
With this release Rational QualityArchitect now includes support for WebLogic 5.1 and the Sun J2EE Reference Server.
Both the EJB and COM Query Builders now contain an options tab that lets you specify the options you want when inserting a verification point. Previously, these options could only be inserted manually into the generated test script. These options include:
The Rational QualityArchitect Options dialog now contains three tabs, one for setting logging options, one for setting Visual Basic (VB) options, and one for setting Java options.
This new option, which is accessed from Java tab of the Rational QualityArchitect Options dialog box, simplifies the process of launching the EJB Session Recorder from the Rational QualityArchitect Console by ensuring that the order of included JAR files for the deployed EJBs is correct.
The following classes must be referenced in the following order, either in the additional classpath for the EJB Session Recorder or in the user classpath.
If this order is not followed, the EJB Session Recorder will be unable to connect to and interact with the deployed EJBs on the application server.
Rational TestManager
Lets you easily import a manual test script from a test design, using the Implementation tab of the Test Case Properties dialog box or the Configured Test Case Properties dialog box.
Lets you select a specific iteration and run all of the test cases associated with that iteration.
Several new icons have been added to the Test Plan window, the Test Inputs window, and the Suite window. These icons indicate:
Lets you log into a project and run a TestManager suite from the command line.
Implements tsscmd, which lets you log into a project and run a TestManager Suite from the command line.
There have been several enhancements to the Test Case reports.
Lets you run a test case with a manual test script implementation remotely from a Web browser.
DYNIX/ptx Agents are now supported.
Netscape 6 support (no SSL)
Solaris 2.8 (8.0) Agent support
JDK 1.3 support for Java test script execution
VB and Java playback on Windows 9x and Windows ME
Rational Robot
Rtrobo <script name> /user <user> /password <password> /project <full path to project> /play /log <log name> /build <build name> /logfolder <log folder name>
Any item that contains white spaces must be enclosed in double quotes.
This enhancement lets you use the /log, /logfolder, and /build command line inputs.
Filters added to the registry must follow this pattern:
Filter1 Description:filter1 pattern1; filter1 pattern2; etc.|Filter2 Description:filter2 pattern1; filter2 pattern2; etc.| etc.
Developer Tools
Rational Purify
Rational Quantify
Rational PureCoverage
Rational Rose
Rational Rose RealTime Edition
Rational ClearQuest and Rational ClearQuest Web
Rational ClearQuest
Rational ClearQuest now provides an integration with Microsoft Project 2000. This is enabled through Rational ClearQuest Project Tracker, a Microsoft Project 2000 add-in. It provides an integration with ClearQuest, by creating a two-way association between project plan tasks in Microsoft Project 2000 and defects (and/or other change requests) in ClearQuest.
With Rational ClearQuest Project Tracker, tasks can be exported from a Microsoft Project 2000 project plan to automatically create new database records in Rational ClearQuestand records can also be imported from Rational ClearQuest to create new project plan tasks in Microsoft Project 2000.
In order to offer ClearQuest customers another reporting option, (in addition to Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports) an integration with SoDA has been added to this release. Users can choose to run a SoDA report directly from the ClearQuest menu.
Rational ClearQuest now upgrades schema repositories and user databases more efficiently, reducing the upgrade time.
Rational ClearQuest now supports downward compatibility between different releases of the product. This enables users to upgrade to a newer version of the product in a staged manner by first upgrading all the client machines to the new version and then upgrading the databases.
Note: If taking advantage of ClearQuest integrations with ClearCase or Rational Suite, some additional steps are required. See the Rational ClearQuest Installation Guide for details.
ClearQuest can now be run on a terminal server machine (Citrix or Windows Terminal Server). Other clients can then connect to the terminal server and use ClearQuest.
Rational ClearQuest's database support has been extended to include Oracle 8.1.7 (on Windows and UNIX) and IBM DB2 7.1 (Windows).
Rational ClearQuest Web
ClearQuest MultiSite Technology Preview

Based on the proven technology in Rational ClearCase MultiSite, ClearQuest MultiSite will be an optional add-on solution for Rational ClearQuest that supports synchronous development efforts across geographically distributed sites. Rational ClearQuest MultiSite helps geographically distributed project teams to work together more efficiently by providing local access to replicated defect and change tracking data and enabling automatic synchronization of those databases.

A beta release of Rational's new ClearQuest MultiSite product is included in this release. If you would like to participate in the beta test of this product, please contact your Rational Account team and ask them to nominate you for the beta program. Once you are signed up for the beta, you will receive a license key to run the ClearQuest MultiSite beta software.

Rational SoDA for Word
Rational RequisitePro and Rational RequisiteWeb
The Rational RequisitePro Tutorial is an online tutorial designed to introduce you to key features of RequisitePro that will help you manage projects successfully. You will have an opportunity to use the software to create a project and to work with an existing sample project. You can open the RequisitePro Tutorial from the Let's Go RequisitePro Help screen (available from Help > Let's Go RequisitePro), click the RequisitePro Tutorial icon.
In RequisitePro documents, you can include Microsoft Word linked files as requirement text. If you change the linked file, any traceability or hierarchical relationships with the requirement are marked as suspect.
If you currently use Rational Suite Enterprise Version 2001, you can install and use Enterprise Version 2001A with the same license key. You do not need to get a new key from Rational.
You can now configure a client to ask two license servers for a floating license key. When you run a product, the client will first ask license server A for the key. If license server A is unreachable or is out of product license keys, the client will automatically ask license server B for the key.
You can more easily change the order of license key acquisition for ClearQuest Web and Requisite Web from a Suite license to a point-product license and vice versa. In version 2001, you had to manually force the License Key Administrator to push the information to the correct spot on the web server. You no longer need to do this.
Rational Process Workbench is no longer a separate product. To run Rational Process Workbench, you must Rational Suite Enterprise. Existing Rational Process Workbench customers have been upgraded to Rational Suite Enterprise.
In previous releases, TeamTest included Rational ClearQuest/TeamTest edition of ClearQuest. Existing TeamTest license keys will automatically allow you to access ClearQuest. You do not need a new TeamTest license key to access ClearQuest. Existing ClearQuest/TeamTest customers have been notified and offered Rational ClearQuest licenses.
The Installer only allows you to install Rational products that officially support Windows 95.
The Installer does not allow you to install products from the Rational Solutions for Windows Version 2001A CD-ROMs on Whistler 64.
If you are running on Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional, the Installer warns you that products on the Version 2001A Rational Solutions for Windows CD-ROMs do not officially support that platform. You may choose to continue the installation or cancel.
Rational Administrator
The Rational Administrator provides access to many features of Rational Unified Change Management (UCM). UCM is the Rational Software approach to managing change to requirements, design models, documentation, components, test cases, source code, and more.
UCM is unique because it links the activities used to plan and track project progress to the artifacts undergoing change. UCM is based on two key concepts: activity-based Configuration Management (CM) and parallel development.
You can place the information in a Rational project under configuration management using Rational Administrator by associating a Rational project with a UCM project. Use Rational ClearCase to create a UCM project first, and then create a Rational project and UCM-enable it. ClearCase LT ships with Rational Suite software.
Rational Unified Process
Implementing an Automated Component Test using Rational QualityArchitect
Getting Started
Compatible Products

Rational produces synchronized releases of all its products. This is necessary because there are tight integrations between products.

Note: At this point, the Rational ClearQuest Web server cannot coexist with Windows Terminal Server. When installing ClearQuest Web on a Windows 2000 system, if the system is also a host for Windows Terminal Server (regardless of whether ClearQuest is being used under Terminal Server), then the Rational ClearQuest Web interface fails to check out a license and the user interface always comes up in "Restricted" mode. The workaround is to use a system which is not a Windows Terminal Server host as the Rational ClearQuest web server.
Caution-Before You Install
Warning: If you are installing a Rational Suite over an earlier Rational Suite product, you must back up your data before you proceed with your installation.

In general, when you upgrade to Rational Suite Version 2001A from Version 2000 or Version 2001, you do not need to uninstall your Rational Suite software. There are some exceptions for which you do need to uninstall; for more information, carefully read the chapter entitled Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite in the manual entitled Installing Rational Suite. Uninstalling is required for administrator and network installations.

On occasion, the Rational installation program displays information regarding possible conflicts between files that are being installed and existing files on the system that have the same name. Messages referencing files that exist within a Rational directory are generally benign. However, if any file in question resides in the Windows system directory, we recommend that you investigate that file. One version of the file may be more compatible with existing software on the system than the other. Contact Rational Technical Support for additional information.

If you have additional, earlier, individual Rational products (as opposed to a Suite) installed on your system, you need to remove those earlier individual products. Use the Add/Remove Software function in your Control Panel to remove the earlier version.

If You Are Setting Up a Silent Install

If you have earlier Rational products installed on your system, you will see a warning page during your installation. If you are setting up a silent install, pay particular attention to this message and take steps to ensure that users upgrade all Rational products. Users who install silently will not see an error message. A message will appear in the user's error log file, but the user may not remember to look at the log file after completing the installation.

If you run the response.ini file for a silent install, the licensing options specified in the response.ini file will not override any licensing options already installed on your system. If your system has no licensing installed, the response.ini file will install the licensing options specified in it.

Installation and Upgrade

Before installing any Rational product, make sure that no other applications, including Internet Explorer, are running.

If you are installing a Rational product from a network location, make sure the installation image directory has read-only permissions.

Installation and licensing information is available in the License Key Administrator online Help and in the manual entitled Installing Rational Suite included on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD-ROM.

Installing a Rational product under Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 may require restarting your system. After restarting you must log in using the same USERNAME as the one you used when the installation was originally started.

A common scenario for Rational ClearCase installers is that the system administrator performs the installation and the end user subsequently logs on and completes the install. If you install Rational Suite and include Rational ClearCase LT, you may not log on as another user to complete the install. A significant part of the Rational ClearCase installation work occurs after the restart, so a failure to complete the installation as the same user can cause severe problems.

For Windows 9x, double-byte characters are not supported in the installation pathname. To work around this, install into a directory that does not contain double-byte characters in the directory name.

While the Installer does not support editing of the installation path in the response.ini file, the situation could arise where a pre-existing response.ini file specifies a path different from a pre-existing Rational product installation on a local system. This would cause two Rational products to be installed in different locations, and could lead to instability or unusability. The system administrator and the user should be careful to ensure that the installation path specified in the response.ini file and any pre-existing installation path on the local system are the same.

Rational Software Setup Help reports that Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x or higher must be installed on your system to run Rational Software products. See the Software Requirements section of these release notes for the required version of Internet Explorer. Users who are testing or developing on earlier platforms and using Internet Explorer 4.0 or earlier, or users who do not have Internet Explorer installed on their system, will have to install Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 or higher. Otherwise, the latest release of Rational products may not work correctly on their system.

When you select a Network installation option, use a UNC pathname, such as \\server\share\directory, rather than a mapped drive letter. This ensures that the network location remains constant, even if drive letter mappings change.

It is possible to install a Rational product inadvertently in more than one location through the Silent Install if the response.ini file directs the installation to a location different from where you presently have a Rational product. This can happen if you directly edit the response.ini file. Rational Software does not support directly editing the response.ini file. However, you can run into this problem if the administrator issues a new response.ini file for your company and you are instructed to use that new file for future company installations. In other words, you don't have to edit the Rational file to cause this problem to occur. Not only does this corrupt your existing and new installations, but it prevents Rational's uninstall from working correctly.

Before removing any Rational product through the Windows Control Panel add/remove feature, make sure that you:

Four DLLs required for Rational Robot Session Generation are missing in the typical Enterprise installation.

The workaround to this problem is:

1 Bring up a command prompt and change directories to your Rational Test directory (in a default installation, that directory is c:\Program Files\Rational\Rational Test):
cd c:\Program Files\Rational\Rational Test
2 Run rtfxdlx.exe .
Network Installation

Be sure your network drive mapping reconnects at logon for the network installation to work correctly.

Licensing Information

If you are using floating licenses, it is recommended that the license server system be up and running before launching the Rational License Key Administrator. Otherwise, the License Key Administrator will return an error if it is directed to get a license from the server system.

If you have questions regarding the licensing of your Rational Software products, contact Rational Licensing Support in your area: http://www.rational.com/support/contact. Worldwide Rational Licensing Support contact information can also be found in the Rational installation and licensing guides, and in the online Help of the License Key Administrator on Windows systems.

Web Components

The following table lists each Rational Suite product with a web component and references the documentation for that component.

Web Components
ClearCase LT Web
"Configuring a Web Server for the ClearCase Web Interface" in Administering Rational ClearCase LT
ClearQuest Web
"Setting Up ClearQuest Web" in Installing Rational ClearQuest
  • "Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb" in Installing Rational RequisitePro
  • Online Help file, RequisiteWebInstall.html, entitled "Installing and Configuring Rational RequisiteWeb"
"Installing Web Server Components" in Installing Rational Testing Products

For More Information

Visit http://www.rational.com/support/ for more details about interactions between specific products. Click Upgrades and Patches, then select a product to upgrade, then click Compatibility Matrix.

Compatibility Issues

The following sections outline known compatibility issues with software products produced by Rational and other companies. See also the "Compatible Products" section.

Important Installation Notice Regarding PowerBuilder Incompatibility with Microsoft MDAC 2.1

If you are a PowerBuilder 5, 6, or 6.5 developer or user, and if your applications use ODBC to connect to Microsoft data sources, such as SQL Server 7 or Microsoft Access, read the following caveat carefully before installing Rational Suite:

There is a known incompatibility between the Microsoft Data Access Controls (MDAC) Version 2.1, which are part of the Suite installation, and the PowerBuilder ODBC connectivity to Microsoft data sources. After MDAC 2.1 is installed on a system, any PowerBuilder 5.0, 6.0, or 6.5 applications on that system that use ODBC to connect to a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database will be unable to retrieve data from those databases. The reported error is "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Program Type Out of Range".

Sybase is aware of this incompatibility and has resolved this problem in the 6.5.1 maintenance release of PowerBuilder. Contact Sybase technical support for this maintenance release or for further information on the incompatibility. For more information, visit http://support.sybase.com.

Installing Rational Software in Windows Terminal Server Environment

You can install and run Rational software on a Windows Terminal Server console system as you would on any other supported Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server system.

To use Rational products on a Terminal Server client, your console system must be configured to use floating licenses.

Conflict Between Some Rational Products and Some Anti-Virus Software

When some software is installed or launched, some virus scanners check each file, including .dll and .ini files, being read and loaded, as part of their normal process. However, this functionality can significantly increase the amount of time it takes for some software to load. This is a result of the interaction between the loading software's dynamic extensibility functionality and the virus checking mechanism used by the anti-virus software.

This functionality of certain anti-virus software could affect the performance of Rational Rose and of the Rational Installer.

Until another solution is found, we suggest you turn off your anti-virus software when loading Rational Rose or installing Rational software. You should, when the software is loaded and running, restart your anti-virus software.

Netscape 6.0

Netscape 6.0 is not supported in Rational Suite. Not all products in the Suite support Netscape 6.0. See the TestManager and RequisiteWeb release notes for restrictions regarding Netscape 6.0.

Performance Issues for Medium-Size to Large-Size Project Source Control Operations

The performance of adding test and requirements assets to source control and subsequent checkin-all operations can be very slow for medium-size to large-size requirements and test projects.

Rational Suite 2001A supports the ability to place requirements and test assets under version control in a ClearCase VOB. The support for this is done using two operations from the Rational Administrator: Add to CM and Checkin-All. Add to CM adds the assets to source control and Checkin-All captures a snapshot of the assets at a point in time. In both cases, if there is a large number of existing requirements or test assets, the time it takes for both of these operations may be very long and could make these features unusable in this release, depending on how often you plan to perform these operations.

The time it takes to perform these operations directly depends on the number of files needed to store the requirements and test assets. For requirement assets, the number of files needed depends on the number of saved views, requirement types, and documents. The number of files is not dependent on the number of requirements. For test assets, the number of files needed largely depends on the number of scripts and the number of verification points in each script being managed.

The following information will allow you to estimate the time it will take for the Add to CM and Checkin-All operations for existing requirements and test projects. Performance testing has shown there is a strong relationship between the performance of these operations and the number of file elements placed under source control. Therefore, to estimate the time these operations will take, you need to determine the number of file elements that will be involved in the operation.

Requirement Assets

The number of files involved in a RequisitePro project that is added to source control or checkpointed can be estimated using the following formula:

Number of Files = 10 + 3 * (Number of Documents) + (Number of Saved Views) + (Number of Requirement Types)

Estimated Operation Time in Minutes:

(10 * Number of Files) / 60 seconds

Here is an example:

Number of Documents = 165
Number of Requirement Types = 12
Number of Saved Views = 37

The time required for adding a RequisitePro project to source control is proportional to the number of requirement types, documents, and saved views in the project. Adding the above example (554 files) to source control initially took:

Test Assets

The number of files involved in a Test project that is added to source control or checkpointed can be estimated using the following formula:

Number of GUI Script Files = (Number of GUI Scripts) * (2 + OP + (2 * OD))


OP = Average Number of Object Property Verification Points + Average Number of Low Level Scripts + Average Number of Alpha Numeric Verification Points

OD = Average Number of Object Data Verification Points

In short, the number of files is 2 per GUI Script + 1 for each verification point or low level script + 2 for each data verification point.

Number of Files = 200 + Number of GUI Script Files + Number of Manual Scripts

Number of Minutes = (10*Number of Files) / 60 seconds

Here is an example:

Number of GUI Scripts = 200
Number of Manual Scripts = 100
Estimated 3 Object or AlphaNumeric verification point and/or low level scripts
Estimated 1 Data verification point
Number of GUI Script Files = 200 * (2 + 3 + (2*1)) = 1400

The 10x factor in computing the time is based on an estimated 5 seconds for two ClearCase operations that must be performed on each file in this implementation. You may be able to further improve the time it takes for these operations by having a high powered and correctly configured ClearCase server. Be sure to allocate enough time if you chose to use this feature.

Late Changes to Documentation
Legal Notices

The products in this release use some or all of the following copyrighted information:

Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and John Vlissides. Copyright ©1995 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

This software product contains part of the GNU C Library, and those portions are copyrighted as follows:
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper, <drepper@gnu.org>.
Copyright (c) 1987, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94 , 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Contributed by Ulrich Drepper, <drepper@gnu.ai.mit.edu>.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This file is part of the GNU C Library.
Copyright (c) 1989, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
The GNU C Library and its use are covered under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_LGPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes a copy of rtcpp.exe, an executable program based on GNU cpp.
Portions of this executable are copyrighted as follows:
Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1988,89,90,91,92,93,94,96,97 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Copyright (C) 1986, 87, 89, 92-96, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
Written by Paul Rubin, June 1986
Adapted to ANSI C, Richard Stallman, Jan 1987
rtcpp.exe and its use is covered under the terms of the GNU General Public License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_GPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information,
including disclaimer of warranty.
This software product includes a copy of executables which use:
pthreads-win32 - POSIX Threads Library for Win32.
Copyright (C) 1998
The pthreads-win32 library and its use are covered under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License,
a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\GNU_LGPL.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes a copy of executables which use the W3C libwww library.
Copyright (c) 1994-2000 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).
All Rights Reserved. http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/
The W3C libwww library and its use are covered under the terms of the
W3C Software Notice and License, a copy of which may be found in
<INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\W3C_IPR_SOFTWARE_NOTICE.htm.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
This software product includes libiiop.dll, which is based on an implementation of the Object Management Group's "Internet Inter-ORB Protocol" of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Copyright (c) 1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Printed in the United State of America.
All rights reserved.
The libiiop.dll library and its use are covered under the terms of the Sun Microsystem Inc.'s Copyright and License, a copy of which may be found in <INSTALLDIR>\Rational\Rational Test\opensrc\InterOrbEngine_License.txt.
See the README.wri file in the same directory for additional information.
Rational ProjectConsole

Rational ProjectConsole software components were removed from all Rational Suite editions after some documents had gone to press.

Installing Rational Suite

The follow information replaces Step 3 on page 154 of Installing Rational Suite:

If you are upgrading the integration between ClearQuest and RequisitePro, delete all RequirementMap records from your ClearQuest user database before running the ASCQISetup batch file:

a Log in to the ClearQuest user database as an administrator.
b Create a query that selects all RequirementMap records.
c Delete all RequirementMap records.
d At the command line, change the directory to \Program Files\Rational\Common and type ASCQISetup.

As the batch file runs, it pauses every time it creates an association and prompts you to Press any key to continue.
e Press ENTER until the batch file ends.
Known Defects and Change Requests

The following table identifies known bugs and limitations in this release. In addition, review the release notes for the products included in your Rational Suite edition. See the release note entitled Readme for All Products. This link is designed to be used if you have followed the default installation path for your release notes files; if you have customized that path, this link will not work.
Attempting to Open a Script file from the ClearQuest Test Data tab may cause a crash. Upon opening the script file you will receive the following message: "This is an invalid script name. Could not open this script."
If you Cancel out of the defect at this point, ClearQuest will crash.
If you close the CQIntSvr11 message box first you can safely cancel out of the defect.
Doc CD
If your default browser is Netscape Navigator, start Adobe Acrobat Reader prior to viewing files on the Documentation CD.
Doc CD
If you apply a individual product service release (such as, ClearQuest 2000 Patch 2) and then upgrade to 2001A.04.00, you will notice that the Installed information shows the suite produce at release 2001a. and the patched product at the previous release level, K2.2_200009291219.
The error messages are benign and can be ignored
Doc CD
The ClearQuest upgrade script may report recommendations that differ slightly from descriptions in the documentation. Follow the recommendations provided by the script.
While the installer does not support editing of the installation path in the response.ini file, the situation could arise where a pre-existing response.ini file specifies a path different from a pre-existing Rational product installation on a local machine. This would cause two Rational products to be installed in different locations, and could lead to instability or unusability.

The system administrator and the user should be careful to ensure that the installation path specified in the response.ini file and any pre-existing installation path on the local machine are the same.
Before removing any Rational product through the Windows Control Panel Add/Remove feature, make sure that you: Close all running Rational applications
Return any permanent licenses for the products you are removing (if you plan to reinstall on another system/location).
If you have a previous version of SoDA on a system, the install does not overwrite read-only templates with new templates, so you wind up with older templates. Workaround: Delete the SoDA templates by hand prior to installing Rational Suite.
Subsequent minimal installations of Rational products can only be run from one CD image. Attempting to install Rational products that originate from two or more different CD images will result in the following error:
"Minimal installations must all be made from the same source image." The only workaround is to uninstall the existing Rational product on the system. A minimal installation of a Rational product from another CD image will then be allowed.
Re-installing Rose RealTime Edition from the same version of the software may display the following error:
"A Rational RoseRT installation has been detected. If you are installing Rational Rose RealTime, please uninstall the current version. Continue installing Rational Rose RealTime?" Answering Yes to the prompt will allow the installation to continue.
We recommend that the location for Admin install should be at least 3 GB.
During a conversion of a Rational Repository to a Rational Project,
upgrading the Rational Administrator project path in the Rational
Administrator project record fails. This problem occurs occasionally on upgrades from Version 2000 to Version 2001A.
1 If the conversion process fails for the first Rational Administrator project, start ClearQuest and manually update the RA Project record with the path to the .rsp file, which has been created in the directory you specified.
2 Navigate to the specified directory and delete all of the converted Rational Administrator files.
3 Rerun the Rational Administrator project conversion. The conversion will succeed for the first Version 2000 Rational Administrator project, which will enable it to convert the second Version 2000 Rational Administrator project.
There have been problems identified when configuring multiple license servers using the "Use Additional Server" command during product installations. We recommend that if you would like to configure your system to use multiple license servers that you do so after the installation has completed.

If you have set the licensing to use multiple servers during the installation, you will need to bring up the License Key Administrator to allow it to self-correct the problem. The symptoms that can be observed by NOT doing this is that any licenses available from the additional server will not be available when products are started.
If you select a network installation from a mapped drive (\\server\share mapped to a drive letter) that is not set to be reconnected at login, your installation may not complete correctly. To complete an installation, the same drive must be accessible at the same location when your system reboots.

Either use a mapped drive that is set to reconnect on login, or use a UNC pathname for your network installation.
If you apply an individual product patch (that is, ClearQuest 2000 patch 2) and then upgrade to 2001A.04.00, you will notice that the Installed information shows the Suite product at release 2001a. and the patched product at the Version 2000 release level, .2_200009291219.
The error messages are benign and can be ignored
During installation of Rational Suite, you may receive an error message after rebooting your system which indicates your Registry memory is low. To complete the installation, increase the maximum Registry size.
Log in as a member of the administrators group to change the Registry size limit.
In the System Properties control panel, on the Performance tab, in the Virtual Memory area, click Change. In the Virtual Memory dialog box, increase the Maximum Registry Size value.
This enables you to specify the maximum size for the Registry. Setting the Registry size doesn't guarantee that the space will be available for the registry. It only sets the maximum size that can be used when it is needed.

When you set a Registry size limit, it limits both the page pool size and the amount of disk space that can be used by the Registry.
You may receive SQL errors while configuring driver OpenLinkLite for Oracle 7(32bit)- "Could not load the setup or translator library."

This error is due to a conflict between OpenLink Oracle ODBC driver and Oracle 7.3 for Windows 95. This error does not occur with Oracle 8.
The file csh.dll is installed by some Rational products. If there exists a csh.dll file in the directory during installation, the existing .dll file gets overwritten by the install process.

The workaround is to uninstall prior versions of Rational Suite products before you upgrade.
When installing Rational Suite on Russian systems, you may find that Cyrillic fonts and the personal web server do not work properly.
Rational recommends performing Admin installations from a Windows 2000 or Windows NT system.
Attempting to run silent install on multi-CPU systems may result in errors. To work around the problem, either enable only one processor or use the standard installation procedure.
Currently, the Rational Synchronizer does not support multi-user access control. There is an enhancement request in place to support multi-user access control.
Sychronizing between Domains after the creation of a new rule may result in the following error: Could not add synchronization link to the item <item name>. To work around this problem, exit from all Rational products, including the Synchronizer. Re-synchronize after starting the Synchronizer and processing should occur correctly.
Before generating SoDA reports, close all RequisitePro documents. report. Alternatively, you can open a SoDA instance before opening the RequisitePro document and generate SoDA report.
Installing the license server to certain double-byte paths may prevent Rational products from obtaining a license to run.
See: http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q233/3/62.ASP

This is a known Windows Bug.
Workaround is to delete the HostName entry under
Rational Administrator
Use SQL Anywhere Service Manager instead of the Rational Administrator to manage the services (dbsvmn50.exe). This can be run directly through Windows Explorer or run from the Tools menu in the Rational Administrator.
Rational Administrator
Use of the Rational Administrator under Windows NT and Windows 2000 systems requires Administrator privileges. If you attempt to connect to a project without write access privileges to the registry, the Rational Administrator may crash.
Rational Administrator
Passwords must use the Western ASCII character set.
Rational Administrator
Disabling the default user of "RationalAdminUser" in a ClearQuest database with the ClearQuest Designer tool may cause the Rational Administrator to crash when configuring projects.
Before you can use the Rational Synchronizer on a RequisitePro project, you must first open and convert the project with RequisitePro 2001A.04.00.
Changing the write-protect state of Rose models that are in use can cause problems with launching the Suite Synchronizer. Rational Software recommends that users not modify the write-protect status of models that are in use.
After converting an older RequisitePro database to the current version, RequisitePro items that have never been Synchronized may cause crashes when initially synchronized in the converted database. If the user encounters a problem, try using the 'Link To' command to manually set a synchronization target.
Synchronizing artifacts between Rational Rose and other Rational products while Rose is running can cause the product to crash. To avoid this issue, close down Rational Rose before launching the Rational Synchronizer.
Please contact Rational Technical Support if you encounter this crash.
Synchronizer - Find Wizard: The Synchronizer doesn't use just the selected rule in the Find Wizard. The only workaround is to load one rule at a time. The user should not load several rules and then select just one to run; the Synchronizer uses both the selected rule and any other rules that follow it in the list to create the list of pending actions.
Logging in to the Synchronizer as 'admin' from a point product may result in not being allowed to log in as a different user in future sessions.
An error warning may be displayed when you open Rose using the Synchronizer. The user can ignore this problem.
In Rational TestManager, when you select View > Test Inputs, to view a list of the Use Case and Feature requirements, you may receive a message that reports that you are "Not connected". This occurs after adding a RequisitePro project to source control through the Rational Administrator. The error is caused by a failure to update the Test Input Source with the new location of the RequisitePro Project. This functions as designed.
When adding a RequisitePro project to source control through the Rational Administrator, if there is a Test Datastore associated with the Rational Administrator Project, it is necessary to manually update the data in the Test Input Source corresponding to that RequisitePro project.
To perform the update:
1 Open the file '<Test Datastore Directory>\TMS_TestInputSources\<RequisitePro Project Name>.TestInputSource.rtxml' with a text editor.
2 Find the line that begins with '<AdapterConnectInfo><![CDATA['. The next several characters of that line will be the path to the old RequisitePro '.rqs' file, followed by the string ']]></AdapterConnectInfo>'.
3 Replace the aforementioned path to the old RequisitePro '.rqs' file with the path to the new RequisitePro '.rqs' file.
4 Save and close the file.
5 Close and re-open TestManager.

Third-Party Components Used in Common Install

Third-Party Product
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Simplified Chinese stays at Version 4.0.
Apex True DBGrid Pro
Bennet-Tec TLIST
Blue Sky RoboHELP
Test products install own version.
Globetrotter FLEXlm
Javasoft JavaHelp
Javasoft JRE
Javasoft JRE
Lead Tools
Microsoft IE Components
Also indirectly installed with Microsoft XML Parser.
Microsoft IE Components
4.01 SP1
Also indirectly installed with Microsoft JVM, and Microsoft HTML Help.
Microsoft Script
Microsoft ActiveX SDK
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC)
Also indirectly installed with OpenLink components.
Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO)
Also indirectly installed with MDAC.
Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO)
Microsoft Java Virtual Machine
Microsoft MMC
Microsoft XML Parser
Installed on Windows 95 when MDAC is installed.
Microsoft MTS Components
Microsoft WinSock
Also installed as part of FLEXlm.
Microsoft HTML Help
Microsoft Office Object Library
8.0 (97)
Microsoft Office Object Library
9.0 (2000)
Visual Basic Components
Visual Basic Components
Visual C++ Components
Visual C++ Components
Olectra Chart
OpenLink Lite for Oracle 7
OpenLink Lite for Oracle 8
Also indirectly installed by OpenLink for Oracle 7.
ScanSoft TextBridge API
Seagate Crystal Reports & Runtime
Sheridan Active Threed
Stingray Objective Grid
Stingray Objective Grid
Stingray Objective Grid
Stingray Objective Toolkit
Stingray Objective Toolkit
Sybase SQL Anywhere
Videosoft VS-OCX
Now called SizerOne (by ComponentOne)