Rational RequisitePro Release Notes
Version 2001.03.00

These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational RequisitePro, including supported platforms and known issues with this release.

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Scope - Product Definition

Hardware/Software Information

Client Requirements
Enterprise Database Server Requirements

Getting Started

Installation Information
Installation/Upgrade Issues
Product Documentation

Compatibility Issues

Compatible Applications
Running RequisitePro on Micron Systems
Oracle Database Issues
SQL Server Database Issues
Let's Go Display
Using the Rational E-Mail Reader with RequisitePro

New and Changed Features

UCM RequisitePro Project Baselines
Requirement Names
Project Templates
URL Link Attribute Type

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using RequisitePro

Microsoft Word Issues
Offline Authoring
UCM/Baseline Issues
Project Templates
Numerical Attributes
Views and Queries
Requirement Metrics

Known Issues

Modifying Requirement Text
RequisitePro Extensibility Interface
Database Type Conversion
Discussion Replies with Participation E-mail
Dialog Boxes and Wizards
Internationalization Issues
Using UCM for RequisitePro Project Baselines
Using ClearCase with RequisitePro
Using Rose with RequisitePro (Integrated Use Case Management)
Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro

Upgrading the RequisitePro and ClearQuest Integration

Contacting Technical Support

Scope - Product Definition

This document provides information about the 2001.03.00 release of Rational RequisitePro. The release number is listed in the About RequisitePro dialog box (Help > About RequisitePro).

For information regarding RequisiteWeb, including system requirements and known issues, refer to the Rational RequisiteWeb Installation and Configuration document (ReqWebSetup.html).

Before installing RequisitePro, be sure to read the following sections: Hardware/Software Information and Getting Started.

Hardware/Software Information

Refer to the following information for system and software requirements. This section provides basic information on the platforms supported and the hardware and software requirements for running RequisitePro. Refer to Compatibility Issues for more information.

Client Requirements

Operating Systems:



Note: For using UCM to baseline RequisitePro projects, 256 MB is recommended for RequisitePro project administrators.

Disk Space: 100 MB.


Mouse/pointing device: Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

Word Processor:

Note: See recommendations for Microsoft Office above.

XML Parser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 Service Pack 1 or later.

Requirement Metrics Reporting:

LAN Support: Microsoft networks. (Novell networks are not supported.)

Automated License Key Requests: Internet connection required for automated license requests.

Oracle Client: Versions 7.3.4, 8.0.5, 8.1.5, 8.1.6.

Enterprise Database Server Requirements

For more information on using Oracle or SQL Server, refer to Compatibility Issues.

Getting Started

Installation Information

For full installation instructions, refer to the manual Installing Rational RequisitePro (also available in an electronic version on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD).

Installation/Upgrade Issues

All users must use the same release of RequisitePro in order to access shared projects. We recommend all users uninstall previous versions of RequisitePro before installing this version.

Minimal Installation

The Minimal Install functionality of Rational products is not supported in this release. You must choose the Typical or Custom/Full options to install your Rational product(s). The references to the minimal install option in Rational installation manuals are no longer applicable.

Upgrading an Oracle- or SQL Server-based Project from a Previous Release

If you open an Oracle-based or SQL Server-based project that has been upgraded to RequisitePro version 2001.03.00 from version 2000.02.10 or a prior release, an error message indicating an Access database was not found appears. The project is still based in Oracle or SQL Server, but you should upgrade RequisitePro on your system to version 2001.03.00. (15459)

Upgrading RequisitePro Projects with Rational Synchronizer Links from a Previous Release

If you previously used the Rational Synchronizer with RequisitePro, you will need to manually change the "SynchLinks" attribute to "SynchronizerSynchLinks" for each requirement attribute in order for previously generated links to be recognized. (15637) (RATL00037926)

Upgrading ClearQuest for Use with RequisitePro Projects

For detailed steps on upgrading RequisitePro projects for use with the ClearQuest integration, refer to Upgrading the RequisitePro and ClearQuest Integration .

Upgrading from RequisitePro 4.5

If you are upgrading from RequisitePro 4.5 and have not uninstalled 4.5 and removed the RequisitePro 4.5 installation folders, you should remove the reqpro.gid and letsgo.gid files from the \Rational\RequisitePro 4.5\help directory if they are still present. (11427)

Upgrading to a Microsoft Access 2000 database

Microsoft Access 2000 is the default database format for RequisitePro version 2000.02.10 and version 2001.03.00. If you have a project that was created in a earlier release of RequisitePro, the project database is in Microsoft Access 97 format. If you want to view a RequisitePro project from a previous release in Microsoft Access 2000, you will need to upgrade the project database to Microsoft Access 2000.

Rational has provided a utility to convert Microsoft Access-based RequisitePro projects from Access 97 format to Access 2000 format. The utility "RqAcc2KConv.exe" (located in the RequisitePro/bin/ directory) can be invoked by either dragging and dropping the RequisitePro project file (.rqs) onto the executable, or running the utility from the command line and specifying the entire path to the RequisitePro project file (.rqs) file. As part of the conversion process, the utility will create a backup copy of your database with the .tac extension instead of the .mdb extension. The backup copy can be removed once you are satisfied that the conversion was successful. The utility will also repair and compact the database.

Product Documentation

RequisitePro setup creates a Start menu program group for RequisitePro with the following items: Let's Go RequisitePro, Online Help, Rational License Key Administrator, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Software Installed Product Information, Release Notes, Technical Support, and Rational Administrator. To start RequisitePro, select the Rational RequisitePro menu item.

Let's Go RequisitePro when RequisitePro is first launched. Use the Let's Go RequisitePro online help to access getting started online help as well as these release notes, project administration tips, white papers, the Rational Unified Process, and Web resources. Let's Go RequisitePro can also be launched from the RequisitePro Help menu.

In addition to online help, refer to the manual Using Rational RequisitePro (also available in an electronic version on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD).

Compatibility Issues

Compatible Applications

RequisitePro is compatible with:

Note: Oracle and SQL Server versions are listed in the Hardware/Software requirements.

Running RequisitePro on Micron Systems

If you experience problems running RequisitePro on Micron systems, contact Rational Technical Support for a technical note relating to the issue. For additional information contact Micron PC Technical Support at: http://support.micronpc.com/contact/support/.

Oracle Database Issues

SQL Server Database Issues

Let's Go Display

Using the Rational E-mail Reader with RequisitePro

You must use the SMTP mail protocol when configuring the Rational E-Mail Reader for RequisitePro discussions. MAPI is not supported. (14370)

New and Changed Features

UCM RequisitePro Project Baselines

RequisitePro now allows administrators to create baselines of their RequisitePro project using ClearCase UCM. You can create a baseline for the project and create new RequisitePro projects from existing baselines. This feature is supported for RequisitePro projects that are stored in Microsoft Access, SQL Server and Oracle databases.

Requirement Names

Requirement names provide the ability to assign a short descriptive name to any requirement. In views and other places where a requirement's tag is used as its identifier, RequisitePro can display the name as well. This allows all RequisitePro users to refer to requirements more naturally in conversations and more easily locate them in the views.

Project Templates

It is now faster and easier to create new RequisitePro projects using project templates. A project template can be created from any existing RequisitePro project. You have the option to include the project data in the template. New projects can be quickly created based on templates. RequisitePro ships with three predefined templates to help you get up and running faster.

URL Link Attribute Type

The new URL Link attribute type allows RequisitePro users to store a URL and navigate to a site from an Attribute Matrix or a Requirement Properties dialog box.


RequisitePro has been enhanced for teams that work across time zones. RequisitePro documents now use GMT time stamps to eliminate inconsistencies.

RequisitePro is supported on the following international operating systems: French, German, Japanese, Italian, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Hebrew, and Korean.

Users are able to enter text and data using their native language and corresponding character set on the following operating systems: French, German, Japanese, Italian, Swedish and Simplified Chinese. Regional date, time, and number conventions, as specified by the user's selection of regional settings on the Windows control panel, are also supported for both input and output.

Users with Hebrew, Korean, Traditional Chinese and Dutch operating systems must enter all input data (such as path names) using U.S. English.

For all international systems listed above, screens, menus, controls, wizards, reports and user documentation are in U.S. English.

Note that internationalization assumes homogeneous language environments; for example, a French operating system using French versions of SQL Server and Microsoft Word.

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using RequisitePro

Microsoft Word Issues

Text Boxes in Word

Avoid creating requirements inside text boxes. RequisitePro cannot access them properly.

Tables in Word

Avoid creating requirements that span more than one cell in a table.

Customized Macros

RequisitePro doesn't support Word customized macros. (10108)

Revision Numbers in Word

When saving RequisitePro documents, Microsoft Word records the revision number for all revisions as "2." This revision number is available on the Statistics tab of the document Properties dialog box, which is accessed from the File menu using the Properties command. This revision number does not affect the document revision information in RequisitePro, which is available on the Revision tab of the Document dialog box. This dialog box is accessed from the RequisitePro Document menu using the Properties command. (1826) (1109)

Importing Word Documents with Existing Formatting

If you are importing a Word document that uses a template other than Word's normal.dot template or an existing RequisitePro outline, you should set up that template as a RequisitePro outline prior to importing the document. RequisitePro will overwrite any unrecognized formatting, such as Word styles, with the normal.dot formatting.

If you have customized the formatting within the Word document, you should save the document as a Word template and copy it to the RequisitePro outlines directory. Refer to the Microsoft Word documentation for help in creating Word templates. Refer to the RequisitePro online help topic "Creating outlines" for help in managing RequisitePro outlines.

Hidden Text in Requirements

RequisitePro will not create a requirement if the block of text and/or images highlighted contain hidden text at the beginning or end of the selection. This occurs because RequisitePro uses hidden text at the beginning of a requirement to assign a requirement tag number and at the end of a requirement to store formatting information about the requirement.

Do not type information within the hidden part of a requirement, as the information is formatted as hidden. If the requirement is deleted, the information you typed is deleted as well.

Word 2000 Issues

Non-Text Requirements

If you include the following in the text of a requirement located in a document, you will not be able to edit the requirement text outside the document (even when the extended editing feature is enabled):

Offline Authoring

ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues

The time required for checking in a project is proportional to the number of requirement types, documents, and saved views in the project. For example, checking in 200 elements can take 45 minutes; 400 elements may take 75 minutes. The impact of many saved views and extremely large documents is particularly significant. (14374)

Project Templates

If you do not have write access to the local machine directory of the registry, you cannot see the RequisitePro project templates in the Create RequisitePro Project dialog box. You can copy the templates from the RequisitePro\templates\ directory into any directory and then specify that directory in the Project Template field in the Tools > Options dialog box. (15746)

Numerical Attributes

RequisitePro does not support a digit-grouping symbol of any kind (i.e., a thousand separator, such as the comma in 2,350). You cannot enter attributes with this symbol. RequisitePro does not display numbers with this symbol. (6858)

Views and Queries

Requirement Metrics

Known Issues

The following is a list of known issues that are expected to be fixed in a future release of RequisitePro.

Modifying Requirement Text

In RequisitePro 2001.03.00, turning off the extended editing feature incorrectly limits you from modifying the text of all requirements, even those not located in documents. To remove this limitation, download RequisitePro 2001.03 Service Release 1. See the following site for more information: www.rational.com/support. (RATL00038975)

RequisitePro Extensibility Interface

The color and style set through the RequisitePro Extensibility Interface are off by one index number. To set the color and style correctly from the extensibility interface, use enum - 1. (11746)

Database Type Conversion

Discussion Replies with Participation E-mail

If you are using participation e-mail, discussion replies are not added to the RequisitePro project if the project is opened exclusively when the reply is created. (12146)

Dialog Boxes and Wizards

If a dialog box or wizard in RequisitePro appears to stop responding, a hidden error message may be displayed behind the dialog box. Drag the box to another part of your screen to see if a hidden error message is displayed. Respond to the error message and continue. (11979)

Internationalization Issues

Using UCM for RequisitePro Project Baselines

Using ClearCase with RequisitePro

RequisitePro cannot accept database fields (such as requirement text, requirement attributes) with more than 4000 characters between carriage returns. If you are using RequisitePro with ClearCase or ClearCase UCM and one of the fields exceeds this limit, the integrations will fail. (14285)

Using Rose with RequisitePro (Integrated Use Case Management)

Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro

Upgrading the RequisitePro and ClearQuest Integration

Please see the ClearQuest release notes for information regarding additional integrations beyond ClearQuest and RequisitePro. In order to upgrade the RequisitePro/ClearQuest integration, you must complete the following steps in order. For specific information about each step, read the sections that follow.

  1. Back up all data.
  2. Apply the Repository 1.0 package to your ClearQuest database.
  3. As necessary, perform the steps listed in the "Repository 1.0 package" section below.
  4. Apply the following packages:
    • RequisitePro 1.4
    • RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 upgrade
    • TeamTest 2.0 (Note: You do not need to enable the record types for this package.)
  5. Check in your schema and upgrade your ClearQuest database to the latest schema version.
  6. Upgrade your Rational Repository via the Rational Administrator. (Consult the Configuring Rational Suite manual for more information.)
  7. Delete all existing "RequirementMap" records from ClearQuest. (These records are created again when you run ASCQISetup.bat file.)
  8. Edit and run the ASCQISetup.bat file located in the \Program Files\Rational\common\ directory.

Using New ClearQuest Packages

If your ClearQuest database is based on any of the following schemas, you must apply new ClearQuest packages:

Apply the following new ClearQuest packages:

There are a few general rules for package application because the ClearQuest Designer allows only one package application at a time for a particular schema:

Repository 1.0 package

To support the conversion of Rational Repositories to Rational Suite Projects, a new version of the Repository package is required. A few changes in this package require work by the ClearQuest administrator in ClearQuest Designer to complete the upgrade.

Rename the "RepoProject" field and "RepoProject" stateless record type to "RAProject"

As part of the application of the Repository 1.0 package, you will notice that many instances of the RepoProject field associated with some record types (such as Defect and Enhancement Request) are renamed to RAProject. Unfortunately, the automatic upgrade process cannot fully rename every instance of this field/record type. It will generally be simpler to apply these changes immediately after the application of the Repository 1.0 package. Specifically, the ClearQuest administrator will need to check and manually rename any instance of:

RequisitePro 1.4 and RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade Packages

To support the latest version of the RequisitePro integration, application of two packages is required. They are the RequisitePro 1.4 package and the RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages. It is important to apply the RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade package and not the base package or the integration will not function properly. If you accidentally apply a version of a package that you wish to remove, you will be required to remove the entire schema version that includes that package.

There are two cautions when applying these packages. First, they expect the record types for "Defect" and "EnhancementRequest" to be named exactly as listed here. If you have renamed either of these record types, you will be unable to apply the RequisitePro packages. Second, the packages expect the submit forms for the Defect and Enhancement Request record types to be named "Defect_Base_Submit" and "EnhancementRequest_Submit" respectively. If you receive an error message while applying the package indicating that the "form name" form could not be found for the record type "record type", you should temporarily rename the form to what the package is looking for before applying the package and then rename the form back to your desired name after the package application.

After applying the RequisitePro 1.4 and RequisitePro Supplement 1.1 Upgrade packages, you should follow the instructions in the "Configuring Rational Suite" manual to complete the upgrade of the RequisitePro datastore and to re-initialize the integration between ClearQuest and RequisitePro.

TeamTest 2.0 package

The TeamTest 2.0 package is now an even more integral part of the Rational Administrator Project functionality. It will be required for you to apply the TeamTest 2.0 package even if you had not previously had this package applied. Many of the integrations of the Rational Administrator are contained within this package. You will want to apply this package to each of the record types that you wish to enable for the integration.

Contacting Technical Support

Telephone: 1-800-433-5444 or 408-863-5000 (outside the U.S. and Canada)
Fax: 408-863-4300
E-mail: support@rational.com
Web site: http://www.rational.com

Visit our Web site for more information about us!

RequisitePro Users Mailing List

The Rational newsgroups and mailing lists have moved to the Discussion Forums on the Rational Developer Network.