          template - format of a ClearDDTS template file

          Fieldname: ( "format string" | command [arg ...] )

          A template file is a file used by ClearDDTS  to  define  the
          layout,  constant  text,  value types, conditional handling,
          and value translation for an interactive dialog or an output
          report.   For example, template files are used for the input
          prompting and output screens by bugs(1) and xddts(1), and
          only for output by dumpbug(1).

          A template file contains zero or more field definitions.

          Each field definition consists  of  a  left-justified  field
          name,  a  colon  (:),  arbitrary whitespace, and one or more
          derivation lines, each of which is followed by one  or  more
          newline characters and arbitrary whitespace.

          Each derivation line is  either  a  printf(3S)-style  format
          string enclosed in double quotes ("):


          or a data-filtering command with optional arguments:

               command [arg ...]

          For instance, one field definition might look like:

               Customer-name:  "Enter customer's name: %-30.30s"
                                help customer.H
                                oneof -f customers

          Multiple field definitions for the same field can appear  in
          a  single template file.  The definitions are interpreted in
          the order they appear, so the last definition  executed  for
          any given field yields the final value for that field.

          The interpretation of the format  string  lines  depends  on
          whether  the template file is being used for input or output
          (see Format Strings below).

          This section describes the interpretation of a template file
          when used for input.

          For any field that does not already exist in  the  template,
          its  initial value is set to an empty string.  The execution
          of each derivation line transforms the current value of  the
          field and returns a status value.  A derivation such as:

               Foo:     echo 1
                        echo 2

          would first  set  the  value  of  Foo  to  1  and  return  a
          successful  (0)  status  and then set the Foo field to 2 and
          return a successful (0) status.

          The set of derivation lines for each  field  definition  are
          executed  in  order  until  the status returned by the final
          derivation line is 0 (successful).  If any  derivation  line
          fails  (i.e.,  the  status  returned is non-zero), execution
          starts over at the first derivation.  Thus, an error such as
          an  invalid  value for a field would cause that entire field
          derivation to be reexecuted.  If a field derivation  returns
          255 (Abort) the entire template file execution is aborted.

          This section describes the interpretation of a template file
          when used for output.

          For each format string line,  the  current  field  value  is
          formatted  according  to the format string as in printf(3S).
          The special control sequences  are  displayed  as  described
          above.    However,   the   control  sequences  \f,  \k,  and
          \([r][,c]) now do something even if the standard  output  is
          not  a  terminal,  or  the  template  is not being used in a
          screen-oriented  mode.   The  screen  image  is   maintained
          in-memory,  the screen position movements are performed, and
          when the template is finished, the in-memory screen image is
          dumped.   This  is  how  utilities  such  as  bugmail(1) and
          dumpbug(1) are able to use the  screen  motion  commands  in
          template files to generate output to files or pipes.

          For each filter command line, the  current  field  value  is
          passed through the filter as on input, but the return status
          of the filter is ignored unless it is 255.  Thus,  "invalid"
          field  values  are  just displayed when the template is used
          for output instead of looping hoping that  the  value  would
          somehow become valid.

          When a template  file  is  used  for  output  (such  as  for
          displaying a record or formatting a mail message), the value
          of the field being derived is not stored as  the  new  field
          value,  in  contrast to template files used for input.  This
          is intended to  make  it  easier  to  write  template  files
          intended  only  for  output  in that you don't have to worry
          about messing up the fields you  are  displaying.   However,
          explicit set and unset filter commands are always effective.
          If a definition with the special fieldname  Related-file  is
          encountered  in  the template file, the derivation lines for
          that field are executed once through  for  every  enclosure.
          Prior to executing the lines for each enclosure, the current
          field value is set to name  of  the  enclosure.   Therefore,
          different enclosures can be processed differently by testing
          the value of $$ with "if  equals  $$  enclosure-title",  and
          only executing parts of the derivation if it succeeds.  This
          is particularly useful with the putfile filter command.  See
          the  end  of  the  master.tmpl  file for an example of this.
          Note that this is only for operation values other than "f".

        Format Strings
          These are printf(3) style I/O strings that format input  and
          output.   Each  quoted  format  string  encountered on input
          contains optional text which may surround an optional  field
          specification,  spec.   At  most one spec is allowed in each
          format string.

          The characters constituting the format string are  displayed
          one  at  a  time  until  a percent (%) character is reached,
          indicating that an input value is to be requested  from  the
          user.    Special   C-style   output  control  sequences  are
          supported, and have these effects:

          \a            bell
          \b            backspace
          \e            escape character(0x1b)
          \f            home up and clear screen
          \k            clear to end of current line
          \n            newline
          \r            carriage return
          \ddd          character represented by up to 3 octal digits
          \([r][,c])    move cursor to screen row r and column c
          \[xx]         send parameterless termcap(3X) string xx

          For example, the following format string

               "\(8,42)\kProblem type:         %-14.14s"

          would position the cursor to row 8 column 42 on the  screen,
          erase  whatever  is  on the screen from position 8,42 to the
          end of line 8 and then position back to 8,42 and prompt with
          Problem  Type:.   It  then  expects the user to enter a text
          string whose length does not exceed 14 characters.

          If in \([r][,c]) the arguments r and/or c are  omitted,  the
          current  row  or column is assumed.  The termcap strings can
          be used for highlighting, such as \[so]  to  begin  standout
          mode,  \[se]  to end standout mode, \[us] to begin underline
          mode, etc.  Use  of  non-highlighting  termcap  strings  may
          produce  undefined  results.   The control sequences \f, \k,
          \([r][,c]), and \[xx] are still useful for  output  even  if
          the standard output is not a terminal, or if the template is
          not being used in screen mode, because all  output  is  done
          using an in-memory screen image, and then dumped out when it
          is complete.  However,  under  those  circumstances,  cursor
          motion  and clearing control sequences have no effect during
          input, and termcap strings have no effect  if  the  standard
          output is not a terminal.

          Note that the tty user interface,  bugs(1),  supports  these
          termcap   options,   while   the  GUI  interface,  xddts(1),
          currently ignores them.

          When the user is being prompted for field input the  current
          field value (if any) is placed in the input stream as if the
          user had already typed it.  The user may back over or  erase
          these  "default" characters if desired.  When the user types
          a  newline  character,  the  displayed  value  (if  any)  is
          entered, and it becomes the new value for that field.

          If, while being prompted to enter a value, the user  instead
          types  his  INTR character (usually control-C, see stty(1)),
          the processing of the template  file  is  aborted,  and  the
          value  of the current input field is unchanged, although any
          previously changed fields remain changed.

          The possible input values that will be valid are defined  by
          the   specification   characters   following   the   percent
          character.   The  specification  characters  have  the  same
          syntax  as  the  field  specifications  of  printf(3S),  and
          describe the valid input values as follows:

          -              left justify (output only)
          blank          (ignored)
          #              (ignored)
          m              the number m specifies minimum output length
          d              a decimal digit string with optional sign is allowed
          u              an unsigned decimal digit string is allowed
          f              a decimal floating number with optional sign is allowed
          e, E, g, G     same as f, trailing e[+|-]xx or E[+|-]xx allowed
          c              any character  is  allowed
          s              any string of characters is allowed

          Input validation of hexadecimal, octal, and  binary  numbers
          is  currently  not  supported.   These  and  other  specific
          restrictions on  the  input  value  can  be  enforced  using
          user-supplied filter commands as described below.

          If the input value is valid according to the  specification,
          the  current field value is set equal to the input value and
          the status returned by the format string is 0.  If the input
          value is not valid, the current field value is unchanged and
          the status returned is 1.

          If a format string does not contain a  %  and  specification
          characters,  no user input is expected, the string is simply
          displayed, the field value  is  unchanged,  and  the  status
          returned is always 0.

        Filter Commands
          Filter commands are used to validate  and/or  transform  the
          current field value. The field value is passed to the filter
          command as its standard input and the standard output of the
          command becomes the new value of the field.  The exit status
          of the filter command determines whether the derivation line
          is  successful;  the  exitstatus should be 0 if the value is
          acceptable, and greater  than  zero  if  the  value  is  not
          acceptable.   The program should expect to read the original
          value (if it wants to look at it) from its  standard  input,
          and  produce  the  original  or  new  value  on its standard
          output.  The program should write  any  diagnostic  messages
          explaining the invalidity of the value on its standard error
          output.  If the exit status of any such command is 255,  the
          entire  template  file  will be aborted and the value of the
          current  input  field  will  be  unchanged,   although   any
          previously changed fields will remain changed.

          As in sh(1), single and double quotation marks can  be  used
          to   include   spaces  and  special  characters  in  command
          arguments.  In addition, the  following  special  forms  are
          recognized  (except within single quotes), and replaced with
          the indicated values:

          $fieldname     Value of the named field

          $fieldname:n   nth word in the  value  of  the  named  field
                         (first word is $0)

          $$             Value of the current field (or the  enclosure

          $n             nth word in the value of  the  current  field
                         (or of the enclosure title)

          $:n            (same as $n)

          $!             Length  of  the  current  field  (or  of  the
                         enclosure text) in bytes

          $%             Name  of  a  temporary  file  containing  the
                         enclosure text

          $&             Value of an enclosure field's timestamp

          $~             The ClearDDTS home directory

          $@             The current user's login id

          The field called Filter-path is treated  specially.   It  is
          interpreted  as  a colon-separated list of directories to be
          searched in order to locate  filter  commands.   This  field
          should  be  set  to a value at the top of all template files
          that execute filter commands.  If a filter command cannot be
          located or executed, an appropriate message is displayed and
          the command is assumed to have returned 255.

          Comments (lines or  portions  of  lines  beginning  with  #,
          except  within  quotes) may be placed anywhere in a template
          file, and are  ignored  completely.   This  permits  you  to
          document your customized template files, or any additions or
          changes you make to the released ClearDDTS template files.

        Multiplexed template files
          To improve configurability, a single template  file  can  be
          used  for  different  purposes.  The best example of this is
          the  ClearDDTS  master.tmpl  file,   which   is   found   in
          ~ddts/class/classname/master.tmpl.   This  template  file is
          used for all screens and messages related to defect records.
          This  single  file  is  used  by  bugs(1)  and  xddts(1) for
          painting empty forms, prompting for  field  values,  viewing
          existing  values,  and  modifying the values.  It is used by
          bugmail(1) to send mail notification messages.  It  is  used
          by  dumpbug(1) to format bugs.  Since the template file does
          different things at different times, it has a mechanism  for
          conditional coding.

          The ClearDDTS utilities add  two  special  variables  called
          STATE  and OPERATION that can be used to conditional control
          the execution of the template file.

          The value of STATE is set to the uppercase state letter that
          corresponds to the requested Status of the bug record.  That
          is, when a state transition is being  executed  the  current
          status  of  the  bug  in  defined  in  the field Status.  The
          requested status is then contained in the STATE variable.

          The value of  OPERATION  is  set  to  the  single  character
          describing what operation is taking place.  Operation values
          that are supported are:

          f    Paint the form for entering a new STATE.
          p    Prompt  for input required when entering the new STATE.
          m    Modify all fields for states up to and including STATE.
          v    View a bug in the given STATE, excluding Related-files.
          l    Dump a bug in the given STATE, including Related-files.
          n    Format notification mail for a defect in the STATE state.

          The master.tmpl file makes heavy use of conditional  if  ...
          fi statements, and uses the STATE and OPERATION variables to
          determine  which  derivation  lines  to  execute  for   each
          Not all template files used by  ClearDDTS  are  multiplexed.
          For some easier-to-understand template files, try looking at
          the ones in ~ddts/class/classname/user.index,  or  those  in

          You can use the tmpltest(1) program to see how  those  work.
          You  should  copy some easier template files, modify them in
          different ways, and use tmpltest on them to see what they do
          until you are familiar with how to write a template file.

        Enclosure Fields
          Enclosure fields are used for  variable  length  text.   For
          example,  a  user might edit a file that describes in detail
          how to reproduce a problem.  This variable length  text  can
          be   included  and  modified  via  appendfile  and  editfile
          commands discussed below.

          For enclosure fields,  the  "current  field  value"  is  the
          enclosure's title.  Thus, prompt strings and filter commands
          that affect or use the current field value can  be  used  to
          set,  change,  or display the title of enclosure fields, and
          $$ can be used to access the current title.   However,  only
          the  appendfile and editfile built-in filter commands affect
          the  actual  text  associated  with  enclosure  fields  (see

          When ClearDDTS executes a line  in  a  field  derivation  it
          first  looks  to see if the command is a "built-in" command.
          Most  common  filter  commands  are  built-in   to   improve
          performance.   If  the command in the derivation line is not
          one of the built-in commands, ClearDDTS will pass the entire
          derivation line to system(3) to execute it.

          To bypass a built-in command and use the system's version of
          that  command, prefix the command with the appropriate path.
          For  example,  to  use  the  system  echo(1)  command   type
          /bin/echo.  The built-in command is only recognized as echo,
          so the  command  /bin/echo  will  not  be  recognized  as  a
          built-in  and  will  be  passed  to system(3) for execution.
          This is mainly useful  when  certain  shell  facilities  are
          required that are not provided by built-in commands, such as
          I/O redirection.

          Built-in commands have significantly better performance than
          other  commands,  because they do not require the additional
          processes that are created by system(3).

          The following built-in commands are available:

               Never  succeeds  or  fails;  returns  255.   Therefore,
               executing   this   filter  command  always  causes  the
               execution of the template  description  file  to  abort
               without affecting the current field value.

          and[if] [-f] command [arg ...]
               Valid only within an enclosing if ... fi pair.  If  the
               enclosing  if  condition  is  false,  it  does nothing.
               Otherwise, command is executed.  If the command  fails,
               execution continues with the else part of the enclosing
               if, if any.  If command succeeds, it does  nothing  and
               succeeds.   The two forms and and andif are equivalent;
               use whichever seems more natural and meaningful to you.
               Neither one affects the current field value.

          appendfile [-f enclfield] [-t title] [-F file | arg ... ]
               Append text to an enclosure, either echo arg  arguments
               or a file.  Execute  the  echo  built-in  command  (see 
               below) with the specified  arg  arguments followed by a
               newline or read in the contents of  file.   Instead  of
               changing the current field value, append the  resulting
               text to the current enclosure field (or  the  enclosure
               field named by enclfield).
               If the field already exists but  is  not  an  enclosure
               field, it is changed to be an enclosure field.

               A final newline will be added to the enclosure  if  the
               contents of file do not end in a newline.

               If  no  enclfield  is  specified,  but  a  field  named
               Log-name exists, the value of that field is used as the
               title for the  enclosure  field,  otherwise  the  title
               History  is  used.   If  a  title is specified, it must
               match  the  enclosure  title  when  searching  for   an
               existing enclosure field, and if none match, it is used
               as the title of a newly created enclosure field.

               This filter command returns 255 (aborts) if  there  are
               problems  writing to the temporary file that represents
               the enclosure text.  Otherwise it succeeds.

               See also the log built-in command.

               Always succeeds  immediately.   Executing  this  filter
               command  causes  the  execution  of  the  current field
               derivation to cease immediately and return successfully
               after  updating  the  current  field  value.  Execution
               proceeds with the next field derivation in the file, if

               Turns on buffering  mode  (on  is  the  default).   The
               output  of the template file is written to an in-memory
               screen image to reduce the terminal output necessary to
               process   cursor   addressing,  and  flushed  when  the
               template file is completed.  Causes the  output  stream
               to  be  flushed  and  allocates  a new in-memory screen
               image  to  be  used  for  subsequent  output.    Always
               successful;  does  not  affect the current field value.
               See also nobuffer.

          call -i varname value [varname2 value2] ...
          call -o varname value [varname2 value2] ...
               Recursively invoke the current  template  file  on  the
               current field values, with different initial values for
               the indicated variables.  The template file environment
               (current  field  derivation execution, current variable
               values, but NOT field values) is saved on a stack,  and
               the  current  template  file is executed again from the
               beginning (at its first field derivation) operating  on
               the current field values.

               If the  -i  option  is  used,  the  new  invocation  of
               template  file  will be considered to be in input mode;
               if the -o option is used,  it  specifies  output  mode.
               Exactly one of these two options must be specified.

               The variable(s) named by varname, etc., if any, are set
               to  its  corresponding  value  for the duration of that

               When, in the new invocation, the template file executes
               the  return filter command, or falls off the end of the
               last derivation in the file, the previous template file
               enviroment  is  restored  to  the way it was before the
               call.   In  particular,  the  specified  variables  are
               restored  to their values prior to the call (or deleted
               if they formerly did not exist).

               The call command succeeds unless the new invocation  of
               the  template  file  aborted,  in  which  case the call
               command also aborts.  If the new  invocation  ended  by
               executing a successful return command, the call command
               sets the current field  value  to  the  "return  value"
               string  provided as the argument to the return command.
               Otherwise, the current field value  is  cleared  to  an
               empty string.  See the return filter command, below.

          case string1 [string2 ...]
               See switch below.

          cat file...
               This command is built-in for efficiency,  but  it  acts
               like  the  UNIX  cat(1)  command.   It sets the current
               field value to the concatenation of the contents of the
               file(s)  named  by  its  arguments.   Always successful
               unless one or more of the  files  does  not  exist,  in
               which case it returns 255.

          change_history [ -f | -e ] [ "title" ]
               Only applies to bugmail(1).  When executed by  bugmail,
               differences between the old bug and the current bug are
               calculated and a "field change log"  is  added  at  the
               current point in the execution of the template file.

               An implicit nobuffer and flush filter  is  run  at  the
               beginning of change_history to flush the current output.
               The buffer state is restored after this filter completes.

               The -f flag limits differences to just fields.  The  -e
               flag limits differences to just enclosures. If  neither
               the -e flag or the -f flag  are  specified,  then  both
               field and enclosure changes will be calculated.

               The optional title will be displayed at the  beginning
               of the field change log.

               This filter will not affect the value of any field  and
               will not do anything in any other ddts program.

               See the bugmail manpage for details in how to customize
               and control the field change log including  suppression
               of certain fields and how to compare enclosure text.

          combobox  value ...
          combobox -f filename
          combobox -d filename fieldname
               This filter command always succeeds.   The listed items
               are offered as suggestions for   the user to enter into
               this field.  The  value that the  user selects does not
               need to be one of the  items from the list. This filter
               has the  same syntax  as  the oneof  filter (see  oneof

               The  three  forms  of  combobox  allow  you to  specify
               suggestions  on the  filter  invocation  line,  or in a
               specified file.  The value of a field called Oneof-path
               is used to search for the  specified file, like for the
               oneof filter.

               The third alternate form of combobox  behaves similarly
               to the first two, except that the contents of fieldname
               in the file  filename is used  to construct the list of 
               choices.  If filename  doesn't exist or is not readable
               or if the fieldname is not found,  combobox will  offer
               an empty  list  of  suggestions. The  file  filename is
               expected to be in dfile format (see dfile(5)).

               The list of suggested values  does not get displayed in
               the bugs interface.  The administrator should place the
               suggestions in the help file for that field.

               Always fails.  Executing this filter command causes the
               execution  of  the  current  field derivation to repeat
               from the beginning.

               See switch below.

          deletefile -f fieldname -t title
               Deletes  the  corresponding  enclosure  field.   Always
               succeeds. The fieldname and title are mandatory options.
               See the unset  command to  delete  fields  that are not
               enclosure fields.

          dialog [-w width] prompt-string
               The dialog command is a filter used to prompt the  user
               for  input.   width is the maximum number of characters
               that can be entered.  The default is 40  characters  if
               width  is  not  specified.  prompt-string is the prompt
               that will be output just before waiting for input  from
               the user. This command is just like specifying a format
               string of

               "prompt-string %-width.widths\n"

               except that it will still wait for input from the  user
               even  in  output  mode.  The field value will be set to
               the value entered by the user.  See the Format  Strings
               section  for  more  information.  In xddts(1) this will
               pop up a dialog that the user must respond to before he
               can continue.

          disable fieldname
               Disables  fieldname  for  input   or   output.   Always

          echo [string ...]
               This command is built-in for efficiency,  but  it  acts
               like  the  UNIX  echo(1)  command.  The -c option or \c
               sequence for  suppressing  the  final  newline  is  not
               recognized,   and   should   not   be  used  as  it  is
               unnecessary.  The current field value  is  set  to  the
               output of the echo command.  This filter command always

          editfile [-i sourcefile] [-r | -R] ["enclosure title"]
               Edit the text associated  with  the  current  enclosure
               field.  In  bugs(1)  the  text  will be edited with the
               editor specified by the EDITOR environment variable (or
               with  vi  if  there is no EDITOR variable). In xddts(1)
               the text will be edited using the editor  as  specified
               in  the  Enclosure  Editor  dialog  brought up from the
               Options|Editor... menu option.

               If the field already exists, it must  be  an  enclosure
               field.   If  the  field  does  not  already  exist, the
               initial text is copied from the sourcefile  named  with
               the  -i  option,  if any.  If there is another argument
               and the enclosure does not already have a  title  (that
               is,  the current field value is empty), the enclosure's
               title is set to that argument.  If there  is  a  title,
               and  no  existing field with the current field name and
               that title, a new enclosure field is created.

               Starting with version 4.2, the editfile syntax has been
	       extended to include the -r  and the -R  options.   When
	       specified,  the -r  and -R  options turn on  "required" 
	       checking,  meaning that the editfile will fail if the user has not edited
	       the enclosure.  "Edit"  means that the enclosure cannot
	       be empty,  it cannot  contain only whitespace,  and  it
	       cannot be the same text that is in the sourcefile named
	       with the -i option if it was specified.  The -R  option
	       has the additional requirement that the enclosure cannot
	       contain the same text that was there before the editfile
	       was executed. 

               NOTE: The ability to make the web browser  automatically
               wrap an enclosure can conflict with the -R and -i options.
               If the  initial text  file has  lines  longer  than  the
               enclosure wrap  width, then the  browser will wrap those
               lines and the -R flag will consider that a change to the
               enclosure and not catch the required change.

               This filter command fails if the current  field  exists
               and is not an enclosure field.  It returns 255 (aborts)
               if  there  are   problems   copying   the   sourcefile.
               Otherwise it succeeds.

          elif [-f] command [arg ...]
               Valid only within an enclosing if ... fi pair.  If  the
               last   enclosing   if   condition  is  true,  execution
               continues after the matching fi.  Otherwise, command is
               executed.  If command succeeds, the if condition is now
               considered to be true, and execution continues with the
               next  derivation  line,  up  to  the  matching  fi.  If
               command fails, the elif command does nothing  more  and
               execution continues with the else part of the enclosing
               if, if any.  This command does not affect  the  current
               field value.

          enable fieldname
               Enables  fieldname  for  input   or   output.    Always

          end  See switch below.

          equals val1 [val2]
          equal val1 [val2]
               If both val1 and val2 are supplied,  succeeds  if  val1
               and   val2   are  equal  strings,  fails  if  they  are
               different.  If only val1 is supplied, succeeds  if  the
               current field value is equal to val1, fails if they are
               different.   The  two  forms  equals  and   equal   are
               equivalent;   use  whichever  seems  more  natural  and
               meaningful to you.  Neither form  affects  the  current
               field value.

          export [name] ...
               Puts each named variable into the environment  so  that
               it  will  be  exported  to  programs  invoked by filter
               commands  in  the  template  file.   If  no   name   is
               specified,  the  current  field  name is exported as an
               environment variable.  The name can be the  name  of  a
               parameter,  an  existing  field, or an already existing
               environment variable.

               Note that the value placed in the  environment  is  the
               variable's  current  value,  and  future changes to the
               value of the variable do not affect the value  exported
               to  the environment, unless a subsequent export command
               is executed for that variable name.

               The export filter command returns 255 (aborts)  if  the
               name  does  not  already  exist as a parameter, a field
               name,  or  an  environment  variable;   otherwise,   it
               succeeds.  Does not affect the current field value.

               This command is specific to xddts(1). It pops up a file
               selection  box  and sets the current field value to the
               files that  were  selected  by  the  the  user.  Always

               If the template is being used for output to a terminal,
               flushes  the  output  so  that  the  screen is current.
               Otherwise, does nothing.  Does not affect  the  current
               field value.  Always succeeds.

          fullname [user]
               Changes the field value to  the  user's  real  name  as
               defined  in  the gcos-field of the /etc/passwd(5) file.
               If user is  omitted,  the  invoking  user  is  assumed.
               Always succeeds.

               The full name is obtained by extracting characters from
               the beginning of the gecos portion of the password file
               entry for that user, up to the  first  comma.   If  the
               gecos  portion  is  empty  or begins with a comma, this
               filter leaves the current value alone (possibly empty).

               Succeeds if the current field value is empty or  if  it
               contains  a  valid  date.  All  dates  entered  will be
               converted to the ClearDDTS date format of YYMMDD.

               See the class/software/helps/est-fix-date.H  help  file
               for  a complete definition of the date formats that are

               Succeeds if the current field value is empty or  if  it
               is a valid group name found in /etc/group.

               Succeeds if the current field value is empty or  if  it
               is a valid user name found in /etc/passwd.

          goto fieldname
               Never succeeds or fails.  Executing this filter command
               causes the execution of the current field derivation to
               cease immediately without changing  the  current  field
               value.    Execution   then  proceeds  with  next  field
               derivation that matches fieldname. The template file is
               searched   starting   at  the  next  field  derivation,
               wrapping to the beginning of the file, and stopping  at
               previous field derivation.

               NOTE:  The goto command discards any changes that  have
               been made to the current field value.  This is a bug.

               Note that the goto command can now be used to branch to
               any   field   derivation  in  the  template  file.  The
               restriction that fieldname must be  after  the  current
               field  has  been  removed. Note that infinite loops are
               now possible, so be careful to provide a  way  to  exit
               the loop.

          gui  Succeeds if the template is being run from a  graphical
               application  such  as  xddts(1).   Does  nothing to the
               current field value.  This can be used  to  modify  the
               behavior  of  a template that is used for both tty mode
               and gui mode.

          help filename
               If the current field value is  anything  other  than  a
               single  question mark (?), this filter command succeeds
               without affecting the current field value.

               If the current field value is ?, the  contents  of  the
               file  named by filename is piped through more(1) to the
               user's terminal.  The ? is  removed  from  the  current
               field  value, and the filter command fails (so that the
               user will be reprompted for a real value after  viewing
               the  help  file).  If the field called Help-path exists
               and  has  a  value,  its  value  is  interpreted  as  a
               colon-separated list of directories to search to locate
               the help file.

               If filename does not refer to a readable file, or there
               are  other  problems  running  the  pager  program, the
               filter returns 255.

          homedir [user]
               Sets the current field value to the home  directory  of
               the  user  ddts,  or to the home directory of the named
               user if one is provided.   Succeeds  if  the  specified
               user  exists  and  has  a  home  directory, othewise it

               Sets the current field to the hostname of the ClearDDTS
               server.   This  does  NOT  return  the host name of the
               system executing the template file.   See  realhostname
               below to do this.

          if [-f] command [arg ...]
              derivation line
          [ else
              derivation line
          fi  Executes the given command (or  builtin)  with  optional
              args,  using  the  current  field  value  as  input.  If
              command succeeds (returns 0), the derivation lines after
              then  are  executed,  up to the matching fi or else.  If
              command fails (returns non-zero), and the optional  else
              part  is  present,  the  derivation lines after else are
              executed, up to the matching  fi.   The  -f  option  (in
              input  mode)  allows  the field value to be changed as a
              result of executing  command;  it  also  suppresses  any
              messages command writes to standard error.

              The if command itself always succeeds unless one of  the
              enclosed  derivation  lines  returns  255.   It does not
              allow the command to  change  the  current  field  value
              unless the -f option is used.

              See also and, or, elif.

          inc [fieldname]
              Increments the  value  of  the  current  field  (or  the
              specified  field) by 1.  If the field did not previously
              exist, or did exist but its value is not numeric, it  is
              set  to 1.  Note that floating point numbers can also be
              incremented.  Always succeeds.

              Succeeds if the template is being used for input,  fails
              otherwise.   Does  nothing  to  the current field value.
              This can be used to modify the behavior  of  a  template
              that  is  used  for  both input and output, depending on
              which way it is being used at the time.

          interact [-u] cmd [arg ...]
              This command allows  external  programs  to  temporarily
              take  over  the screen and interact with the user, after
              which control returns  to  the  template  file  and  the
              screen is refreshed.

              The arguments must be the name and arguments of  a  UNIX
              command  (that is, not a built-in filter command).  This
              causes the named command  to  be  executed  with  normal
              standard input, standard output, and standard error.

              The  -u  option  runs  the  command  as  the  real  user
              executing the command.  If the -u option is not used the
              command is executed suid ddts.  Be careful.  You may not
              wish  your  users  to run externals programs with ddts's

              The current field value is fed to  the  command  on  its
              file  descriptor  3,  and  the  resulting field value is
              expected to be  written  by  the  command  on  its  file
              descriptor 4.

              Note that ClearDDTS does not generate a [Hit any key  to
              continue] after running the script; if it wants the user
              to  look  at  its  output,  it  should  make   its   own
              arrangements to let him look at it before returning from
              the interaction.

              The interact filter command returns the exit  status  of
              the  command  that  was  executed, so the command should
              exit 0 for success  and  non-zero  for  non-success,  as

              Succeeds if the current field  is  an  enclosure  field,
              fails  otherwise.   It does not affect the current field

          log [-f enclfield] [-t title] echoarg ...
              Causes a message to be appended to the  named  enclosure
              field, which is created if it did not already exist.  If
              the field already exists but is not an enclosure  field,
              it  is  changed  to  be an enclosure field.  The message
              consists of  the  name  of  the  program  executing  the
              template  file  (such  as  bugs, xddts, or batchbug) the
              current date and time, and the  values  of  all  of  the
              echoargs.   As  for  every filter command, the arguments
              can be fixed strings or can include field name values or
              other values expanded via the "$" expansion mechanism.

              If no enclfield is specified, but a field named Log-name
              exists,  the  value  of  that field is used as the field
              name of the enclosure field, otherwise History is  used.
              If title is specified, it must match the enclosure title
              when searching for an existing enclosure field,  and  if
              none  match,  it is used as the title of a newly created
              enclosure field.

              This filter command returns 255 (aborts)  if  there  are
              problems  writing  to the temporary file that represents
              the enclosure text.  Otherwise it succeeds.

              See also the appendfile built-in command.

          match val value ...
              This filter command succeeds if val is a prefix  of one
              of  the  listed values.  An individual value may contain
              spaces if they are escaped or the value is enclosed in
              quotation marks. The match filter fails if there are no
              matches,  and  an  appropriate  message  is  output  to
              standard error. 

              See also the oneof filter command.

              Functions the same as fullname.

              Functions the same as phone.

              This command allocates a new bug identifier and sets the
              field  value  to  its value. It returns success if a new
              bug identifier was allocated  successfully.  It  returns
              255(abort) if an error was encountered.

              Causes the in-memory  screen  image  to  be  dumped  and
              flushed  to the output stream, and causes all subsequent
              output to be  written  directly  to  the  output  stream
              instead  of  kept  in an in-memory screen image.  Always
              successful; does not affect  the  current  field  value.
              See the buffer filter command for more information about
              output screen image buffering.

          not command [arg ...]
              The command not executes command with optional arguments
              args. If command fails then not will return a successful
              exit status.  If command passes then not will return  an
              unsuccessful  exit  status.  Does not affect the current
              field value.

          null ["value"]
              The command null succeeds if the current field value  is
              empty, and fails if it is not. If value is supplied then
              it will succeed if value is null. Be sure to quote value
              so  in  the  case  it  is  is  empty  it  will  still be
              recognized as an argument.

              Neither form affects the current field value.

          oneof [-i] value ...
              This filter command succeeds if the current field  value
              is  a  prefix  of  exactly one of the listed values. The
              field value is set to the matched value.  An  individual
              value  may  contain spaces if they are escaped or if the
              value is enclosed in quotation marks.  The oneof  filter
              fails  and  an appropriate message is output to standard
              error if if there are multiple matches  or  no  matches.
              The   -i   option   makes   the  match  comparison  case
              insensitive.  See also the match  filter  command.   See
              also the someof filter command.

          oneof -f filename
              This alternate form of oneof behaves  similarly  to  the
              first,  except  that  it  succeeds  if the current field
              value is a prefix of exactly one of  the  lines  in  the
              text  file  specified  by  filename.   If a field called
              Oneof-path has a value, its value is  interpreted  as  a
              colon-separated  list of directories to search to locate
              filename.  The oneof filter command fails if  there  are
              multiple  matches  or  no  matches,  or  returns  255 if
              filename  does  not  refer  to  a  readable  file.    An
              appropriate  message  is  output to standard error if it
              fails, or if it aborts.

          oneof -d filename fieldname
              This alternate form of oneof behaves  similarly  to  the
              first  two, except that the contents of fieldname in the
              file filename is used to construct the list of  choices.
              If  filename  doesn't exist or is not readable or if the
              fieldname is not found, oneof will return 255.  The file
              filename   is  expected  to  be  in  dfile  format  (see

              Always succeeds.  Does  nothing  to  the  current  field
              value.   For  example, this can be used as a placeholder
              if there are no other derivation lines, or as a  comment
              for fields that used to be required.

          or[if] [-f] command [arg ...]
              Valid only within an enclosing if ... fi pair.   If  the
              last  enclosing if condition is true, this does nothing.
              Otherwise, command is executed.   If  command  succeeds,
              execution  continues  with the next derivation line.  If
              command fails, the or command does nothing and execution
              continues  with  the else part of the enclosing if.  The
              two forms or and  orif  are  equivalent;  use  whichever
              seems  more  natural and meaningful to you.  Neither one
              affects the current field value.

              Succeeds if the template is being used for output, fails
              otherwise.   Does  not  modify  the current field value.
              This can be used to modify the behavior  of  a  template
              that is used for both input and output.

          phone [user]
              Always succeeds. Changes  the  current  field  value  to
              user's  phone  number  if any is defined in /etc/passwd;
              otherwise  leaves  the  current  value  alone  (possibly
              empty).   If  user  is  omitted,  the  invoking  user is

              The phone number is  derived  by  extracting  characters
              from  the  gecos field of the passwd(5) file entry.  Any
              characters in the gecos field between the  second  comma
              (if  any) and the next comma or the end of the field are
              assumed to be the phone number.  If the gecos portion of
              the  user's  passwd(5)  file entry is empty, or contains
              fewer than two  commas,  the  phone  filter  leaves  the
              current field value alone (possibly empty).

              This command restores the screen and the cursor position
              saved  by  a  prior  call  to pushscreen.  It is used in
              conjunction with pushscreen and call.

          printenv env-variable
              Sets the field value to the  value  of  the  environment
              variable env_variable.  If env-variable doesn't exist in
              the environment then the field value will be set  to  an
              empty string. Always succeeds.

          projassert -o projectname
              This filter succeeds if  projectname  is  owned  by  the
              current  system  and fails if it is not. The field value
              is set to projectname on success.  On failure  an  error
              message is output to standard error.

          projassert -s projectname
              This filter succeeds if projectname is subscribed to  by
              the  current  system  and  fails if it is not. The field
              value is set to projectname on success.  On  failure  an
              error message is output to standard error.

          projassert -b projectname
              This filter succeeds if you are able to log bugs against
              projectname  and fails if you cannot. The field value is
              set to projectname on  success.   On  failure  an  error
              message is output to standard error.

          projassert -e projectname
              This  filter  succeeds  if  projectname  exists  on  the
              current  system and fails if it doesn't. The field value
              is set to projectname on success.  On failure  an  error
              message is output to standard error.

          projassert -n projectname
              This filter succeeds if projectname doesn't exist on the
              current system and fails if does. The field value is set
              to projectname on success.  On failure an error  message
              is output to standard error.

              This  command  saves  the  current  screen  and   cursor
              position  into  an  in  memory  stack.   It  is  used in
              conjunction with popscreen and call.

          putfile [-m]
              Succeeds if the current field  is  an  enclosure  field,
              otherwise  it  writes an error message to standard error
              and returns 255 (aborts).  If it succeeds, it  also  has
              the  effect  of  displaying  the contents of the related
              file whose title is the current value, if any.   If  the
              -m  option is used, any lines of the enclosure text that
              would confuse  mail  sending  programs  (such  as  lines
              beginning with ~ or .)  are output such that they won't.

              Returns the  real  host  name  of  the  system  that  is
              executing  the  template  file.   The  hostname  command
              returns the hostname of the ClearDDTS server.

              Succeeds if the current field value is not empty;  fails

          resetuid command
              Executes command as the actual user instead of the  user
              ddts.  Returns the exit status of command.

          return [string]
              Never succeeds or fails.  Executing this filter  command
              causes  the  execution  of  the current template file to
              cease  immediately  and  return   successfully   without
              changing  the current field value, and without examining
              any of the remaining field derivations in the file.

              In addition, if a second argument, string, is  provided,
              it  is  made  available  to  the template file's calling
              environment as the "return value" of the  template  file
              execution.   See the call filter command, above.  If the
              string argument is not provided, or when execution of  a
              template  file  "falls off the end" after the last field
              without a  return  command,  the  return  value  of  the
              template file is an empty string.

              Returns   the   users   security    token    from    the
              ~ddts/etc/security file.

          set fieldname value [fieldname2 value2] ...
              Adds, or updates the existing value of fieldname so that
              its  value  is  equal  to  the  corresponding value.  If
              fieldname is  one  of  the  special  variable,  such  as
              OPERATION,  the  special  variable is updated instead of
              creating a new field.  Always succeeds.

          setfile [fieldname ...]
              Causes the current field (or fieldname) to be  converted
              to  an  enclosure  field. If fieldname does not exist it
              will be created as an enclosure field.  Always succeeds.

              Never succeeds or fails.  Executing this filter  command
              causes  the execution of the current field derivation to
              cease immediately without  changing  the  current  field
              value.    Execution   proceeds   with   the  next  field
              derivation in the file, if any.  This differs from break
              in  that  it  does  not  update  the current field value
              before going on.

          someof value ...
              This filter command assumes  that  the  field  value  is
              composed  of  a list of values separated by spaces. This
              command succeeds when there is a match for each value in
              the  field value list with a value in the someof's value
              list.  This command fails when any of the values in  the
              field  value  list does not have a match in the someof's
              value list. See also the oneof filter command.

          someof -f filename
              This alternate form of someof behaves similarly  to  the
              first, except that the value list is read from the lines
              in the text file specified  by  filename.   If  a  field
              called  Oneof-path  has  a value, it is interpreted as a
              colon-separated list of directories to  be  searched  to
              locate  filename.   The someof filter will return 255 if
              filename does not exist or is not  readable.   See  also
              the oneof filter command.

          someof -d filename fieldname
              This alternate form of someof behaves similarly  to  the
              others,   except  that  the  contents  of  fieldname  in
              filename is used as the someof value  list.  The  someof
              filter  returns 255 if filename does not exist or is not
              readable, or if fieldname is not found in filename.  See
              also the oneof filter command.

              WARNING: The someof filter  does  NOT  support  imbedded
              spaces in the list values (e.g. "hello world").  Initial
              input will succeed but later validation will fail.   You
              may instead use an underscore (e.g. "hello_world").

          switch [text]
          [ case string1 [string2 ...]
              derivation line
          [ case -f filename
              derivation line
          [ default
              derivation line
          end The given text (or if none, the current field value)  is
              used  to  select  which  of  the  associated  groups  of
              derivation lines to execute.  Each group  of  derivation
              lines  is preceded by either a case command or a default
              command.  The group of lines selected to execute is  the
              first  group  whose case line contains a string argument
              matching the switch text.  The comparison is done as  if
              oneof  were  used for the case strings, so the text will
              match any string of which it is a prefix.  The  case  -f
              option  can  be  used to specify a file of strings to be
              matched instead of listing them, as in oneof.

              If no case string matches, the group of lines  following
              default  is  executed,  up  until  the  next case or end
              command.  If no case string matches,  and  there  is  no
              default case, nothing is executed.

              CAUTION: Note that multiple case strings can be used  in
              a  single case line and that the group of lines for each
              case is terminated by the next  case,  default,  or  end
              command.    Therefore,  using  separate,  adjacent  case
              commands to introduce a group of lines shared  by  those
              cases  will  not  have the desired effect.  Instead, all
              the cases to  be  associated  with  the  same  group  of
              derivation  lines  must appear together on the same case
              command line, or the -f option should be used to name  a
              file containing the case strings to be matched.

              CAUTION: If multiple strings on a single case line match
              the switch text, that case is considered NOT to match.

              CAUTION: the break command should not  be  used  to  end
              each  group of derivation lines, as that would cause the
              entire current field derivation to  succeed  immediately
              without  executing  anything  else  in  that derivation.
              Cases should be separated by case and default commands.

              The switch, case, default, and end  commands  themselves
              always succeed, but any of the selected derivation lines
              can fail, abort, return, break, or  continue  as  usual.
              The  case  -f  command  returns 255 if filename does not
              refer to a readable file, otherwise  it  succeeds.   The
              selected  derivation  lines can modify the current field
              value, but the  control  statements  themselves  do  not
              modify it.

          today [arg]
              Sets the field value to today's date in ClearDDTS format
              of  YYMMDD  if arg is not supplied or in YYMMDDHHMMSS if
              arg is supplied. Always succeeds.

          uniquetitle [-q] [-f fieldname] [title]
              Succeeds if no enclosure field with indicated  fieldname
              and  title  exists  in  the  current field table.  If no
              fieldname  is  specified,  the  current  field  name  is
              assumed.   If  no  title is specified, the current field
              value is  assumed.   (Note  that  until  the  successful
              completion  of the current derivation, the current field
              name and value are not entered into  the  table.)   This
              filter  command  fails  if there is already such a field
              with that name and title in the  table.  The  -q  option
              suppresses  the  error message ordinarily displayed when
              the title is not unique.

          unset fieldname
              Deletes the named field, if any, from  the  field  table
              being  used.   If  the  field is an enclosure field, its
              associated text is removed.  Always succeeds.

              Generates the user name of the  invoking  user.   Always

              Succeeds if the current field value is empty  or  begins
              with  y,  Y, n, or N.  Sets the current field value to Y
              or N as appropriate.

          The built-in commands do not understand the special features
          of  sh(1),  such  as  output redirection, pipes, or filename
          pattern expansion.  To force the shell to interpret a filter
          command  (and thus enable the use of these features), ensure
          that the first word of the line does not match  one  of  the
          built-in  command  names.   For  example,  to  use  the UNIX
          command echo instead of the built-in version  of  echo,  the
          command  /bin/echo  (or /usr/bin/echo, as appropriate) could
          be used.

          Placing the # in a field name will have  undefined  results,
          and should not be used there.  Example:

               Field#1:        echo $Field#2

          Field#1 will be set to the value of $Field.   The  #2  is  a
          comment, but the #1 is part of a field name.

          If the first line in the template file begins with


          then a field by  then  name  of  #  will  be  saved  to  the
          database.  This ONLY occurs on the first line.

          The phone command doesn't modify the field value unless  its
          current  value  is null.  So this calls must be preceeded by
          an echo command to clear it out.  That is:

               echo ""

          The goto directive discards the changes to the current field

          The following error

               Error in template file
               field "Engineer": WARNING: Unclosed ' quote

          can occur if a field value that contains a  single  quote(')
          is  expanded  within a derivation line in the template file.
          This is known bug with the template file parser and  has  no
          ill effects on the execution of the template file.

          tmpltest(1), bugs(1), dumpbug(1), xddts(1), dfile(5)
          ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide