dumpbug - format and print a defect record
dumpbug [-fmnrhR] [-i ctemplate] [-t template] [id ... | -b
Use dumpbug to print defect records to the standard output.
The record ids of the defect record(s) can be supplied on
the command line, from a specified bugbox file by specifying
the -b option. If no -b option and no ids are specified,
the list of record ids to be printed is read from the
standard input.
By default, for each id dumpbug writes a row of asterisks,
the record formatted according to a default template,
followed by any enclosures attached to the defect record,
followed by a formfeed if there are any more ids to process.
An enclosure is a named, timestamped, encapsulated section
of text that can be attached to a defect record.
-f suppresses the formfeeds that are normally printed
before the output for the second and subsequent defect
-i ctemplate
specifies a directory, located in the class directory
associated with the bug, that is to be used for
finding template files to print the bug. The
directory must be in the associated class directory
(~ddts/class/<classname>/ctemplate) and the template
files in that directory must be named for the states
associated with that bug class. For example, to print
a one line description of a bug exactly like bugs(1)
and xddts(1) you could do:
dumpbug -i user.index XXXxx12345
In this case dumpbug would find the class and state of
the bug. If the class were "software" and the state
was "O" then dumpbug would use the
~ddts/class/software/user.index/O template file to
print the bug.
-m should be used when the output of dumpbug will be piped
to a mail sending program, such as Mail(1) or mailx(1).
In this case dumpbug adds protection for some
problematic characters (such as a ~ at the beginning of
a line) so that they will not confuse the mail sending
-n suppresses the printing of the row of asterisks (***)
that is ordinarily printed before each defect record.
-h outputs HTML-friendly format for webddts. Along with
aligning hex-encoded bytes on output, it also converts
termcap sequences to HTML tags as defined in the
configuration file dumpbug.cfg.
-r option suppresses the printing of any enclosures.
-t template
specifies a template file, which describes how to
format the specified bugs. If template is a directory,
dumpbug uses a file in that directory with the same
name as the current state of the bug. That is, if the
bug is in state R, dumpbug attempts to use a file named
template/R. The format of a template file is described
in template(5) and the ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide.
If the -t option is not used, a default template file
is used to format the bug. The template file used is
the master.tmpl file determined by the state of the bug
and the class the bug is logged against.
The difference between the -i and -t options is that
the -i option requires the template file to be located
in the ddts class directory hierarchy.
-R prevents dumpbug from formatting the defect records;
instead the raw contents of each indicated defect
record file are written unformatted to the standard
output. This option also forces the -n option. The -t
option (if any) is ignored.
The findbug(1) utility is particularly useful in conjunction
with dumpbug. For example the following prints all severity
1 bugs for project compiler:
findbug -p compiler Severity == 1 | dumpbug
Another way to use dumpbug is as follows:
dumpbug XXXaa00055 XXXaa00122 ...
where XXXaa00055 and XXXaa00122 are the bug IDs of the bugs
to be printed.
~ddts/allbugs/??/* defect record files
~ddts/class/$Class/master.tmpl default template file(full page)
~ddts/class/$Class/user.index/? default template files (one line)
~ddts/class/$Class/summary.print/? default template files (three line)
~ddts/etc/dumpbug.cfg termcap to HTML conversion file
findbug(1), sortbug(1), summarybug(1), template(5),
ClearDDTSAdministrator's Guide