tallybug - tally and format data for standard graphs
tallybug [-states] [-severity] [-gST|SV|RT] [-cclass]
[-bdate] [-edate] [-ssubtitle] [title]
tallybug accumulates time-based statistics for bugs in a
ClearDDTS database which can be printed as PostScript graphs
by graphbug(1). tallybug reads records from standard input,
organizes the data and writes the results to standard output
in an intermediate form suitable for graphbug(1). The -g
option determines the type of graph produced from the data
selects states of bugs for which to accumulate
statistics. The order of the states listed determines
the stacking order of the lines on some graphs. States
are defined as upper case letters and valid states are
determined by the ~ddts/class/classname/statenames
file. For example, in the default class (software) the
states "NAO" would select unresolved bugs.
selects severity of bugs as defined by the Severity
field of the bug reports. Severity is represented as
digits and the order in which the bug severities are
listed determines the stacking order of lines on some
graphs. For sites that have more than ten severity
levels, it is now possible to specify 'a' - 'f' for
severities 10 - 15. For example, to see severities 1
through 12, your severity string would be
-g determines the type of statistics to accumulate in
tallybug and the type of graph to draw in graphbug(1).
Must be one of the following:
-gST calculates data for a stacked line graph of
the number of bugs in each state for all bugs
with the selected severity levels. The lines
on the graph are stacked from bottom to top
according to the order in which the bugs were
defined on the command line.
-gSV calculates data for a stacked line graph of
the number of bugs by severity level for all
bugs in the selected states. The lines on
the graph are stacked from bottom to top
according to the order in which the bugs were
defined on the command line
-gRT calculates data for a line graph for weekly
arrival and resolution rates and weekly
totals of bugs in the ClearDDTS database.
The weekly totals are represented as the
maximum daily total for the week. tallybug
ignores the states option on the command line
and uses the ~ddts/class/classname/statenames
file to determine new, unresolved and
resolved states. tallybug uses the bug
severity flag to select bugs.
identifies the ClearDDTS class of bug reports processed
by tallybug. Valid states are determined by the class
specific file ~ddts/class/classname/statenames. The
default ClearDDTS class name is "default."
sets the first date for which statistics are
accumulated. tallybug accepts two forms of dates. The
first is the standard ClearDDTS representation of dates
which has the form yymmdd. An alternative form is mm-
dd-yy where mm, dd, and yy represent the month, day and
sets the ending date of the graph. Dates are specified
using the same forms as the -b option.
defines a string to be used for the subtitle of the
graph. tallybug will generate a default subtitle using
the defined states or severity if none is provided on
the command line.
defines the string used for the title of the graph.
Titles which consist of more than one word must be
enclosed in quotes. tallybug does not provide a
default title.
tallybug reads bug report information from standard input.
Each line of input contains information for one bug record
in the ClearDDTS database. The format of each line is
defined by the following:
record: state severity dates
state: [A-Z]
severity: [0-9]
dates: dates [ date ]
date: state ':' ddts_date
ddts_date: a valid ClearDDTS date
Date fields must be present for all states defined in the
statenames file. Missing dates may cause inaccuracies in
the graphs since tallybug uses the date information to
reconstruct the history for each bug record. The following
are examples of input records accepted by tallybug:
N 1 S: 920129 N: 920129 A: O: R: V: P:
A 3 S: 920318 N: 920318 A: 920417 O: R: V: P: 920401
O 3 S: 910820 N: 910820 A: 910820 O: 910820 R: V: P:
DDTSCLASS The name of a ClearDDTS class to use if none
was specified on the command line.
tallybug assumes that severity is represented by the digits
0 through 9. No other relation between severity levels has
been defined.
tallybug attempts to create a history for a bug report using
the date information contained in bug records. The
algorithm will attempt to account for bugs which are
currently in one of the "other" states and track it through
the unassigned, assigned and resolved states as necessary.
"Other" states are counted as unresolved by the rate graph
findbug(1), bugval(1), graphbug(1).
Wendell Damm, Tektronix, Inc.
Brian Walker, Tektronix, Inc.