bugval - print selected fields of defect records
bugval [-h [-o]] [-i bugid] [-s fmt] keyword keyword ...
By default the bugval utility reads defect record IDs from
the standard input and writes the contents of the specified
keyword fields for each specified defect record to the
standard output, one record per line. Usually, the record
IDs are obtained by running findbug(1).
The fields named by the keywords are printed in the order
specified in the invocation string, each with a fixed field
width. The possible keywords and their field widths are
defined in the file ~ddts/etc/cache_conf. Each field is
left-justified, filled with spaces on the right to fill the
field width, and separated from the next field by one space.
Any spaces at the end of an output line are deleted.
-h If this option is specified, bugval prints a one-line
header consisting of as much of each keyword name that
will fit into the fixed length of that field, followed
by a line of underscores (___).
-o If this option is specified only the header line is
-i bugid
The -i bugid specifies a single bugid to be used. If
-i is specified no bugids will be read from stdin.
-s If the -s option is specified then bugval(1) will use
the supplied fmt string to format the output. The fmt
string is specified exactly line sprintf(3) and
This utility can be used with sort(1) to sort defect
records by particular field values.
The following command displays the Status, Severity, and
Identifier fields for all defect records in the database:
findbug | bugval Status Severity Identifier
The following command displays all unresolved defect records
(-NOA), sorted by Status, Engineer, and Headline.
findbug -NOA | bugval Status Engineer Headline | sort
The following example uses the fmt string to format a
message that looks like "Bugid XXXxx12345 has severity 1 and
status N."
findbug -NOA | bugval -s "Bugid %s has severity %s \
and status %s.\n" Identifier Severity Status
When using bugval with the -h option, the name of the field
will be printed as stored in the database schema. Usually
that means it will be converted to lower case and dashes
will go to underscores.
~ddts/etc/cache_conf List of available keywords and
findbug(1), sort(1), sortbug(1)