Becoming a performance engineer
with Quantify

Dr. Telemachos F. Stephani of the Institute of Mediterranean Antiquity in Silicon Isle, Greece, has announced the imminent completion of his controversial project of teaching a computer to reproduce the authentic sounds of ancient Homeric epic song, last heard over 2,500 years ago. Stephani, who bases his work on an exhaustive database of historical phonetic changes, reported today that he is "ready to summon up the virtual spirit of Homer to sing again, just as soon as I resolve some performance bottlenecks in the code." 

 --Silicon Isle Herald, July 12 


The crunch is on  

I must have been out of my mind, announcing "imminent completion" of my Homer simulator. All the components are in place, but the code is just too slow for a realistic reproduction of speech. I've got to find out why the code bogs down, or Homer will sound like he's mumbling in his sleep. 

I should have used Quantify to speed up this code weeks ago. I'll grab the laptop, and head down to the Old Cybercafe for a change of scenery. Great place, this--ouzo, snacks, and . . . oh, good! There's Nausikaa, the programmer from the new start-up next door . . . 

"Yassou, Nausikaa!" 

"Hello Telemachos! How's the Homerophone? I just read about it in the Herald." 

"I'm running a tool called Quantify now to profile the entire project, looking for performance bottlenecks. Here, I'll show you." 

Get the big picture first 

"Quantify starts out with a Call Graph, which focuses on the heavy-duty components of my code, the areas where any performance improvement would make the biggest impact." 

click to enlarge 

"And -- eureka! We've found something big on the first try. See this ComputeMeter function? 


It's the starting point for my routine that calculates the poetic meter of each line of verse. It works with the speech-generation module at the output end of the process, and if it's slow it could bog down the recitation--a deadly place for a performance bottleneck. That function should be so fast that it wouldn't show up on this Call Graph at all." 

"Okay, Telemachos. But where does this take us? I see only one function that ComputeMeter calls. Where does the program go from here?" 


"Watch this, Nausikaa. First we isolate the suspicious functions." 

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Quantify adjusts the dataset so it contains only ComputeMeter and its descendants. Now we can expand the ComputeMeter subtree to see what's going on downstream. 

click to enlarge 

Quantify displays the most time-consuming descendants of ComputeMeter. Look at this, Nausikaa! The most expensive paths in the subtree lead to the SetWindowTextA function. 

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"But Telemachos, what is your program doing with any window text at all? It's the audio output that counts. Or does the window text function serve a purpose?" 

"Well, it used to serve a purpose. I originally put that function in to give me feedback when I was developing the algorithm. I must have missed some of its callers when I was cleaning up the code. That's the kind of thing that happens when you're under pressure, isn't it?" 

Just how much is this costing? 

"Anyway, let's get some solid numerical data and see exactly how much time those leftover SetWindowTextA calls are costing me. 


"Here's all the data for the subtree. 

click to enlarge 

"Look at the percentages. SetWindowTextA takes up 50% of the subtree's total time. A classic example of unnecessary processing, a classic bottleneck." 

"Code bloat, Telemachos, and from you! But I'm impressed with the way Quantify starts by orienting you in your program, then helps you zero in on the problem." 

Doing interactive "what-ifs" 

"It's even better than that, Nausikaa. You can use Quantify to project performance improvements. Look what happens if I right-click SetWindowTextA in the Call Graph and then delete the SetWindowTextA subtree. 

"Quantify discards the subtree's time from the dataset and recomputes the remaining data so that I can see exactly how the program will perform without the subtree. 

"Now, let's see how the change shows up in the Function List. 


"Great! The time for the ComputeMeter subtree, which took over 615,000 microseconds before I made the change, is now just over 306,000 microseconds. This major subtree's performance is really improved." 

"Move over a minute, Telemachos, and let me navigate a bit. I noticed that the strlen function is showing up both in the Function List and the Call Graph. In fact, the Function List shows this run of your program called it over 40,000 times." 

A suspiciously prominent function 

"And look at the Call Graph, Telemachos. All the expensive functions in this part of the application call strlen. Why is that?" 


"This part of the code manipulates lines of Homer as strings. These functions apply an enormous collection of complex metrical rules to each line sequentially. They determine the rhythmical pattern of each verse, just before the `Homerophone,' as you call it, chants it." 

"But even so, Telemachos, it seems odd to call strlen so many times. Here, I'll sort the Function List by function time. 

click to enlarge 

"See? By itself, strlen uses around 92% of the total subtree time, now that we've discarded SetWindowTextA. That seems excessive." 

Examining the details 

"If you open the Function Detail window, Nausikaa, we can get a different angle on the data for strlen: specific information, in numerical and graphical format, about calls to it from other functions." 


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"It's interesting that most of the functions make about the same number of calls to strlen. And quite a few calls, too. I think I know what's going on. Can we look at your source code to see exactly what it's doing?" 

Getting right to the source 

"Nothing easier, Nausikaa--the code's even annotated with line-by-line performance data. Here's the code for mark_consonants, one of the functions that call strlen


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"Look at the data for the for statement. Its line + descendants time is much greater than its line time alone, which means the line calls other functions heavily. The only part of the line that could possibly represent a function call is i<SPECIMEN_LENGTH(specimen). And sure enough, checking the macros, I see that I #define SPECIMEN_LENGTH as a call to strlen. In effect, the program is calling strlen every time it traverses one of these loops. And it's the same for all these other functions, too. 

"What a waste of time! All I really need to do is call strlen once for each verse, then cache the value. A case of unnecessary recomputation, another textbook example of a performance bottleneck. Why, I could write a performance engineering manual based on what I'm learning!" 

Now, let's fix it and compare 

"Let me make some global fixes in my code to get rid of all these strlen calls, and run the program again." 


"Now let's compare the first run to the new run, to see how the performance has improved." 

click to enlarge 

"Good. The Diff Call Graph highlights ComputeMeter, strlen, and SetWindowTextA in green, meaning their performance is improved. I'll open the Diff Function List to get the numerical comparison." 

click to enlarge 

"Fantastic! The total time for ComputeMeter is now around 14,000 microseconds. That's an improvement of more than 600,000 microseconds! This code's going to sizzle! Rise up, Homer, and sing your heart out! We're back on track!" 

"Great job, Telemachos! The Homerophone is really going to perform now, thanks to Quantify. And speaking of performance, our company team is challenging the Institute to a game of soccer. You've got some spare time now--care to come along?" 
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