Installing Apex/ClearCase
Installation of Apex/ClearCase involves two steps:
- 1 . First Install ClearCase Version 3.2 or higher
- 2 . Install Apex Version 4.0 or higher
PrerequisitesEnsure that you have the required software before proceeding with the Apex installation.
Software Versions
The following versions of software are required:
- ClearCase 3.2 or higher
- Apex 4.0 or higher
Recommended Documentation
For Installation
- ClearCase Product Family Installation Notes (UNIX only)
- Rational Apex Release Note
- Installing Rational Apex (this document)
- Rational Apex Release Note
For Usage
- Getting Starting with Apex
- Rational Apex Release Note
- Apex Command Line Reference
- ClearCase and MultiSite Release Notes
- Introduction to ClearCase Manual (ClearCase 4.0 and higher)
- ClearCase User's Manual (ClearCase 3.2)
- ClearCase Concepts Manual (ClearCase 3.2)
For Maintenance
- Apex Command Line Reference
- Administrating ClearCase (ClearCase 4.0 and higher)
- ClearCase Administrator's Manual (ClearCare 3.2)
For More Details:
- Apex Concepts Guide
- Developing Software with ClearCase (ClearCase version 4.0 and higher)
- Managing Software with ClearCase (ClearCase version 4.0 and higher)
- Building Software with ClearCase (ClearCase version 4.0 and higher)
- ClearCase Concepts Manual (ClearCase 3.2)
First Install ClearCase Version 3.2 or higher
- Please follow the instructions in the ClearCase Product Family Installation Notes (UNIX only).
Preliminary Issues
- 1 . Decide how ClearCase will be used: client host, server host, or both. We are using both for this example.
- 2 . Decide if you will be installing MultiSite and on which hosts. We are not installing MultiSite for this example.
- 3 . Verify your client host supports the processing, memory, and disk storage requirements.
- 4 . Verify your server host requirements.
- 5 . Verify you have all the required patches installed for your operating system.
Note: Select the type of install you want. ccase-home-dir should be located on a disk that is accessible to all machines running Apex/ClearCase.
- 6 . Obtain a license key. See the ClearCase/Multisite Installation and Release Notes.
ClearCase Installation
- 1 . Login as root (su root).
- 2 . Go to the cdrom directory (cd /cdrom).
- 3 . Go to the installation directory on the cdrom (cd rational).
- 4 . run
- a .
Enter the number associated with your platform. For our example, we will install on a Sun, so we enter 4.- b .
Enter the directory root for this ClearCase install file. We are using /work2/clearcase_install.- c .
You should see lots of files being extracted.- 5 . cd to your installation directory: ccase-install-dir/product-version/platform-type/install. For this example, we cd to /work2/clearcase_install/v3.2/sun5/install.
- 6 . Run ./site_prep to setup your system for installation. For our example, we are using the same host name (mercury) for all questions requiring a host name and we are not configuring setuid operations. This script is done when you see your system prompt.
- 7 . Run the install script: ./install_release:
- a .
Select the model of installation method (for the example, 1- local install).- b .
Select the installation operations or models. We are using 1 - Standard.- c .
Specify directory to be installed. We are using ccase-home-dir (/work2/clearcase).- d .
Specify the pathname to the network-wide release directory. Once again, we use the default, ccase-home-dir.- e .
Select the components to install. We are using 6-ClearCase Full Function Installation.- f .
Select f-finish selection to continue.- g .
Enter the host names as needed. For the example, we used the defaults.- h .
Let the installation run.- i .
When this script finishes, you should see 0 Errors.- 8 . Create the license file. For our example, we did vi /var/adm/atria/license.db and we pasted in the license keys we received from Rational.
- 9 . Check that the licenses are correct. For the example, we ran /work2/clearcase/bin/clearlicense.
- 10 . Create the Registry Server Host password that is used when creating public VOBs:
- a .
Login to the registry server host as root- b .
Create the VOB-tag password file. For our example, we ran
# /work2/clearcase/etc/rgy_passwd (nopassword) password: <enter a password, it is not echoed>
- 11 . Since we are setting up for local use only, we are finished with the installation. Please refer to the ClearCase/MultiSite Installation and Release Notes for additional steps for other methods and models of installation.
For additional information see the ClearCase/Multisite Installation and Release Notes.
Install Apex Version 4.0 or higher
Preliminary Issues
- 1 . Obtain license keys. See the chapter on Managing Apex Licenses.
- 2 . We are installing from the cdrom as a user, not as root.
- 1 . Verify ClearCase licensing is ok by running clearlicense. You should see ClearCase license information where the "Available Licenses" is 1 or more.
- 2 . Place the Rational Apex CD in the cdrom reader.
- 3 . As root, set up the cdrom for reading (see Procedure for Rational Product CD Installation instruction sheet included with the CD by creating the directory if needed and mounting the drive.
- 4 . As a user (not root), cd to /cdrom. For our example, we cd to apex_320b_sol.
- 5 . run ./cdinstall.
- a .
Select the product, platform, and version.- b .
Define the Rational directory (rational_dir) by entering rd and the root directory for this installation.- c .
Enter go to install.- 6 . When this script finishes, follow the directions. For this example, we did:
% cd /work2/releases/apex.4.0.0b/install % ./install
- 7 . Get license keys from Rational. Generate the information needed to request keys by running ./get_license_info.
- 8 . Add the license information by editing rational_dir/config/license.dat.
- 9 . Run ./start_lm (if you do not have an Apex license server running) or ./lmreread if you do.
- 10 . As root, copy the license startup file as instructed by the script.
- 11 . Run ./post_install.
- a .
Select the license file.- b .
For apexinit question, use the default option 1 to use ClearCase. This makes apexinit -clearcase the default.- c .
Say yes to verifying licenses.- 12 . Set the environment variable APEX_HOME to rational_dir/releases/apex_ver (or rational_dir/apex if you have created the symbolic link during the post_install.)
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