Right-click menu actions

The table describes the actions that are available via the right-click menu in the Outline workbench view and the Design page of the XDIME 2 editor.

The table describes the actions that are available via the right-click menu in the Outline workbench view and the Design page of the XDIME 2 editor.

Name Description
Add After Adds a new item (e.g. element, comment, etc.) after the selected item.
Add Attribute Adds an attribute to the selected element.
Add Before Adds a new item (e.g. element, comment, etc.) before the selected item.
Add Child Adds a new item (e.g. element, comment, etc.) as a child of the selected item.
Edit Namespaces Allows the author to define a new namespace or to edit an existing one.
Remove Removes an item.
Replace With Replaces the selected item with a new item.

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