About the XDIME 2 editor

The built-in XDIME 2 editor helps page authors to create XDIME 2 documents more efficiently and eliminates common mistakes by providing the content assist and XML and XDIME validation mechanisms. The editor has two pages: a Design page and a Source page.

The built-in XDIME 2 editor helps page authors to create XDIME 2 documents more efficiently and eliminates common mistakes by providing the content assist and XML and XDIME validation mechanisms. The editor has two pages: a Design page and a Source page.

The Design page provides a structured view of the document contents and assists page authors in navigating through the document. It also allows authors to insert, edit or delete objects (e.g. elements, comments, etc.) and edit namespaces using right-click menu actions.

The Source page allows page authors to directly edit the contents of XDIME 2 files. The editor can validate XDIME 2 documents and highlight any validation errors. Content assist provides a context-sensitive list of XDIME 2 elements. The author can select an element from the list and easily add it to the document. Refer to the topics entitled Validating XDIME 2 documents and Content assist for further information.

XDIME 2 Editor

XDIME 1 is not supported by the editor.


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