

A general purpose element, used by widgets which need a button-like control.

The :mcs-disabled pseudo-class may be used to specify styles for a button in the disabled state.

Contained by

Attribute groups


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
action Specifies an action to be invoked when the button is clicked xs:string   enable, disable, invoke, show, hide, clear-content, show-content, hide-content, press, dismiss, next-month, next-year, previous-month, previous-year, set-today, first-page, last-page, next-page, previous-page, next-row, previous-row, force-sync, clear-value, execute, reset, split, start, stop, launch  optional 


Action Description
disable Disables the button
enable Enables the button
press Presses the button. This action is enabled only when the button itself is enabled.


Property Description Type Access
is-enabled Specifies whether or not the button is enabled. When a button is associated with an action, this property is a mirror of the is-enabled property of the corresponding action. In such cases this property is not writable. xs:boolean read/write 


Event Description
pressed The event is sent when the button is pressed


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
      <widget:button action="myPopup#show">click me!</widget:button>
    <widget:popup id="myPopup">

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