

Displays content specified by the widget:block-content element or provided by the one of the dynamic actions - fetch, load or refresh. This element supports transition effects.


widget:load, widget:refresh or widget:fetch must be placed before the widget:block-content element.


Attribute groups


Attribute Description Type Default Options Use
content Identifies the widget:block-content element containing data to be displayed xs:string     optional 


Action Description
clear-content Clears displayed content. Equivalent to setting content property to empty string.
hide Hides the widget:block element using specified transition effect
hide-content Hides displayed content using specified transition effect
show Shows the widget:block element using specified transition effect
show-content Shows hidden content using specified transition effect


Property Description Type Access
content Replaces displayed content with a new data specified by the widget:block-content element xs:string read/write 
content-status Status of the widget:block-content element. Possible values are: hiding, hidden, showing, shown, none. xs:string read 
displayed-content Identifies currently displayed widget:block-content xs:string read 
fetch Identifies the widget:fetch element xs:string read 
load Identifies the widget:load element xs:string read 
refresh Identifies the widget:refresh element xs:string read 
status Status of the widget:widget element. Possible values are: hiding, hidden, showing, shown. xs:string read 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
    <title>Block widget</title>
    <style type="text/css">
      widget|block {
        padding: 0.5em;
        background-color: #ccc;
      widget|block-content {
        padding: 0.5em;
        background-color: #ccc;
    <widget:block id="myBlock" class="widget">
      <widget:block-content> The <em>content</em> of the <strong>block</strong> widget.
      <widget:display property="myBlock#status"/>
      <widget:display property="myBlock#content-status"/>
    <div class="buttons">
      <widget:button action="myBlock#show">show</widget:button>
      <widget:button action="myBlock#hide">hide</widget:button>
    <div class="buttons">
      <widget:button action="myBlock#show-content">show content</widget:button>
      <widget:button action="myBlock#hide-content">hide content</widget:button>

The following example illustrates the use of the widget:block element with widget:load.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
    <title>widget:block with widget:load</title>
    <div style="border: dotted #C0c0c0 1px;">
        <widget:load src="feed.xdime" when="onload"/>

The widget response may have the following structure.

<response:response xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2002/06/xhtml2"
      <div>Example content.</div>

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