Script attributes


Attributes of script policies in the Attributes and the Variant sections of the policy editor.


Control Description Options
Imported features A list of features to import. Features can be imported on a per policy basis and/or on a per variant basis. Imported features must be marked as 'optional', 'used', 'unused' or 'enhanced'. Refer to the topic entitled Script modules for more information.  
Exported features A list of exported features. Refer to the topic entitled Script modules for more information.  
Text If true, the Text control is enabled and the content is used. Otherwise the URL is enabled.  
Encoding Programming language of a script. JavaScript, JavaScript [version], WMLTask 
Character set Character set in which a script is written.  

Indicates an aggregating script policy. If true, the Imported scripts and Required scripts controls are enabled. Refer to the topic entitled Aggregating script policies for more information.


Aggregating script policies must not have script content of their own, instead they are constructed from the script content of imported policies.

Imported scripts A list of script policies to import. This control is only enabled for aggregating script policies.  
Required scripts A list of required scripts. Required scripts allow an aggregating script to reuse another aggregating script or policy without including it. This control is only enabled for aggregating script policies.  

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