Common variant attributes


Information on the common attributes of all kinds of variant in Variant Selection Criteria and Variant Content sections of policy editors.

For details of additional attributes of each variant type, refer to Related topics.


Control Description Options
Device category policy Associates an existing device category scheme or a custom scheme with the policy.  
Criteria Type of selection. If you select 'Targeted' the Targets list is enabled. Default, Generic, Targeted 
Targets The name of the targeted device or devices. Required if Criteria is 'Targeted'. Browse opens the Target Selection dialog. You can select items in the list, and right-click to use edit commands in the context menu.  
Null variant If you set this control MCS behaves as if no policy could be found for the current device. Any values in the Variant Metadata section will be cleared and the controls will be disabled.  
Base location Specifies whether the variant is located on a server or on the device. If you set the location to 'Default' MCS will use the settings for the associated asset group Server, Device, Default 

URL fragment for the variant filepath. Required for all variants.

If it is a filename or a root path, MCS treats it as relative to the Base URL value set in the referenced Asset group. Alternatively, you can specify an absolute URL. If you specify a relative URL, MCS creates an absolute URL based on the name of the server that received the request.

Asset group The name of the asset group. Prepends the asset group Base URL to the variant URL.  

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