UI elements

The namespace prefix is ui and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2009/07/cf2/ui.

The namespace prefix is ui and the namespace declaration is http://www.volantis.com/xmlns/2009/07/cf2/ui.

Name Purpose

The box component for the Client Framework 2 user interface.


A button-like control used by the Client Framework 2.


A checkbox input control. Checkboxes allow users to choose between two possible states, e.g. on/off, true/false, etc.


Contains a message to be displayed if the user has their browser configured in a specific way.


Allows UI elements such as text input fields to expand or contract depending upon the width of the device.


An inline element for the Client Framework 2 user interface. It is used to add extra structure to documents.


Defines the list item layout for a specified list view. Refer to the topic entitled List Cell Layout for more information.


Defines the list item layout for a specified list view. Refer to the topic entitled List Cell Layout for more information.


Represents a prototype-based list item renderer which is responsible for turning the data into a form that can be displayed by the ui:list-view element. Refer to the topics entitled List Item Renderer, Prototype and Client-side templates for more information.


Represents a JSON-based list model, i.e. a model that allows its contents to be specified using the XML representation of a data structure equivalent to JSON. The presentation of items is handled by a renderer that is responsible for turning the data into a form that can be displayed by the ui:list-view element. Refer to the topics entitled List Model and Working with JSON for more information.


Displays a list of items provided by a list view renderer. Refer to the topic entitled List View for further information.


Used to group a number of ui:option elements.


A single option from a list of options.


A prototype within the Client Framework 2 user interface.


Allows client-side manipulation of elements with different stack levels.


Used for input of confidential or sensitive information such as passwords.


A form control that provides for selection of a single choice from a list of options.


Provides support for the search bar construct.


A form control that provides for selection of one or more choices from a list of options.


Displays slides from a specified set. It presents one slide at a time. All slides must be of the same size. The contents of each slide is retrieved from the underlying model. The corresponding renderer defines how to display the data on an XDIME page.


A multi-line input control for large amounts of text.


A single line text entry field.

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