Policy types

In MCS you can name and locate several types of policy, choose their attributes, and associate them with variants that are bound to one or more compatible devices.

In MCS you can name and locate several types of policy, choose their attributes, and associate them with variants that are bound to one or more compatible devices.


Unless otherwise stated, audio (.mauc), link (.mlnk), rollover image (.mdyv) and text (.mtxt) policies are not supported in XDIME 2.


The audio policies control sound resources. As with most multimedia data, there are different formats with different capabilities for audio. Some formats can be streamed, for example. In addition, some audio players can also be used to play video, or even stream other manufacturers content.


Authors can define their own markup language and use it from within XDIME documents. A binding policy contains a binding definition and a corresponding implementation that together are applied to custom elements in an input document to transform them into other elements, either built-in or other custom elements that will be further transformed by other bindings.


Image policies can contain still images and in-place image sequences, and are referenced by rollover image policies.


Hypertext links in web pages sometimes need to reference both device-independent and device-dependent pages. For example an email link on a web page might be based on the mailto: URL format. The same link on a mobile phone with WTA capability, might consist of a phone number, activated by clicking.

To represent these different kinds of link, MCS supports links as literals, Java expressions, and as MCS link policy.

Rollover image

Rollover image policies are not associated with variants. There are image policy references for two states (Normal and Over).


MCS supports use of scripts for different languages, such as JavaScript and WMLScript with the script policy. At run time, MCS selects and uses the most appropriate version of the script for the device accessing the page.


Text policies allow you to use device dependent text to be used in a variety of ways within an XDIME page. You can use text policies in MCS pages wherever a text literal can be used.

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