Policy editors

There is a policy editor for each policy type. There are some differences related to the policy type, but they share several features.

There is a policy editor for each policy type. There are some differences related to the policy type, but they share several features.

All the editors have controls grouped in the following sections.

Policy attributes

Each editor contains a section defining the attributes of the policy. You can use the Device category policy control to associate an existing device category scheme or a custom scheme with the policy. For more information on using a custom scheme, refer to Custom device policies.

In some editors additional attribute values are fallback policy names to which the current policy refers. In other cases such as rollover image policies, they are references to the actual image policies used. In all cases you can Browse to locate the policy to refer to.

The Lock and Unlock buttons are displayed if this is a collaborative project. If you use them, the action applies to all the policy attributes.


Any variants that you have added to a policy are listed in the Variants section. You can add and remove variants at any time. Some policies support multiple variants, while others allow only a single variant reference.

Common to all Variants sections are buttons to Add or Delete variants, and a variants list. Some editors have also a New button, for example, the image policy editor. When you add image variants, you can browse to a directory and filter for a file type, and in some cases see a preview of the image. MCS also obtains some image variant attributes from the file system.

Variant icons in the list are like the icons in the policy tree, with a blue lozenge decoration. When you select a variant in the list, the Selection Criteria, Content and Metadata sections of the editor are enabled, and you can edit the attribute values. You can also choose multiple variants, and apply values that are common to those variants to all items in the selection.

The Lock and Unlock buttons apply to the selected policy variant.

Variant Selection Criteria

You use this section to define which variant is selected for use on a particular device. If the variant is targeted, you can choose a combination of targets from the device tree and a single set of devices in a custom category scheme.

Variant Content

All variants have a URL control, which is most often the filename of the variant. Script and text variants additionally can be entered directly in the content section as an alternative to using a file resource.

In this section you can also add a reference to an asset group, and also specify a null variant.

Variant Metadata

Metadata is information about the policy variant that is used by MCS to determine how to use the variant when it has been selected.

In this section you can set values such as MIME type, rendering, height and width values, the available controls depending on the policy type you are working with.

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