MCS glossary


RT lists related terms, BT lists broader terms and NT lists narrower terms related to a given glossary term.

Anonymous region

MCS creates a layout with an anonymous region for self-contained elements e.g. html, ui:prototype, ui:list-item-renderer, json:response. RT: Region

Application cache

Browsers use the application cache to store resources that are needed for a web application to work offline.


A general term for binary files such as games, images, and videos. Assets are usually organized into sets of variants, so as to provide matches with a range of device characteristics. RT: Variant

Asset group

Part of the URL of a group of policy variants on a server or a device.


MCS policy type containing references to audio variants. BT: Policy

CC/PP  [Composite Capabilities/Preferences Profiles]

A CC/PP profile is a description of device capabilities and user preferences using RDF/XML syntax. BT: Device

CSS  [Cascading Style Sheet]

A mechanism for adding style properties such as fonts, colors, spacing to Web documents. See the CSS specification for further details. BT: Theme


A layout area where you can position formatting objects and associate them with elements in your web content. On a PC, MCS delivers a canvas as a single web page. On smaller devices MCS sends complex canvasses as sets of pages. BT: Layout

Collaborative project 

An MCS database project where users can independently lock policy attributes for editing, while permitting other users to work on other policy values. BT: Project


A collective term for content policies that contain sets of variants, which are available for a range of devices. MCS chooses an appropriate variant for the requesting device. BT: Policy NT: Fallback policy, Image, Link, Rollover image, Script, Text

Component scope

Each Client Framework 2 component is created by and lives within the scope of a construction component. By default, a component cannot be accessed from outside that scope, the exceptions are components that are registered in the global component scope. RT: Global scope


Basic information delivered to users by a web site. It may be static information, or dynamic data retrieved in response to a query.

DRWS  [Device Repository Web Service]

A language independent REST interface over HTTPS that allows developers to access the device information.


A hardware device such as a PDA or a mobile phone. MCS stores device attributes in a repository, and uses this information to match content presentation to the device. NT: CC/PP, Fallback device, Identification pattern

Device policy category 

Categories of device policies such as audio, identification and protocol that group device characteristics together. You can also define device policies in a custom category. BT: Policy

Device repository 

A compressed XML file, for defining a set of devices. MCS comes with a pre-defined repository that is frequently updated. BT: Repository

Device repository client

A device repository client represents the device repository that is present in a running Java application. During the initialization process a client instance (e.g. an MCS instance) registers its own instance of a private JMX MBean in an MBean server. The drManager utility uses that MBean to remotely manage the client, i.e. a reference to a client is actually a reference to a private JMX MBean.

Device repository storage 

The device information can be stored in a file system directory, or in a JDBC compliant database. Typically, a device repository storage will contain a number of different versions of the device information at a time, allowing administrators to choose one to suit the requirements of a given project.

Dissecting pane 

A page that MCS can automatically split up and send to a small-screen device as one or more linked shards. BT: Format

Fallback policy  [Policy attribute]

A policy that can be used if the policy referenced in XDIME is not available. BT: Policy

Fallback device 

A device that can be used if MCS fails to match the capability of device with a preferred resource, such as a monochrome image replacing a high-resolution color image. BT: Device


A feature is a unique identifier for some functionality. It can refer to a single piece of functionality on a device, or to a functionality provided by a part of the application. Feature support depends on the version of MCS being used, and the capabilities of the device.

Form fragment 

A layout format used to divide a form into fragments on small-screen devices.


A layout object, such as a grid, pane or form, which will contain either other formats or specified content on a web page. NT: Dissecting pane, Format attributes, Fragment, Grid format, Iterator pane, Pane, Region, Replica, Segment

Format attributes 

A view in the MCS perspective that you use to edit the attributes of layout formats. BT: Format


A layout format used to divide the content of a canvas into fragments that can be displayed on small screens. BT: Format

Frame region 

A frame region is a special type of a region format that is allowed inside a frame layout. Refer to the topics entitled Frame layouts and regions for more information.

Generic variant 

A variant type such as an image that will display successfully on a wide range of devices without requiring complex device analysis. BT: Variant

Global scope

The global scope is a special component scope whose components are accessible from all scopes associated with the outermost construction component and those created for nested page fragments. RT: Component scope

Component scopes for ui:prototype (and similar components) are completely isolated from their containing scopes and so do not have access to components in the global component scope. However, a prototype can gain access to components in its containing scope through the uses attribute and so if that containing scope is a page fragment scope which has access to components in the global scope then the prototype can also gain access to the global components.

Grid format 

A layout format used to position content in a row/column structure in a web page. BT: Format

ICS  [Image Conversion Service]

An image transcoding component used in MAP to convert image variants from one format to another BT: MAP

Identification pattern 

MCS uses device identification patterns at runtime to identify an unknown device. The patterns are regular expressions that are matched against the device headers. BT: Device


An MCS policy type containing references to image variants. BT: Policy

Iterator pane 

A pane that will generate column or row cells to display a data series. The display can be spatial or time based. BT: Format NT: Spatial iterator, Temporal iterator


Layouts specify the physical placement of content on the display of a user's device. There are two types of layouts: page layouts and viewport layouts. Page layouts specify the physical position of elements on pages. Viewport layouts can be associated with a browser viewport, i.e. the area through which a page is viewed. BT: Policy NT: Canvas, Montage


MCS policy type containing references to hyperlink variants. BT: Policy

MAP  [Media Access Proxy]

A web application that caches asset transcoding parameters in a descriptor store, and provides a short, unique URL that can be used by a mobile client to access the trancoded asset. The ICS component handles image conversion. RT: ICS, STI NT: ICS

MCS  [Multi-channel Server]

MCS enables the integration of input from a variety of sources, and delivery of output to multiple target devices.


A montage is a collection of canvasses that can be rendered together on some kinds of device. On smaller devices, a is rendered as a set of individual pages. BT: Layout

OMA  [Open Mobile Alliance]

An open standards body for the mobile industry. Antenna Software products conform to several OMA specifications, including digital rights download and transcoder standards. RT: STI


The origin of a document typically (can vary by scheme) consists of the following 3 pieces of information:

  • The URL scheme, e.g. http, https, file, email.

  • The URL host, e.g.

  • The URL port, either the one that is specified in the URL, or the default for the scheme, e.g. 443 for https, 80 for http.

The exact rules for obtaining the origin are described in

Origin-based security

The security model commonly used by Web browsers. The core of this concept is that documents retrieved from distinct origins are isolated from each other, i.e. documents originated from different domains cannot access each other data. RT: Origin

Out-of-band data

Out-of-band data is any information that is associated with elements in a document that is being processed by MCS but which is not represented in the normal data associated with the element, i.e. its name and attributes. Out-of-band data is at the moment limited to meta data associated with the element, and implementation-specific information, e.g. to detect cycles in bindings.


An area in a canvas layout for displaying content. BT: Format NT: Stem, Tail


Information that defines MCS responds to particular devices. There are three types of policy within MCS covering devices, layouts, and themes. NT: Audio, Policy, Device policy category, Layout, Theme


Web site that combines material from a variety of sources into a single presentation.


The content that occupies a region in a portal.


A set of resources that you define for a particular web application. Resources that make up a project could include XML files, variants, layout, theme, policy and device policies. NT: Collaborative project


A single value in a style sheet rule, for example a font-weight. BT: Theme

REST  [Representational state transfer]

An architectural style for building large-scale networked applications. It is a description of the features of the WWW that made the Web so successful.


One of a set of areas in a portal. BT: Format


A format that can use content from another format in another part of a layout. BT: Format


A collection of policies or device attributes. NT: Device repository

Rollover image 

MCS policy type that contains references to the image variants that highlight a rollover image.(normal, over). BT: Policy

SOAP  [Service Oriented Architecture Protocol]

A protocol for exchanging XML-based messages normally using HTTP/HTTPS. SOAP forms the foundation of many Web services.

STI  [Standard Transcoding Interface]

OMA Standard which provides a standardized interface between multimedia application platforms and a transcoding platform. The interface uses the SOAP protocol over HTTP and HTTPS. RT: OMA, SOAP BT: Transcoder


MCS policy type that contains references scripts that are contained in a web page. BT: Policy


An area in a montage layout that specifies which canvas or montage will be displayed in it. BT: Format


One or more element names, class names or identifiers that are used to associate style properties with some content. BT: Style rule


A section of content with navigation links that MCS creates automatically when a dissecting pane generates page content for a device with limited page capacity.

Spatial iterator 

An iterator pane that displays data in a tabular layout. BT: Iterator pane


Part of an identifier (the pane attribute) used to map XDIME content on to a cell in an iterated row or column. It is inherited from the name of the iterator pane that generates the cell. The other part of the identifier is the tail. BT: Pane

Style rule 

A set of style properties for a selector applied to a device. BT: Theme  NT: Selector

TAC  [Type Allocation Code]

The TAC forms the initial characters of the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. TACs may be used to access device information using DRWS. RT: DRWS


Part of an identifier (the pane attribute) used to map XDIME content on to a cell in an iterated row or column. It is a zero-based numeric index that is appended to the name or stem inherited from the iterator pane in the form name.index. BT: Pane

Targeted variant 

A variant that is associated with a one or more devices. BT: Variant

Temporal iterator 

An iterator pane that displays a data set over time. BT: Iterator pane


MCS policy type that contains references to the text variants for a web page. BT: Component


All the information that governs the stylistic aspects of a web site. So, for example, a corporate brand would be a theme, composed of styles on each device. BT: Policy NT: CSS, Property, Style rule


A service that transcodes binary assets from one size or file format to another. RT: Asset, STI, ICS NT: STI, URL transcoding interface

URI  [Uniform Resource Identifier]

The name of resource. The resource does not need to have a network location, so a URI can represent a physical or abstract entity.

URL  [Uniform Resource Locator]

A URI that identifies a resource using a network location rather than identifying the resource by name or some other attribute(s).

URL transcoding interface 

A URL based interface between multimedia application platforms and a transcoding platform. ICS is a URL transcoder plugin. RT: ICS BT: Transcoder

Variant  [Asset]

A file containing partial content for a policy, layout or theme, and associated with one or more devices. Policy variants were formerly known as assets. and layout and theme variants were known as device layouts and device themes. NT: Generic variant, Targeted variant

W3C  [World Wide Web Consortium]

Develops interoperable technologies (specifications, guidelines, software, and tools) for the Web.

XDIME  [XHTML Device Independent Mark-up Extensions]

An XML vocabulary based on XHTML that is used to describe MCS content.


A version of XDIME conforming to current or proposed W3C standards (XHTML 2.0, XForms 1.0, DISelect 1.0 and CSS 2.1).