Frame layouts and regions

A web application can consist of a series of pages embedded within the body of another page, i.e. it is possible to nest XDIME 2 documents (i.e. html elements and their descendants) inside the body of another XDIME 2 document. In frame mode, each html element that is the first-level descendant of the root html element defines a frame page. A dynamic container for a frame page is called frame. Its position with the layout is specified by a frame region. The frame page contained within a frame can be replaced by another frame page as the user navigates through the application. Refer to Frames for more information about the frames model.

A web application can consist of a series of pages embedded within the body of another page, i.e. it is possible to nest XDIME 2 documents (i.e. html elements and their descendants) inside the body of another XDIME 2 document. In frame mode, each html element that is the first-level descendant of the root html element defines a frame page. A dynamic container for a frame page is called frame. Its position with the layout is specified by a frame region. The frame page contained within a frame can be replaced by another frame page as the user navigates through the application. Refer to Frames for more information about the frames model.

A frame layout is a canvas layout similar to a page layout in terms of the formats that it can contain, the only difference is that a frame layout must contain one and only one frame region.

The initial page of a frame is specified by using the mcs-container style property to target the html element that is the root of the frame page to the frame region associated with the frame. It is a non-fatal error if:

Frame region

A frame region is a special type of a region format that is allowed inside a frame layout. It determines the location within the layout where the content of the page that is associated with a frame will be placed. In order to distinguish a frame region from other regions, its Destination Area property needs to be set to 'Frame'. The ::mcs-frame pseudo-element can be used to target pages to a frame region.


In order to create a frame layout, page authors must manually edit the policy and add the type="frame" attribute to the canvasLayout element.



It is a fatal error if a frame region is a descendant of either a spatial or temporal iterator.

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