Configuring MCS and an application server

MCS and an application server must be configured to enable remote management of the device repository clients by the drManager utility.

MCS and an application server must be configured to enable remote management of the device repository clients by the drManager utility.

  1. Copy the file from the ${MCS_HOME}/ext directory to the common libs directory of your application server.

    If your application server exports a fixed set of MBean servers, then you must skip this step.

  2. Add the JNDI configuration to your server.xml file. The name of the JNDI resource must be the same as specified in the mcs-config.xml file.
    <Resource name="management/MBeanFactory" 

    If your application server exports a fixed set of MBean servers, then you must skip this step.

  3. Configure the MBean server in mcs-config.xml. If your application server supports custom objects in JNDI, then add the jndi-mbean-server element. Make sure it points to the JNDI datasource specified previously.

      <jndi-mbean-server initial-context="/mcs" name="management/MBeanFactory"/>

    If your application server exports a fixed set of MBeanServers through JNDI, then add the platform-mbean-server element.

  4. To enable monitoring, properties like the following must be used when starting the application server. Refer to your application server documentation for further information.

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