User interface components

The namespace prefix is ui and the namespace declaration is

The namespace prefix is ui and the namespace declaration is

Name Purpose

This component can be used to build low level custom components.


A button-like control used by the Client Framework 2.


This component provides a form control that allows users to choose between two possible states, e.g. on/off, true/false, etc.

Flexible Box

This component allows UI elements such as text input fields to expand or contract depending upon the width of the device.


Adds extra structure to documents.


This component provides a descriptive label for a Client Framework 2 input control.

List View

Page authors can use the list view component to present the data as a list of items. The component provides a window that contains a set of cells. Each cell contains the visual representation of an item. The window can be moved backwards and forwards to display different sets of items. The list of items is managed by a model, i.e. the model provides access to these items, and generates events when the model changes. The presentation of items is handled by a renderer that is responsible for turning the data into a form that can be displayed by the ui:list-view element.

List Model API

Provides methods that manage items to be presented by the List View component. The presentation of items is handled by a renderer that is responsible for turning the data into a form that can be displayed by the ui:list-view element.

List Model

Represents a JSON-based list model, i.e. a model that allows its contents to be specified using the XML representation of a data structure equivalent to JSON.

List Item Renderer API

Page authors can use the list view component to present the data as a list of items. The presentation of items is handled by a renderer that is responsible for turning the data into a form that can be displayed by the ui:list-view element. The list of items is managed by a model, i.e. the model provides access to these items, and generates events when the model changes.

List Item Renderer

A list item renderer that uses a combination of the Prototype and Client-side templates functionality to represent the rendering of a list item.

List Cell Layout

This component can be used to create and manage the list cell layout for a specified list view.


This component provides an input control that allows users to enter confidential or sensitive information such as passwords. The characters entered are obfuscated, i.e. they are not readable by anyone who can see the screen.


Provides a client-side factory for constructing multiple instances of the nested content.

Radio Button

A component that provides for selection of a single choice from a list of options.


This component allows client-side manipulation of elements with different stack levels.

Search Bar

Provides support for the search bar construct.


This component provides a form control that allows users to select one or more items from a list of options.

Slide View

This component is provided by the ui:slide-view element. The element displays slides from a specified set. It presents one slide at a time. All slides must be of the same size.

Slide Model API

Provides methods that manage the contents of the slides to be presented by the Slide View component. The presentation of slides is handled by a renderer that is responsible for turning the data into a DOM element which is then passed to the selected ui:slide-view element.

Slide Renderer API

Defines methods that render the contents of a slide provided by the corresponding slide model into a DOM Element that can then be displayed on an XDIME page by ui:slide-view.

Text Area

This component provides a multi-line input control for large amounts of text.

Text Field

This component provides a form control that allows the user to enter a short text.

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