Common components

The namespace prefix is cf2 and the namespace declaration is

The namespace prefix is cf2 and the namespace declaration is

Name Purpose

Binds two observable properties together.


Provides methods that simplify the task of creating classes.


This component provides a JavaScript API that enables web applications to use CometD for asynchronous communication between a web client and a web server. CometD implements the Bayeux protocol that allows for transporting messages via named channels. Messages can be transferred from a server to a client, from a client to a server, and from a client to a client (via the server). Refer to for more information.


This component provides support for constructing the Client Framework 2 XDIME pages. The page creation process is divided into several phases, and each component can add a JavaScript code to the selected phase. Refer to Constructing XDIME pages for further information.


Provides support for copying properties from one object to another.


Provides access to information from external data sources such as web services, or databases, leveraging the existing Dynamic Content Integration (DCI) infrastructure.


This component allows different elements of the Client Framework 2 to communicate with each other. It contains a set of registered handlers. Events can be dispatched to these handlers. Each handler is identified by the type of events it applies to, the function and the optional array of additional arguments, and can only be registered once. The same function can be registered for different types of events or different arguments.


Provides support for iterating over the properties of objects and the indexes of arrays.


This component provides a JavaScript API that abstracts away device specific APIs, allowing page authors to easily utilize the device's GPS capabilities. The cf2:Geolocator component uses this API to provide a simple mechanism for obtaining the location information within a Client Framework 2 application.


This component uses the API defined by the cf2:Geolocation component and provides a simple mechanism for obtaining the location information within a Client Framework 2 application. It exposes the current position, error information and options as properties that can be used by other components.


Mixin classes provide functionality intended to be used by different Client Framework 2 components. Please note that mixin classes cannot be instantiated, attempting to do so will result in an error being thrown.


An observable property is an object that contains a single value, and if modified will send events to any registered handlers. Each property has an owner that is supplied on the constructor, and a set of creation options.


Allow authors to easily define and use observable properties on a class. It adds observable property definitions to the prototype of an object, creates properties from the prototype definitions in the object initializer, and adds accessors for the property to the prototype.


An observable property set is an object that can contain a number of observable properties.


Specifies an event handler on a component.


Allows custom properties to be added to existing components and XDIME 2 elements.


This component allows applications to perform tasks after a specified period of time. It maintains a list of the cf2:TimerTask components sorted by the order in which they should be called. The timer calls the queue at the time specified by the first task in the queue. When it is called, the queue will remove the first task from the queue and then call it. If the task is a periodic task, then the queue will calculate the next time the task should be called, and will add it into the appropriate place in the queue. Adding and removing tasks may change the first task in the queue and so will cause the timer to be reset.


Represents a task in the timer queue. Refer to cf2:TimerQueue for further information.


This component provides methods that return information about the usable width and height, mode and orientation of the device viewport.


This component provides a JavaScript API that allows web applications to store and query large sets of structured data in a database embedded within a user's browser (i.e. a client-side SQLite database) for both online and offline usage. Page authors/developers can create applications that utilize SQL for data mining, searching, sorting, etc.


This component provides a JavaScript API that enables web applications to use the WebSocket protocol for communication with remote hosts. WebSocket data frames can be sent between the client and the server in full-duplex mode (i.e. in two directions simultaneously) without relying on multiple HTTP connections. The mechanism uses the Origin-based security model. Please refer to for more information about the WebSocket protocol.


Provides a limited form of currying. It can only handle a single level of currying, i.e. it returns a function that concatenates the arguments supplied to it to the end of the arguments supplied to the initial function, and then invokes the prefixed function.


Callback functions used by the Client Framework 2 may require decorating. This component can be applied in the following cases. If the selected function is a method on an object, then it will need a value of this to be passed to it. The cf2:js.Function#Bind component handles this situation by allowing a value for the this variable. If the function requires additional arguments that are not provided by the callback, then they need to be supplied before they are registered. This is handled in the same way as the v_prefix function. See cf2:js.Function#Prefix for details.

Web storage

Web storage is a mechanism that allows web-based applications to store information on the client-side. The mechanism can store information in two different storage areas: local storage and session storage. A local storage area is shared by all pages from the same origin, and can store information for more than a single session - in other words, a browser context can be closed and re-opened, and still have access to the stored data. A session storage area is shared by all pages from the same origin running within the same browser context, and it is intended to be used for keeping track of the application state as the user progresses through a series of pages. A session storage area discards the data as soon as the browser context is closed.


The content attribute of the cf2:uses meta property can contain a whitespace separated list of component ids from outside that are used from within the current scope, i.e. the components referenced by this meta property will be imported to the current scope.

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