Common form properties

The Checkbox, Password, Radio Button, Select, Text Area and Text Field components share some observable properties. See the following table for information.

The Checkbox, Password, Radio Button, Select, Text Area and Text Field components share some observable properties. See the following table for information.

Property Description Type Access
enabled Controls the enabled state of the component, i.e. the property specifies whether or not the form control is enabled. boolean read/write

Form components

The Client Framework 2 platform provides the following form controls:

Component Element Purpose
Checkbox ui:checkbox

This component provides a form control that allows users to choose between two possible states, e.g. on/off, true/false, etc.

Label ui:label

This component provides a descriptive label for a Client Framework 2 input control.

Password ui:password

This component provides an input control that allows users to enter confidential or sensitive information such as passwords. The characters entered are obfuscated, i.e. they are not readable by anyone who can see the screen.

Radio Button ui:radio

A component that provides for selection of a single choice from a list of options.

Select ui:select

This component provides a form control that allows users to select one or more items from a list of options.

Text Area ui:textarea

This component provides a multi-line input control for large amounts of text.

Text Field ui:textfield

This component provides a form control that allows the user to enter a short text.

n/a ui:optgroup

Used to group a number of ui:option elements.

n/a ui:option

A single option from a list of options.


The previous listed elements and the XForms elements should not be used on the same XDIME page.

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