Message logging and trace information when MAP is installed

There are log files when Media Access Proxy (MAP) is installed.

Log files

The following table lists the most common log files when MAP is installed.

Table 1. Common log files used with MAP
Log location Description
wp_profile_root/logs/server_name/SystemOut.log where server_name is the name of the application server to which the MAP is mapped. Contains startup messages and system output messages.
wp_profile_root/logs/server_name/SystemErr.log where server_name is the name of the application server to which the MAP is mapped. Contains errors from uncaught exceptions and system error messages.

The trace and log messages for Multi-Channel Server (MCS) and MAP are logged only to these files. This is true even if you enable diagnostic tracing to a trace file (for example, trace.log) from the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console.

For more information on using the Integrated Solutions Console to enable diagnostic tracing, see the WebSphere Application Server information center.

Note: MCS and MAP support multiple types of log messages and require additional steps to enable tracing.

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