Mobile Struts XDIME sample portlet

The Mobile Struts sample portlet serves as a model for how to write a Struts XDIME portlet.

Using Mobile Struts

The Mobile Struts sample portlet is an enhanced version of the MailReader Struts portlet that is packaged with the standard Struts distribution.

Setting up Mobile Struts

Client requirements
This portlet supports browsers and devices that are handled by the XDIME aggregator.
Server requirements
There are no special server requirements.
Deployment and installation
The Mobile Struts sample portlet is installed with the Mobile Portal Accelerator runtime components and also as a sample in the Mobile Portal Toolkit samples gallery. It can be found in the following location: wp_root/
Configuration parameters
There are no configuration parameters in this portlet.

Terms of use
(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2012. All Rights Reserved.