Directory location of XDIME aggregator JSPs
XDIME aggregator JSPs are located under the following
- Themes: wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/themes/xdime
- Screens: wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/screens/xdime
- Skins: wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/skins/xdime
Note: For background information about when to use each JSP type,
see the topic Designing and setting up a portal site in
the WebSphere® Portal product documentation.
Mobile Portal Accelerator installs
WebSphere Portal theme
that is used by the XDIME aggregator. Because only one theme is provided
with the XDIME aggregator, all of the XDIME aggregator JSPs are located
in the following directory:
wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/themes/xdimeNote: There
is not a theme subdirectory called
Tip: If you plan to customize
the XDIME aggregator JSPs, create your own theme and make all of your
JSP modifications within the theme's subdirectories.
XDIME aggregator JSPs and images are included in the MPATheme EAR,
you must update and redeploy the EAR if you add or modify an aggregator
JSP or image. See the topic Deploying updates to the MPATheme
EAR in this information center.