Designing your mobile portal

You can design portal pages to conform to the appearance and requirements of your website. You can add, remove, or change text. You can also select colors, images, links, borders, and the way in which the portal page is laid out.

IBM® Mobile Portal Accelerator enables you to change the appearance and layout of the portal and use the portal web-based user interface to switch to other predefined visual elements and layouts. Both navigation and portlet availability depend on several factors–including the markup accepted by the requesting device, group memberships, and metadata.

The Multi-Channel Server Client Framework is a platform that you can use to create XDIME 2 applications with a rich client-side user interface, for a wide range of devices. The Client Framework consists of two parts: a client-based widget library and server code that accesses the widget functions by using a combination of XDIME 2 markup and policy values. For details about the Client Framework and how you can use it to develop applications, see the Client Framework section of the Multi-Channel Server information center.

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