Location of images displayed by the XDIME aggregator

Images used by the XDIME aggregator should be placed in a specific location within the file system.

Place the images in the wp_profile_root/installedApps/node_name/MPATheme.ear/MPATheme.war/themes/xdime/images directory.

This corresponds to the following URL:

Because images in this directory are included in the MPATheme EAR, you must update and redeploy the EAR if you add or modify an image. See the topic Deploying updates to the MPATheme EAR in this information center.

Asset Group configuration example

Asset Group Name
Prefix URL

This configuration enables image assets that use the wp/themes asset group to be served directly by Portal with the added benefit that the fully qualified host name does not need to be specified to access the image.

Image Components

Image components for the XDIME aggregator are created in the /wp folder under Image Components. The wp/themes asset group must be specified for each image so that WebSphere® Portal can create the correct URL to locate the image.

For more information about image components, see the Multi-Channel Server Web Author's Guide.

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