Creating a Mobile version of the SC Menu News menu component

You will need to create a parallel SC Menu News menu component for XDIME.

About this task

The SC Menu News menu component contains HTML markup to display each of results of the menu. You will need to create a parallel SC Menu News menu component for XDIME.

Perform the following procedure to create this XDIME menu component.


  1. From the Web Content Manager portlet, click New and select Component > Menu.
  2. In the Name field, type SC Menu MobileNews.
  3. In the Menu Element Query section, select Authoring Templates and Site Areas.
    1. Under Authoring Templates, click Select Authoring Templates and select SC AT News.
    2. Under Site Areas, click Select Site Areas and select the News site area.
  4. In the Menu design properties section, set the options as follows:
    • Display order: Descending
    • Sort results: Publish Date, Title, and Description
    • Results per page: 5
    • Start page: 1
    • Maximum pages: 10
    • Pages to read ahead: 5
  5. In the Header field, type the following: <pane name="Pane3">
  6. In the Design for each menu search result field, type the following XDIME information:
    <img url="<Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="SC ImageFile" format="url"/>" />
    <p><strong><a href="<Placeholder tag="href"/>"><IDCmpnt context="autoFill" type="content" field="title"/></a></strong></p>
    <b>Profile: </b><ProfileCmpnt context="autoFill" type="content" field="categories" include="exact" separator=","/>
    <Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="SC Summary"/>
    [Published: <WorkflowCmpnt context="autoFill" type="content" field="publishdate" format="MMMM dd, yyyy"/>]
    When Image Conversion Service is used for images, change the SC ImageFile markup with an ICS URL as follows:
    • Replace:
      <img url="<Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="SC ImageFile" format="url"/>" />
    • With:
      <Element context="autoFill" type="content" key="SC ImageFile" start="<img alt='[ICSImg]' urlc='http://<ICS_HOST>:<ICS_PORT>/ics/ics" end="' />"/>
    Note the format of the urlc. For example, and ICS_PORT=9082, the urlc would be as follows:
    Note: Because Anonymous access is required for ICS to access Web Content Manager, you will need to set the following access options:
    1. In MyShowcase library, select My Items > Published.
    2. Select all of the elements by selecting the check box at the beginning of the column for each page. Make sure to proceed through all of the pages and select the box at the beginning of the column.
    3. Click More Actions and select Edit Access.
    4. For Access Level, select Read Access and click Add.
    5. Click Search.
    6. Select anonymous portal user and click OK.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Set anonymous access on the User role for the Mobile News page. For detailed instructions, refer to the topic Setting anonymous access on User role for the page.
    9. Set anonymous access on the User role for the SC Mobile News portlet. For detailed instructions, refer to the topic Setting anonymous access on User role for the portlet.
  7. In the Footer field, type the following: </pane>
  8. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

Once the menu component has been created, you will need to update the content Here's the News for the Company based on the new authoring template.

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