Setting anonymous access on the User role for the Mobile News page

You can set anonymous access on the User role for the Mobile News page.

Before you begin

To set this access option, you must be logged in WebSphere® Portal as administrator.

About this task

Perform the following steps to set this access option.


  1. Open WebSphere Portal Administration by clicking the Administration tab.
  2. Select Access > Resource Permissions.
  3. In the Resource Permissions portlet, under Select Resource Type, click Pages.
  4. In the Search field, type Mobile News (or the name of the page on which you placed the mobile content rendering portlet).
  5. In the Mobile News row, in the Assign Access column, click the "key" icon to set access permissions.
  6. In the User row, click the Edit Role icon.
  7. Verify that Anonymous Portal User is not listed under Members in Role and click Add.
  8. Select the Anonymous Portal User check box and click OK.
  9. Return to the previous page by clicking the name of the page in the navigation path. For example, for Select Resource Type > Pages > Mobile News > User, click Mobile News.
  10. Click Apply.

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